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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Holy crap. That makes absolute sense.
  2. If you can run and jump with this gun, but also aim by tilting the control stick up and down, how likely is it that you hit the control stick up to jump as well? I mean, sure, maybe they force you to stop and hold a button to adjust your aim, but that seems unlikely given the description of running and shooting.
  3. I was just talking with some friends about this (one of them finally got around to watching it a couple nights ago) and I don't know why it never occurred to me, but it seems like it would be an entirely plausible move for them to open next season from the end of the last flash forward in this finale, and then go from there with the main show while making the flashbacks be focused on what happened to get them off the island. It would be a refreshing and probably intriguing move to switch up the formula (so instead of trying to get off and remembering life before the island, Jack is trying to get back on and remembering life on the island). The more I think about it, the more I sort of hope they do it.
  4. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6150506.html Eleventh paragraph down. Also, we know there will be some Wiimote functionality, but as far as I'm aware they're leery about including it in the main gameplay. At the moment I can't find the source for that, however.
  5. Sakurai, for starters. At least, they've said they've discovered that attempting to incorporate too much motion-sensing control is not a good thing, and I think this is something of a confirmation that that's still what they believe.
  6. The Nunchuk has a control stick. The Wiimote has no control stick; the Nunchuk is separate from the Wiimote. That is why they have two different names, and that is why I included "/classic control." Not Classic Controller, classic control, meaning they're sticking to the basics and not doing anything crazy like making you aim items with the Wiimote. So... Shut up.
  7. Today's update does confirm one important thing: Gamecube/classic control. "Tilt the control stick"? Doesn't seem like they're even hoping to optimize Wiimote control, which is relieving to me.
  8. So I managed to get a hold of a Polar White DS Lite today. Not only does it feel good in my hands, but holy shit is Phoenix Wright a good game. There's a part in the second chapter when Gumshoe is on the stand, and when you press him for mentioning "hard evidence" even though he provided none, he says, "D-Did I say that?" And then Phoenix, the judge, and even Edgeworth all in turn say, "You did say that." Hilarious. The music's not too shabby either.
  9. It's a good idea, but like you say, it banks on having enough voters to make up two categories. Maybe cutting the categories differently, with the popular vote being anyone without a current submission and the other being only those competing in any given round?
  10. Forget hand-killing minigames... the original Mario Party was a controller-killer. My friends and I broke at least three joysticks back in the day... when they went limp you knew they'd been loved. I just played a quick round of Mario Party 8 with my bro and it's kind of fun... the CPU had the cheapest luck, though, even on Easy. I'm thinking it'll be insanely awesome with four guys who are likely to punch each other for any minor victory. Can't wait to try that out.
  11. Yeah I just bought it today at the local Gamestop.
  12. In other words, a retard? Possibly a Shakespearean or Victorian retard? But pink is not a special title. In that case you should not capitalize pink. It's not that I would refuse a pink DS. But I'm paying for it and I want to bloody pay for a white DS.
  13. Who the hell capitalizes colors?
  14. Uhhh okay?
  15. So I picked up Phoenix Wright, but have no DS to play it on. The only color Lite any of the stores near me had was pink. I could settle for a black instead of the white I want, but no pink. Maybe they'll get some with their Mario Party shipment tomorrow and I can pick up both at once.
  16. If we're afraid of alt accounts, one measure we could take would be to ask mods/admin to check the IPs of voters and ensure no two are identical. But honestly? With the current group, I wouldn't be terribly concerned of shady deals.
  17. I'm hoping I can pick this up today, and should have an opportunity to party all night within the next couple of weeks. It sounds like it could be very exciting. It only requires the Wiimote, right? I don't have 4 Nunchuks.
  18. If you hadn't already decided, I'd say you should keep a tradition of "____ Boss Month," and this could be something like "First Boss Month" or "Penultimate Boss Month."
  19. Wow, that's a very close-knit spread. The voting procedure probably could use a change, but we do have till July to discuss it so I'm going to take my time to think about it.
  20. Says the guy who heard all the latest intel from a Nintendo rep who gave him a free Wii six months ago.
  21. Also I'm pretty sure motion-sensing control in the main gameplay was flat-out denied, optional scheme or not. Relegated to menu/potential mini-game status.
  22. So I spotted the latest deals at EBGamestop online Saturday and went over to trade in several games I'll never play again (Red Steel, Call of Duty 3, Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart Double Dash and Tales of Phantasia) along with my old DS for some $130 in credit. I paid off a reserve for Mario Party 8 and with the credit on my card from something long ago found myself with $117. So I'm going in tomorrow with Sonic and the Secret Rings to pick up a DS Lite. Yippee. The exciting part? I just noticed another part of their latest ad advertising the original Phoenix Wright for $19.99, and after checking availability it looks like all the stores near me have several copies, so I'll probably shell out the cash for that and I'll finally get to play it. I was kind of pissed off for the longest while when it looked like no one carried it new and I couldn't find it used any more. The bad part? After that I'll probably want to buy Phoenix Wright 2, and then have to save up for Phoenix Wright 3. There's $60 more down the drain.
  23. Motion sensing control has been confirmed not to be for the main gameplay. That article's nothing more than phony guesswork.
  24. Well, we've known those have been "in development" for quite some time... a lot of the article is simply making a big deal out of previously confirmed vague statements and such. However, the key to calling it fake is that he claimed motion-sensing control was an option in Brawl's main gameplay. We've been told Brawl will feature motion-sensing control to some degree, but not in the main gameplay. Also, as someone mentioned in the comments on that page, if he knew the next new character and really wanted to "keep us informed," he would have been out with it. As it is you know he's pussyfooting his way around to keep from being revealed as the big phony he is come the next public announcement, probably at/after E3.
  25. You don't get a win, but the other person loses points. Also, I was just reading the Wikipedia article on Strikers and it gave a very plausible reason for using individual friend codes: each friend code is attached to a specific Mii, not console/game combo, so you can have multiple stats for multiple people all on the same console. If everything just used the console's Wii code, this would not be possible. Although a still-better solution would be to attach universal friend codes to the Miis instead of making each game-specific.
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