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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
  2. The reason I suggest there will be no fourth race is because Blizzard has explicity stated so: sixth paragraph down.
  3. When Kate said "he" would be wondering where she was, it sounded like there was a touch of fear in her voice, as though there would be consequences if she disobeyed... and given the level of desperation Jack has been driven to, I wonder if in this flash forward they aren't exactly free to live their lives as they would. Perhaps there is an undisclosed cost to their "rescue" by Naomi's crew. And perhaps, in exchange for making the decisions that led to that rescue, they allowed Jack to escape that cost--only to really give him a much harsher psychological toll, knowing that the price of his return to the rest of the world without any catches was essentially the lives of every other Lostie.
  4. I would request a switch to Imagist, but then I'd have to come up with new signatures.
  5. It makes me smile when people still think this is a possibility.
  6. Or because they are written to be friendly to both young and old, like everything else Wii-related.
  7. Don't you think it's unfair to assume the writers haven't known what's going on from the beginning and are just chucking random stuff at viewers to drag it out? You could say that about any incomplete series and it's be no different, but if you do that you must not watch much television. Most primetime TV shows are designed first to hold enough interest for the initial 13-episode run to stay on the air and second to have enough material to last 100 episodes, which has been the traditional magic number for regaining production losses and making bank. Although the magic 100 is no longer applicable in the world of changing technology (viewers watching shows later than the debut time slot through TiVo and online services, downloading episodes from pay services like iTunes), the producers have stated this was their original goal and they're not exactly going far beyond it with 48 more episodes beyond the, what, 72 or so already aired? Plus, they have the rare advantage of knowing and announcing an end ahead of time. Most shows do what you seem to believe Lost has been doing and just milk every ounce out of a franchise or limited story until the show dies bitterly. However, knowing that the end is coming, the producers can switch from rising to falling action and design everything to end very appropriately. How is that milking, to purposefully and intentionally bring a show to its end? If anything, Lost is doing much less in that department than most other primetime shows running for more than a couple of seasons.
  8. You do realize there are only 48 episodes left, period, right? The producers confirmed there will be only three more seasons of 16 episodes each (running nonstop from January to May) and then it's over. That sounds like a finite ending to me.
  9. All right, PM ballots are fine if you do post the vote spread.
  10. Just watched. The entire sequence with Hurley crashing out of the jungle, Sayid breaking a neck with his legs, and Sawyer shooting Tom "for taking the kid off the raft" was my favorite scene, with Charlie's death coming in close second. I loved Charlie as a character, but honestly, how awful and anticlimactic would it have been for him to escape death once again? I was already peeved enough that he lived through the last episode, because it was simply time for him to die. I think that's the sort of thing that he knew intrinsically as well. As far as the logistics of it, you have to understand--if he hadn't shut Desmond out of that room, Desmond would have done everything he could to remain with the equipment and Penny's transmission, even to the point of risking his life. With that transmission Charlie knew that Desmond had something to live for, and he wasn't about to let Desmond throw his life away before reuniting with Penny. Charlie was content to have given Claire and Aaron a way off the island, so he did what he had to do. Plus, the death scene was the only real emotional part of the entire episode that didn't involve Jack and Kate, and I was seriously just gaping at the screen throughout. We might get flashforwards from now on, going from the most distant future to most recent until--well, who knows what? It just seems fitting, now that they've only got 48 more episodes across 3 more seasons to wind everything down, to switch up the formula. Like someone else said, we've already learned almost everything relevant there is to learn from the past; it's time to see the present meet the future. However, I have read comments from the show's writers and producers regarding the remaining 48 episodes that refer to the series finale as one to be "highly anticipated." This might mean that we will get little to no further information about the future, and the entire show will lead up to an explanation of what caused Jack to be so desperate and why Kate is reluctant to acknowledge what happened. Whatever happens now, we know it can't be good for Jack to go from completely confident that he's in the right to suicidal regreat about his "mistake." And we will know forever more that not only is Locke right, he's completely bad ass.
  11. Tomorrow's the release date in Europe.
  12. Well, that's the thing. I got used to it being in the threads, before the vBulletin switch. As far as people being influenced, well, I'd say that if people are not strong enough in their conviction to vote as they and they alone feel is best, then it would be better to have more conformist votes than flimsy and ignorant votes. I can't see influenced opinions being a bigger issue than unsure, unfounded, uninformed or random opinions, so if you're worried about either occurring at all I would be more concerned about the latter set. Also, this is just me, but I kind of like seeing the vote spread. It gives me a good idea of how much a victory is achieved or if a piece (most particularly my own) wasn't well received, which is in my opinion very vital feedback. If we're not going to do open votes, then perhaps we could at least receive a more comprehensive coverage of the results, like how many votes each piece received.
  13. So, can we go back to actually voting in the thread? It just makes so much more sense, to me, and I think we should all be mature enough not to be offended by the vote spread (or lack thereof). You even kept the old part about making honorable mentions in the voting rules, which is something that's not done via PMs.
  14. The guy who narrated the gameplay video needs to expand his vocabulary. If I hear "serious threat," "additional firepower" or "perfect counter" one more time, I'm... well, I'll just be slightly more miffed at him.
  15. Same here I think, although I may actually be playing it while at school before classes start. Or at my brother's house before I can move in.
  16. So I just got around to watching the actual gameplay demo and I must say it looks very impressive. The added functionality in the height dimension (Collosus just walking up and down edges, Reapers leaping over them, ship parts either falling to the ground or into the abyss of space) is neat. They do seem to be adding a lot of very familiar sci-fi elements, however, and I'm not sure how I feel about the Protoss becoming more and more like the generic technologically advanced alien race of pretty much every other work in the genre. Star Wars with the immortals, War of the Worlds with the Collosus, Independence Day with the Mothership? Hell, who am I kidding? It's all still great. Time to go actually beat the original campaigns.
  17. IIRC Zune has no podcast support at the moment. This is one of many (and I mean many) features Microsoft has promised it is looking into for future firmware or hardware incarnations of the Zune which already come standard on many comparable players.
  18. Except when that customer service involves implementing new features customers ask for, like decent online service--or online service at all.
  19. That's funny, add A Link to the Past, Kirby's Dreamland and Super Castlevania IV and you've got my VC collection.
  20. Now that I think back, the real reason I paid $7.25 was to see the trailers for Ocean's Thirteen and The Bourne Ultimatum. Also, the Harry Potter 5 trailer was grotesquely intense. I swear there was a colorful explosion in every other shot, and I can't wait to see it.
  21. And I said that no one was talking about Sandman. You said "he didn't get killed" in response to Bigfoot's suggestion that it was the guy Peter thought killed his uncle, but that was erroneous; the guy Peter thought killed his uncle did, in fact, die. I understand perfectly what you meant in regards to Sandman, but you're the only one who was mistakenly referring to him. Critical reading saves lives, folks.
  22. Then you're not on the same level, because Sandman did kill Peter's uncle. The other guy, who Peter thought killed his uncle until he found out about Sandman, died in the first movie (although that still doesn't fit the ticket of "appearing to die in Spider-Man 3").
  23. So you do have to purchase it from Best Buy with a warranty? Rats.
  24. You are posting in this thread because...? I mean, if you're going to troll, at least concoct half-assed, only semi-ignorant rationalizations for your retarded dismissals of pretty thoroughly and justifiably acclaimed games like Injin would.
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