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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Can someone please recommend a good free anti-virus/spyware program?

    I'm going to reformat shortly, and I'm not sure if I want to go back to any of the ones I've previously used (Norton, AntiVir, some other crap one I forget).

    I've been using AVG for antivirus, and Spybot for spyware.

    As for everything else:

    browser: Firefox, with IE tab plugin for the scattered page that requires Internet Explorer

    media: Winamp for most audio and video, and Real Alternative / Quicktime Alternative for everything else.

    emulators: ZSNES, Kega Fusion, Project64, Nestopia, Visual Boy Advance for GBA/GB, and No$GBA for DS

    instant messaging: I've been using Windows Live Messenger as my main client, and I use trillian for AIM and IRC.

    torrents: uTorrent.

  2. the clicks you hear aren't artifacts, they're the natural sounds of pads closing. you're hearing the g# key of my soprano sticking, actually.
    I'm not quite convinced. Even though I'm admittedly not that familiar with saxophones, I'm pretty sure that what I'm hearing isn't a closing or sticking pad (well, I'm hearing those too, but that's not what I'm talking about :-P) The clicks I am talking about have a very distinct sound. Even when looking at the file in an audio editor, the two sounds have a very different appearance.


    On the left is one of the louder of the pad closing clicks (from approximately 0:21). Notice how it's longer and unevenly spread among the frequencies. Compare that to the image of what I believe to be an unintentional click (0:41, right channel only), which is compact and evenly spread out among the frequencies. It seems unlikely that this sound is caused by a closing or sticking pad. Actually, it more closely resembles the kind of click you might hear on a vinyl record:


    (the scale is different in this image, so it appears narrower.)

    It's those clicks which I attempted to clean up, not the natural pad-closing clicks.

    Also, please know that I'm not trying to start an argument or anything like that. I like horn arrangements in general, and I sincerely love the song (and the rest of the project, for that matter!) I'm just, like I stated before, very nit-picky when it comes to this sort of thing.

    Too picky, perhaps.

  3. I'm part way through listening to the project now for the first time, and so far, it's pretty impressive.

    (and now, the reason I made this post:)

    I'm listening to track 4 (Starbright), and there seem to be several obviously unintentional clicks in the song. At first, I thought it might have been just a botched torrent download, but they're also there in the MP3s mirrored on the site.

    The clicks become most noticeable around 1:44, 2:10, and 2:38. It almost sounds as if it was ripped from a damaged CD or something.

    Normally, I'd ask if a fixed version could be posted (I'm very nit-picky about this kinda thing), but given the circumstances, it's probably not going to be available.

    Instead, I've taken the liberty of attempting to 'repair' the track. I've done my best to preserve the unaffected parts; all of the de-clicking was applied manually and very selectively. I've also encoded the MP3 at a higher bitrate in an attempt to reduce transcoding losses.


  4. I've got JUST the thing to add to this thread.

    Automated Mario levels. I think they use the slide physics a lot because in some videos Mario's feet look so dang slippery. Enjoy.









    Numbers 5, 7, and 8 are so amazing! It must have taken a long time to make art like this. ^_^

    Does anyone know where I can find that hack? I'd prefer to be able to watch these with the audio in sync.

  5. Electronic / Hip Hop

    Ratatat: myspace - official site

    I'm honestly not sure how I would describe the music of Ratatat (I've never been that good with genres). It's like an amalgamation of rock, electronica, and hip hop elements, and yet, it doesn't seem to fit in either of these categories. While their work is largely instrumental, they have released several hip hop remix albums, the latest of which is available as a free download on their web site.

    I first heard these guys in a

    , and after checking out the 'Classics', I was hooked. Their music has this... I don't know... enthusiasm, and always puts me into a good mood.

    Recommended songs: Lex (from Classics, 2006); Tacobel Canon (from Classics, 2006); Seventeen Years (from Ratatat, 2004)

  6. -Cell Phone (Samsung SPH-a580)

    -Camera (GE A830)

    -Barenaked Ladies: Talk To The Hand (Live CD/DVD)

    -Led Zeppelin: Early Days and Latter Days (2CD)

    -Harry Potter and the Order Of The Pheonix (DVD)

    -Ken Follett: The Pillars of the Earth (novel, hadn't heard of it before, looks interesting)

    -Touch-screen Chess game

    -A poster, which I haven't opened yet, so I don't really know what it is.

    Plus, some 'gifts' to myself:

    -RCA Vinyl Record Care Kit (gave one to my brother as well)

    -Two 2GB SD Memory Cards (yay for boxing day sales!)

    I never got much gaming-related stuff this year, but that's understandable considering I only have a GBA and a laptop that's hardly powerful enough to run anything. My younger brother, on the other hand, received Tetris DS, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Sonic Rush, so I plan to have a go at those before I head back for university.

  7. Expect a PM with my track early tomorrow morning. There's still a few small changes I'd like to make to mine before I sub it. It's no where near as complete as I originally planned it to be, but some of my ideas simply were too difficult for me to implement successfully. However, I feel the version I have now is still worth including in the project.

    EDIT: Sorry... it's taking a bit longer than expected. I'm rendering what is hopefully the finalized version now.

    By the way, since Ryan doesn't actively check out the boards here, he probably won't see the message you have posted, Dyne. The impression I was getting from him was that if no one recorded vocals for his Mary, Did You Know, the current, instrumental version would be the final version. I feel pretty comfortable saying that even if he doesn't get in touch with you in the next few days, you can include the track anyway.

  8. When browsing emulators alphabetically (ie clicking one of the letters on the top of the page, and then clicking the emulator tab), the list shows up as blank. Using the letter Z, for example:


    I'm not sure if this a side effect of the new listing format that was introduced recently.

    I'm running Firefox on Windows XP, if that helps.

    EDIT: Happens in IE7 too.

  9. Hey, I'm having trouble playing all the WIPs.

    The instructions for fixing this problem were posted on the project website.

    Hello people! I apologise for the wait on this, but we've had some difficulties trying to get a fixed batch of songs online. Now that the 'bad' batch has circulated so much it's impossible for us to really do anything about it; but we do have a fix that works and is relatively easy for you all:

    1) Download GoldWave

    2) Open up said WIP files in program (one at a time).

    3) "File, Save As" the same file name

    4) Problem solved.

    Credits go to Xenon Odyssey for this fix.

    Thank you for being patient!

  10. ok which brings me to the main question: the USB turntable... is it pads or an actual vinyl?

    my fingers are used to real vinyl but i dunno what options i have

    I would think he's talking about a regular turnable with a USB interface. I've never used one myself. I'm pretty sure the majority of them are belt driven, though. I'm no DJ, but I've read that direct drive is preferred.

    (EDIT: Upon closer inspection, it looks like there are several USB turntables of the direct drive variety.)

  11. I'm really glad to see all this interest in the project. Looks like we might get an album's worth of music after all!

    Progress has been greatly slowed on my track, though. I'm just about to start final exams, so those are taking priority at the moment. However, I'm done on the 14th, giving me a handful of days to finish things up.

    In the meantime, though, I'd REALLY appreciate some feedback.

  12. "Neither CNET Networks nor GameSpot has ever allowed its advertising business to affect its editorial content," said Greg Brannan, CNET Networks Entertainment's vice president of programming. "The accusations in the media that it has done so are unsubstantiated and untrue. Jeff's departure stemmed from internal reasons unrelated to any buyer of advertising on GameSpot."


  13. Is anyone aware of this? Browsing by songs, the game links are all dead.
    Yeah, I pointed that out a few days ago:
    On ALL of the song pages (this one, for example), the links to the game's page lead to 404s. They are using what appears to be an older, numerical url (in the previous example: http://www.ocremix.org/game/70/), whereas the correct links are modeled after the game name (http://www.ocremix.org/game/xenogears-ps1/).

    This only affects the two upper links, and not the ones in the table listing the remixes.


  14. I've been using Winamp to do this. I can simply right click a song in my playlist, and send it to a plugin called Nullsoft Format Converter (which I'm pretty sure comes with Winamp), and very quickly covert from one format to another. There the rare times, though, that things don't work as they should, so be sure to check the outputted files before deleting the original.

    It really comes in handy when I want to convert a higher bitrate file into a lower bitrate OGG for my portable player.

    I'm pretty sure that foobar2000 is capable of this as well, but I haven't used it in a while, so I'm not sure.

    Drack is right about the transcoding losses. If you do convert your OGGs to MP3s, I'd recommend keeping the original OGG as well.

  15. This isn't too bad of an idea.

    Since there are so many mixes on this site, maybe we should post links to stuff we recently reviewed and recommend(force) people to go review what we just did?

    That's not a bad idea either. If anything, it'll help draw more attention to the mixes with few reviews.

    Here's what I've covered so far:

    OCR00258: Tetris 'TechtrisTypeZ' (which, up until this morning, was the song with the least number of reviews.)

    OCR00196: Frogger 'StompBox'

    OCR00302: Ultraman 2 'vs. Brazil'

  16. I usually like to start my listening experience by comparing the remix to the source tune, especially if I'm not familiar with it. In this case, I had no luck finding one. The remix page lists this as an SNES game released in 1996. The closest thing I can find that even partially matches this is a game called SD Ultra Battle: Ultraman Densetsu, a game for which I cannot find an SPC dump.

    I did manage to track down an Ultraman 2 - Shutsugeki Katoku Tai Famicom Disk System rom, however. The game's opening theme is the same as the chiptune sampled in the intro of this remix. This leads me to believe that the information in the OCR database is incorrect, and that this is a remix of the FDS game rather than the SNES game.

    ...and now that that's out of the way...

    I like this. It has this upbeat, almost 'bouncy' feel to it.

    The lead synths have this long, distant quality to them; yet they still manage to stay in the foreground. It works well, creating an interesting contrast with the chirpy staccato bass and drum tracks.

    There are a few detractors, though. I personally could do away with the sporadic distorted effects that come in at 1:21. As well, it would be nice if there was some more variation in the synth bass line; it's essentially copied from the source. Apart from this, the arrangement is alright. It doesn't stray to far from the original, yet still manages to do it's own thing. In a way, it vaguely reminds me of a certain early 70's synthesizer album that I am rather fond of.

    Good stuff.

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