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Everything posted by Metsubo

  1. YEAH WHAT HE SAID!(google search of myself brought this up LOL OLD!)
  2. So I traded it in today and got a new one, and this time I can play, but none of the cheats seem to be working anymore. Specifically hyper speed. :C
  3. I absolutely love the game. I like trying to beat Jordan on expert.
  4. So...yours does not do this?
  5. So you really think I just got a broken guitar?
  6. That's a different issue. Maybe, I don't know. My issue is that, as I have discovered, Guitar Hero is treating my controller as if it were a regular xbox 360 controller, and not reading it as a guitar.
  7. Hey guys long time no see. Anyway, long story short I hate Guitar Hero II for the 360 because the controller is borked right out of the box. None of the buttons work right and the green button hits orange and picks. Is this happening to anyone else or am I just an unlucky sob?
  8. Why, what is it? I've never clicked anyone's sig that wasn't specifically related to something I was interested in... Hold the mouse over it, and look at the URL. Then think "eel"
  9. I'd seed, but I took all of the files out of their individual folders, so now I have one collective folder, and last time I tried to seed, it didn't like that too much.......
  10. I'm writing this as I listen, and so far, I like what I hear. I loved the transition at 1:29. Everything is done so beautifully in this song. :3 OH SNAP! BOLERO OF FIRE! *shock* Beautifully done as well. Koji Kondo would be proud. Unknown is a king among men...A king among men...
  11. Why does he have to be from Texas? Bah. Anyways, I still like the song! w00t m4x!
  12. I am impressed. Very subtle , and the volume fades work really well. I like the dynamics and the overall feel of the remix. But I was moderately annoyed by the fact that the song wasn't listed in the remix information....
  13. This is oddly....a really good song. Hmm. I suppose you can't go wrong when you have such high calibur singing talent.
  14. This has become my new favorite OC Remix. The entire song is powerful, and meshes very well from orchestral intro to trance body. It's been a while since I heard a song I didn't want to stop, and this is one of those songs. Great song...
  15. This song relates nothing to 80's hair metal. I don't quite understand where that came from, but it's rather unrelated to this peice entirely. Andricon, you are making a gross generalization by saying that this sort of guitar sound, instantly equals 80's hair metal. Which is simply not true. This peice is a unique composition, and was orchestrated very well. I do not agree that he is deserving to be in the top 100 lists of guitarists, he isn't that skilled(well, it doesn't show on this track). He does deserve to get some recognition for his moderate ability to shred(although only momentarily). I do find this song compelling, but the review you posted was completely fabricated. Maybe if you try expanding your musical horizons, you will notice that not all music in a single genre, is under the same sub-genre. Hair-metal? No, my friend, not at all. Before you negatively review a song, please understand what you are writing about before-hand. Otherwise people will be offended, not only by harsh words, but by your blatant showing of ignorance. Edit: It seems I was very repetative in this review.....Great.
  16. Good song, and good remix. I like the upright bass..... a lot.
  17. This is one of the few songs that actually makes me a little sad that it's over. I heard the hung note that was spoken of, but it doesn't change the song overall in any way. The overall feel of this is good. This would be an awesome background music for the game instead. I could listen to this over and over again. It's a very good remix. The clarinet(I think)adds a good sound that keeps the happy upbeat remix a little down to earth.
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