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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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  • Real Name
    Rafael Fonseca
  • Location
    Land of the burnings
  • Occupation
    Multimedia Engineer in the making


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  1. alright so uh dispensing the whole academic speech shtick I'mma get right to it: Life is happening and neither I nor Hylian appear to have time for it at this moment ssoooooo it's going on official hiatus (won't give up on it everrrrrrr). I would also like to say to everyone that showed interest and worked on this project with us in one way or another up to this point: Thank you very much, I'm sorry things got borked along the way but I encourage you to work on your current or future pieces you had planned to do for Archaeologist's Journal and put them up for judging on OCR, good luck and have a Merry Christmas.
  2. I will begin the work of getting back in touch with everyone soon, then I'll take a more active role in the project's leadership until hylian returns from the far lands. Assuming all goes well.
  3. Esteemed colleagues, it has been a long while has it not*? For my part I must apologize for this long absence but it was one that was out of my hands...for you see I have been deeply entrenched in a battle with a particularly tenacious and vitriolic strain of the mummy's curse**! As for professor Lemon, I cannot speak for him but I trust he too is mired in his own battles. This project is still very much alive, though perhaps more on life support. Though I hope you are all still in this struggle to have our names published in the most reputable of archaeological papers***! Thank you****. *We dropped the ball **Clinical Depression ***OCRemix's project forum and frontpage ****Plis forgibe, am sorri.
  4. I'm here about "The Archaeologist's Journal". I'm an eccentric but hard-working remixer/composer of Electronic music (I use a mixture of Musescore and FL Studio). I know I've been asking a lot to join projects but this one also seems cool. Here are some examples of my style.

    First is a remix of "King Ghidorah" (Godzilla NES) I did for a recent contest.

    Second is an original theme I wrote for Axel (Kingdom Hearts) based on his character (I wrote everything myself).

    Finally here is a remix of "Elm Street" (Nightmare on Elm Street NES) I did in honor of both Ansem (KH) and Freddy Krueger . 

    I know this probably isn't what you want but I could get suggestions and modify my music accordingly. I also admit I'm not good at mixing/production (I have to do that myself) and might need some advice on that. Please consider me an option and possibly judge my music.

    I also choose Tomb Raider 2's "Venice Level" as my theme and I'll probably add to it plenty.


    1. Mr. Bottle Rocket

      Mr. Bottle Rocket

      You definitely need some help with your mastering, the lows are too low and the highs too high but nothing like doing and getting feedback to improve eh? Welcome aboard, just be ready to check back with us on a monthly basis. :)

    2. Ronald Poe

      Ronald Poe

      Thanks! Got any mastering tips?

  5. Hello fellow tomb spelunkers! It's been a while since any of us senior professors posted here but I want to assure everyone that our warehouse of ancient relics of immeasurable worth is still being catalogued and efforts are being made to add to it. read: We've been getting bomb-ass tracks from our artists and we're still recruiting.
  6. Happy Easter fellow explorers of the past! Be sure to watch out for the risen undead when disturbing ancient reliquaries in your pursuit of knowledge and/or fortune!
  7. Roger that, we'll keep a leather chair warm for you at the explorer's club.
  8. Daniel Caton has now joined our team on the dig site, he has laid claim to Nate's Theme from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I've updated our google spreadsheet to reflect this.
  9. Excellent. I reckon you're safe on a time window to join this, we're in for a long bout of field work to get this journal filled up and ready for the scientific community.
  10. Awesome! Great to hear an update on that. Hylian and I have been a bit busy ourselves with ye olde life but we're still discussing how to best approach things like recruitment and project management so there's no rush, thank you for still having interest in joining in on this. Also, might I add that both of our current mixers have done a superb work on their tunes so far, I can't wait till the day everyone can hear these.
  11. quiplash is better than freedom planet.
  12. Let's all leave this thread to die a slow death of garp just endlessly bumping it with ever more absurd things. inb4 "Freedom Planet cures cancer!"
  13. Your case being you like making comparisons of apples and oranges to drive undue attention to something. Good to know. :T If anything you make a great point to not buy this game since you being the one pitching it to OCR resorts to such tactics.
  14. I've had a fair bit of experience with this title and I can honestly say the following: Comparing it to Undertale is clickbait, untrue and an unjust comparison. About the only thing you could say that FP comes close to being as good as Undertale is the soundtrack because it sure as heck doesn't deliver in either gameplay or storytelling, the latter of which is so in love with itself that it drones on and on and on without noticing (or perhaps even worse being aware of) that it is at most just bearable and very often completely cringe worthy. FP can be quite fun, don't get me wrong but this comparison is doing it nothing but a disservice.
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