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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Instead, I just push the cartridge in and leave the loader up. I assume this isn't really a problem, it just makes me wonder if I put the NES back together slightly wrong or something.
    I noticed the same thing with my brother's NES after I fixed the connector, so most likely you put everything together correctly.

    On my brother's NES, you can load the cartridges normally, but sometimes you have to jiggle it around a little before it works properly. Usually pressing the cartridge down and moving it as far forward as possible does the trick.

  2. I don't know anything about the repair kits, but I have repaired a NES in the past without replacing the 72-pin connector. It's a bit tedious (you have to manually bend half the connector pins back into shape), but the results were successful: my brother's NES now works with every game; no flashing blue screens, no cartridge blowing. It makes the games harder to put in (I've heard a new connector does this as well), but it's well worth it.

    EDIT: Using a bit of generic electronics contact cleaner goes a long way as well.

  3. #1 Do (or did) you know about OCR's resources and guidelines, like the guides, the remixing forum, the #ocrwip irc channel, the checklist, the submission standards, the remixing tab, the tutorials category...?

    #2 What's the main thing you want from the wip board, what kind of feedback? Criticism, advice, suggestions, general opinion, help, encouragement... something else?

    #3 What motivates you to review (if you do)? Game, remixer, genre, thread popularity... or...?

    #4 Do you have an idea for improving the WIP board (see list), an observation you'd like to share, or something else to say about the WIP board and its use and quality?

    #5 Is there anything in particular that bothers you about the WIP board?

    1. Let's see... yep to all of the ones you've listed. I haven't visited the irc channel in ages, but I've popped in from time to time.

    2. When I post a WIP, I mainly want criticism and advice. Encouragement, or something telling me that they 'like it' without offering anything else, is nice, and I appreciate it, but it won't really help in the long run. (I know I'm guilty of doing that, but only when I genuinely feel there's nothing I can offer.)

    3. Typically it's the game or source tune. If I'm familiar with what's being remixed, I'm feel more inclined to leave comments and offer suggestions.

    4. Can't really think of anything offhand. Some of the suggestions you've listed are pretty good ideas, but I'm not sure if they'd be worth the effort.


    The only thing that I don't like receiving is when I specifically mention that something isn't done, and then get responses where they only mention how that one thing isn't done. ugh.
    Other than that, I can't think of anything else.
  4. The last seven songs on Project Chaos play just fine in WinAmp, but glitch when I add them to iTunes.
    That's been a known issue for quite some time now. Instructions to fix this problem were posted on the project's web page (back in December '06!):
    Hello people! I apologise for the wait on this, but we've had some difficulties trying to get a fixed batch of songs online. Now that the 'bad' batch has circulated so much it's impossible for us to really do anything about it; but we do have a fix that works and is relatively easy for you all:

    1) Download GoldWave

    2) Open up said WIP files in program (one at a time).

    3) "File, Save As" the same file name

    4) Problem solved.

    Credits go to Xenon Odyssey for this fix.

    Thank you for being patient!

  5. At this stage Im more intrested in my actual writing/structure than the overall sound of my work concidaring as many people tell me over and over the program I use sounds like shit anyways apparently so there probably is every missing frequency that can be missing.
    I understand your viewpoint, but in my opinion, both sound quality and arrangement are equally vital. I've listened to some of the stuff on your myspace page, and you already seem to have a bit of a knack for the arrangment aspect of things. I don't really see the point of examining the 'missing frequencies', but that being said, I also don't see the point of needlessly reducing the sound quality by using myspace, especially when there are other free alternatives available which are much better suited to sharing wips here in this forums.

    Now, as for your track: overall, 'tis good, but a few places could use a little more work. The transition at 0:30 is a little jarring; it's almost as if you're stopping one song and starting another. The 0:47-1:30 section is probably my favorite out of what you've got here. After this, it gets a tad repetitive, but there are still a few great ideas. I especially liked the Sandopolis reference at 2:13-2:27, but I could do without the section before it (1:59-2:11).

    As I mentioned in your Duck Tales WIP thread, your samples need a lot of work. There are some great (and FREE) soundfonts available, if you know where to look. (Some remixers artists have pages with the soundfonts they use, you might want to check them out.) The synths, while not bad, kinda border on being, well, generic sounding to me. I'm not sure what the software package you're using allows you to do, but I'd recommend toying with it and coming up with some more original sounds.

  6. the first thing that catches my attention there is the comment about the drums, they ARE real sounds.... cant really make them much better than that... perhaps some reverb might give them some colour but i like them kinda flat as they are...
    Yeah, some extra verb might do the trick. You could also try varying the levels and timing slightly to give it a more human sound.
    True some of the samples are kinda like a total 'midi rip' but I like to just breath life into old tunes and keep them pretty much cannon and not butcher them with originality cause overwise its not the same song hence why ocr isnt really the place for me and the judges plain out hate me haha.
    The thing is, I think you've already got a pretty good arrangement. I'm no judge (heck, I don't even have a remix on OCR!), but I think with a little more polish, you could have a passable, OCR-quality arrangement without "butchering it with originality" as you put it. (The samples themselves, though, are a completely different issue.)
  7. Like others have said, you need to ditch the Myspace player pronto. It's kinda hard to judge the sound quality when it's being butchered: on the myspace player, everything gets re-encoded to 96 kbps / 22 khz. Use a host that allows us to download the file. Personally, I like Tindeck.

    Overall, in terms of arrangement, I think you've got something good here. I was a little worried when I heard the section from 1:00-2:08 (and again at 3:50-4:09), which are nearly the same as the source, save for a few small embellishments (a few small changes to these sections wouldn't hurt in my opinion). Apart from these segments, the arrangement is great. I especially liked the intro.

    Some of your samples, however, leave much to be desired. A lot of them are only a hair better than general midi grade. Your drum sequencing in paticular seems held back by the lack of more realistic samples. There's plenty of free stuff available online if you're willing to look around a bit.

    In short: nice work on the arrangement, but you really need to beef up your samples.

  8. Excuse my language, but HOLY FUCK YES.

    from the article:

    This title is an action-adventure game with new, exclusive content and features created only for the WiiWare version
    omg omg omg


    and with the 2 touch screens, I don't like that either.
    I think you might have misread/misheard something.


  9. And that means you can only download Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Hedgehog Heaven album via Bit-Torrent. :-(


    That's not the only one that's down:

    With supertux going down, it seems that a lot of the album pages are left mirror-less

    A lot of the remix album pages still have supertux links: some projects list them exclusively, some list several non-working mirrors, and other album pages don't seem to load at all.

    This is probably already known and being dealt with, but I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, so I thought I'd bring it up.

    You know, just in case.

  10. With supertux going down, it seems that a lot of the album pages are left mirror-less

    A lot of the remix album pages still have supertux links: some projects list them exclusively, some list several non-working mirrors, and other album pages don't seem to load at all.

    This is probably already known and being dealt with, but I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, so I thought I'd bring it up.

    You know, just in case.

  11. i was wondering if the music on the site could also be categorized by style and genre. it would be so much easier searching for rock, trance, classical etc. music on the site. especially since some games have not been played by some people.
    The idea of searching by genre has been brought up plenty of times before. In most cases, the idea was shot down because it was believed that it would limit the exposure of certain remixes (ie: if a user searched exclusively for trance remixes, he'd miss out on all of the orchestral remixes, and vice versa, etc...).

    I think it was only recently that djp mentioned the possibility of a genre / tagging system being implemented in the future (see this thread, this post in particular).

    I hope I've summarized the situation well enough. :<

  12. Not a big fan of the dates now being below the title and author on the main page. I would prefer it being on top of it like it was before, so I can tell what remix(es) were posted after my last visit to the site.

    I agree, but for a different reason. Having the date to the left of the artist (ie: "2008-09-15 by analoq, Hemophiliac") just looks awkward to me.

    Though I should point out I like the new 'Latest Albums' section in the corner.

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