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Everything posted by vindkast

  1. Why are you all posting when the topic asks you to just imagine? Personally, I feel very constricted by 3d games, especially when they use the over-the-shoulder camera view. It's a poor representation of the human field of vision, and it often pulls me out of the experience when I stop and think "that never would have happened / I never would have missed seeing that if I were actually there and could just turn my head instead of being forced to rely on some narrow-angle camera to swing around." I admire Nintendo's ambition with the Wii, but I think a little innovation in the area of perspective control would pay off a lot more than their innovation in gameplay control. It doesn't matter to me if I'm pressing something with my thumb or swinging my whole arm, if I still have to fumble with camera controls or deal with my character's apparent inability to just turn around goddamn it you're being attacked from behind, I'm going to get irrated and characterize it as poor gameplay. I know they've tried virtual reality (sort of) and failed gloriously, but isn't it about time they try again? Give me a gyroscoped helmet that lets me actually look around, and not only will I start playing video games again, I'll start playing genres I've never liked (like war simulations) just for the experience.
  2. I'm glad I looked through these songs. One of my favorite remixers has some songs in here that are good but (imo) not up to the standards of their more recent stuff, so it's great to be able to see how they have grown musically. That really makes me like that mixer more. I'll definitely listen through the others later.
  3. Put mustard on it.
  4. Vibrate My phone can't do ringtones, but if it could I'd make the ringer just the little "doo-ding!" chime that played when you turned on the original Gameboy. Or maybe the sound when you pause an NES game.
  5. Sad thing is, it's probably the site's fault but everybody's gonna make fun of the girl for it. A friend of mine was mentioned in a newspaper article once, and when they interviewed him he listed Cryptography as one of his interests. When the article came out, it said he liked "reading the barcodes on products in stores."
  6. I request a Nice Work Kirby. An NWK, if you will.
  7. bumplet for gauntlet. Just listened through them all It's sad that half of the actual Gauntlet soundtrack is just variations on the other songs, since I always liked the half that's there. edit: 3 (or 4?) of the songs used the lifeforce sample from Gauntlet 2
  8. The song that ice cream trucks play always worked for me.
  9. Well if you really want to know... The chances of fraud is much higher on overseas transactions (not to mention that the higher shipping cost makes overseas fraud much more expensive). American Express has much better fraud prevention/protection and a much larger worldwide presence than Visa, Mastercard, etc, so if it's much safer for merchants to accept it for overseas orders. And as ironic as it is that the card named "American" is the one they accept overseas, it's more ironic that it's the most popular card in the world but not in the United States. (Well, depending how you measure it.) ... [/amex contractor]
  10. Isn't that OLR's motto?
  11. I've asked Bren a million times to drop me from this project, but since he hasn't I guess I'll post a WIP It's short because I've started over literally a dozen times, and it's named deadend.mp3 for a reason. (Yoshi's theme) I don't think I'm going to be able to make something for this project. I simply don't know enough to do anything I want to do. Maybe in a couple weeks when I graduate into unemployment I'll have time to learn more and work on this again.
  12. Hey thread. I actually have something going that I really like. That's pretty much a new feeling for me But as usual, if anybody else wants Yoshi's Stage just grab it and go with it. I've started this thing over at least ten times now, so it'll be a miracle if I make a deadline. (Hopefully it's all been good practice though....)
  13. Thanks for both your replies. I do know about the strum tool and its use tho, as I said above. But yeah, it is handy I guess to clarify, I was looking more for tips like how to make it more human and less CLANG CLANG CLANG. Or C-L-A-N-G if I delay the notes/use the strumzier. For example, somebody just showed me a way to do the quieter strums between measures. (Sorry, I know none of the terminology.) That's certainly one way to make it seem more fluid.
  14. Hey Remixing... I'd be much happier musically if I could sequence strumming chords on an accoustic guitar. I use FLStudio, but I think this is more a guitar question than a software question. I don't play guitar, so I don't what notes to sequence to simulate what people actually do when they strum. I've gone through a bunch of guitar tutorials online, so I'm not asking for info on basic chords and strumming patterns (tho if you have tips...). What I'm asking is how to translate those things to sequencing and have it sound half-way decent, or at least not so disconnected. (And yes, I know about the "strumizer" in FLStudio.) For example, I've looked at midis to see how they do it, and noticed some quick back-to-back strums sequenced by having some of the notes of the first chord span two beats, while the notes of the second just hit very briefly. I think this is the sort of thing I should be looking for? But any advice at all would be appreciated. Or even midis/files/screenshots demonstrating suggestions or techniques.
  15. I posted this in the old thread, so I'll post it here too. If anyone wants my track (Yoshi's Stage), speak up and take it. Everything I've tried for it has failed, so surely somebody else can get something to work. (I still plan on trying to do something for this project, but since I have nothing done I can easily switch to a track no one wants.)
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