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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Where to begin...? This one certainly hasn't aged well.

    What we have here is basically a repetitive piano loop with an equally repetitive drum loop. The piano and drums fit together in a 'Bad Tuna' sort of way. The only real arrangement comes in the form of annoying arpeggio effects, and even then, it's essentially the same loop. At the halfway point, we are subjected to a guitar-like distortion applied to the piano, after which the same loops from the first half repeat again.

    I'd like to say something positive about this remix, but I can't find a single redeeming quality (except for the fact that it ends.) It's not good when things start getting annoyingly repetitive in the first 30 seconds, much less in the first 15. I don't really like saying this, but I feel it's warranted in this case: avoid this one (unless you are a sucker for punishment).

  2. First off, I like the ambient introduction; pretty good use of the stereo field.

    With the end of the ambiance and the entry of a (slightly grating) bass synth at 0:15 comes the beginnings of the recognizable NES Tetris music. Following this, we get the introduction of a drum track. It seems alright at first, but it quickly descends into a fairly basic kick-snare pattern for a period of time. To make things worse, the snare sample is not that great (and that's putting it lightly!). Simultaneously we are treated to a near-verbatim cover of the melody (although, there are some small changes that work well, such as in the last few bars of this section which facilitate a transition into the next part).

    Following this, we go into an original section, which despite sounding very little like the Tetris theme we were just listening to, is pretty enjoyable. The percussion is essentially non existent for this bit. However, the artist starts building up layers of synths and sound effects, creating what I guess could be considered the climax of this piece. Even though it isn't half bad, I think it would've been nice if there was some sort of building, driving beat to go along with this.

    We now return to the Tetris theme, which is essentially the same as before. The only real difference: in addition to the bad snare sample, we now have a bad orchestra hit sample on top of everything else. It simply continues like this until the lackluster ending.

    Even though I like the original NES version of the theme, I find that the original sections are the highlights of the remix. If the Tetris theme sections were arranged to be more like the artist's original parts, than this would be great. Instead, we're left with the good original section sandwiched between two identical slices of the Tetris theme served with a side of bad samples.

  3. I found a review of the game on a Spanish Aerosmith messageboard in which the reviewer states that there was a soundtrack CD with a couple of riffs not used in Aerosmith songs.

    (Well, according to the google translation, anyway. It might be advisable to ask someone who actually knows Spanish to confirm that.)

    EDIT: This site says there was a soundtrack CD too, but there's no indication of what was actually on it.

  4. It's about damn time we had a new Yoshi's Island mix!

    The intro is great. The orchestral-esque instruments work well with the building electronic elements. I like the gated strings (0:34-0:45), it's a shame they're not featured more prominently in the rest of the song. Nice work with the 3/4 -> 4/4 adaptation, like the judges noted it doesn't seem overly forced. I loved the changes of pace at 3:23 and 4:05 (nice soloing!), but the sudden ending leaves me wishing there was more. Overall, though, I thought the remix was great..

    (btw, djp, it's not a remix of Underground BGM as you currently have indicated in the remix information, it's the castle / fortress music.)

    edit: looks like that has been taken care of.)

  5. The new, bitchin' Mazedude remix doesn't have a review thread. This makes me sad, as I have nowhere to talk about how awesome it is.
    6. There's sometimes a delay between when the newest mixes are posted and when they become "reviewable". You may need to wait a bit - it's not a bug.

    I think that explains it.

    EDIT: Rather than double-post, I figured I'd just edit this one.

    On ALL of the song pages (this one, for example), the links to the game's page lead to 404s. They are using what appears to be an older, numerical url (in the previous example: http://www.ocremix.org/game/70/), whereas the correct links are modeled after the game name (http://www.ocremix.org/game/xenogears-ps1/).

    This only affects the two upper links, and not the ones in the table listing the remixes.



    Here's a WIP that I started for Dyne's OverClocked Christmas project.

    Current Version: December 15 - WIP 3

    What's new: 'tweaked' mixing, slight tempo changes throughout the song, other small changes here and there.

    What's old: violin sample. I've yet to find anything free that sounds any better. Suggestions plz!

    Old version: November 27 - WIP 2

    Older version: November 26 - WIP 1

    It borrows some compositional elements from Enya's Only Time (mainly the pizzicato strings). However, everything else is either my original work or based on the original song.

    I only started working on this yesterday, so consequently it's still kind of rough.

    Everything thus far has been made using free soundfonts from various locations. I'd like to replace the violin sample with something a little better, so if anyone has anything better to share let me know.

  7. Even though the ytmnd page doesn't use Russel Cox's remix, this thread did inspire me to listen to it again; thanks for that.

    For anyone who has not played Animal Crossing, there's a character in AC named "Mom" who sends you really corny letters.
    Thanks for ruining it for me.

    Although... it'd be even more sad if the guy who created this thought the letters and gifts were from his real mom, and didn't realize that those letters were from the NPC "mom".

  8. I agree that it's definitely not sampled, but I can easily see how someone could think that.

    The string bit that sounds like CT is from a song called "The Love We Share Is The Greatest Of Them All" by Tom Brock (released in 1974). The pitch is altered, and some bits are edited, but apart from that it's the same.

    So yeah, mythbusted.

    EDIT: Here's a sample of each, for comparison purposes:


    First 20 seconds are from the Tom Brock song, the last 20 seconds are from "Say Hello"

  9. I'm on my first, and it's total crap. You think I could have -some- quality for 75 bucks. It's an ilo, two gigs. Barely enough to hold one freakin' work day of music.
    2 gigs not enough for a workday's worth of music? I've got an iRiver iFP-899, which is only one gig, and I can squeeze upwards of 280 songs on it. I currently have 283 songs (19h:52m), which I think would be more than enough for a workday. I just swap out songs as I get tired of them, so I constantly have a fresh playlist. (I convert everything to q3 or q4 OGG Vorbis, which doesn't sound all that bad for the filesize.)

    As for why I use the iFP: Well, the OGG support, for one. Plus, it's got an FM tuner/recorder, a decent built-in microphone, and a line-in/external mic input. It's damn useful for instances where lugging around recording equipment isn't an option. The pre-programed eq. presets, and the ability to set your own is a pretty neat option as well.


    The battery's in the process of dying, though, so I'll need to crack it open and perform battery-replacement surgery before too long.

    Another reason why I like my iRiver: it runs on a standard AA battery. I'm using an old, modified Kodak battery pack and charger, and I get a good weeks worth of use on a single charge.

  10. I've been using Winamp as long as I've had a windows computer. It plays nearly everything, and lately they've been adding a lot of transcoding tools which make it extremely useful for converting for my Mp3 player.

    I don't really use the library features, though. I rarely have more than 5 gigs of music (some of that's lossless) on my hard drive at a time, and most of it eventually gets archived to a DVDR. I use a disc cataloging program (Advanced Disc Catalog) to keep track of everything instead.

  11. Beginning is sure reminiscent of the Castle Theme from Super Mario World.
    I thought the same thing. Would be awesome to hear something similar to this on OCR.

    As for the rest of the song: I think it's pretty good. I'm not quite feeling the vocals, but the rest of it is alright. I'll definitely be checking out this band's other music.

    By the way, is there any reason why a band would post a radio rip on their official myspace? I've heard the incomprehensible words (heard as the song's fading out) on other radio rips from Zane Lowe's show. Plus, the version on their player is EXACTLY the same as the BBC Radio One recording that's been circulating online for the last week (save for the shitty myspace 96kbps/22khz bitrate).

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