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Everything posted by Theophany

  1. Hey, you can send your remix as a private message to me or Emunator :)

  2. Hey everyone, In 20 minutes we are doing a LIVE countdown to celebrate the end of the DUST fundraising campaign on Kickstarter. We have raised $98,000 and counting, and with just one hour left, most of Team Dust is already here for the party. For everyone who helped out by voting and even backing the project, and to ocremix for blasting us out in an update, I want to give you guys one last heartfelt thanks. Team Dust is very much like a family to me, and the support shown to me by complete strangers here on ocremix has been a huge encouragement. Feel free to drop in and give us a shout. The cast & crew is doing a short Q&A right before the countdown. >>>>>>OCREMIX, GET IN HERE!!!<<<<<<<<
  3. Really nice work. The production aspects can be taken care of. Can you get in touch with us again in October/November?
  4. Never heard metroid done like this. Really fun to listen to, feels so much like Earthbound to me it's almost like a mashup
  5. oh snap!!! cheers man!!
  6. I can now officially stop spamming OCR and GET BACK TO REMIXING http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1261313080/dust-0 Thank you to everyone who helped out by voting, posting on facebook, and even throwing in your support. LOVE & RESPECT
  7. Hey sorry, didn't see all these replies. We filmed in Shikoku, the smallest of the Japanese main islands. Thanks for your help guys. We got a huge surge of support from Reddit, we were on the front page of /r/videos for almost 48 hours. We may try to post again with 1 day left, but for now it feels too soon to post again. There are 4 days left for Dust on Kickstarter, and a lot of people are spreading the word on facebook and twitter. We're only at 80% of our goal right now, so it's going to be close. Indiewire's project of the month is going on right now, but I'm not sure if that's more important than facebook and twitter at this point. I've already asked a lot of this community. If you still want to help, please post the Dust teaser and link to our site on fb/twitter and "like" us on fb: https://vimeo.com/39011756 www.dustthefilm.com http://www.facebook.com/dustthefilm Every bit helps!
  8. DUDES, we just got a $1,000 contribution from someone in the uk so people are obviously responding to the movie and getting excited about it. We are on the front page of /r/videos so PLEASE upvote or even make an acct--you don't need an e-mail to do so (but DO NOT make multiple accts). We need all the help we can get staying on the front page of /r/videos but it looks like people we don't even know are starting to cross-post it. our x-post to /r/movies http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/sx7kf/this_teaser_looks_like_a_big_budget_hollywood/ some random cross-post we just found, upvote this man too! http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/sx7zx/can_we_make_this_amazinglooking_movie_a_reality_7/ our x-post to /r/geek http://www.reddit.com/r/geek/comments/sx8f5/this_teaser_looks_like_a_big_budget_hollywood/ @GravitySuitCollector -- we just saw that, thank you dude.
  9. Thank you man. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hey Modus, thank you.... you can check us out here: http://dustthefilm.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1261313080/dust-0 edit: oh nice. Yes, the film isn't finished so this is unfortunately the static footage is all we can show right now. It's a really basic teaser. The film has a looong way to go before it's complete, which is why we need help on Kickstarter and getting the word out. If we were doing a proper trailer we would want to show so much more--the city, creatures, more traveling shot... it's just so far off from being done we don't want people to see it like that.
  11. My film Dust, which many of you voted for on Indiewire, is in the final 7 days of its Kickstarter. While we wanted to promote through traditional channels such as Kotaku, io9 and Gizmodo, all Gawker-owned websites have put a ban on anything related to Kickstarter. We have an article up on /r/videos and if anyone is willing to help, this could be our last chance to really get the word out. I don't know it will work, but at this point I don't know what else we can do. We have posted as much content and material about the film as we are physically able to do, balancing our time between this and our day job. The other day I put in a straight 36 hours at work trying to finish another video update but I don't think it's even going to matter how hard we work if we can't get the word out. The timing of our campaign appears to be completely terrible, but at this point we have no choice but to do what we can. I don't know if people just don't understand what we're trying to do or what we need money for, or if it's that our film sucks or just nobody is even seeing it. Kickstarter is all or nothing, so if we don't reach our Goal, even by $5, we get absolutely zero funding. If anyone is willing to help vote us up, the link is here. This may eventually get downvoted hard but that's up to reddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/sx0vz/this_teaser_looks_like_a_big_budget_hollywood/ I'm sorry to have to come here and ask you guys for help, believe me I wish I didn't have to.
  12. wat @ this thread title, but check this out:
  13. In case anyone has been following the project here on ocr I wanted to share a video with you guys. I used an ocremix in this... It felt right considering the way everyone helped out in the voting, and because this particular update is about how we originally got started--with one of our very first movies being an f-zero fan film So thanks to Radiowar for permission to use his Shenmue mix. Sick track that really captures a lot of nostalgia. Dust Update ft. Radiowar (skip to :30) @Roe cheers man!
  14. Thanks man... Indiewire just posted the article yesterday: CONGRATS TO "DUST", INDIEWIRE'S PROJECT OF THE WEEK For some reason, Indiewire hasn't linked to our film site or Kickstarter though. People might be seeing it, but I'm starting to feel like the article could be a dead end without links to follow up about the film. We're working on some video updates about how we got started and the art of dust, though, so I'll let you guys know when those are up!
  15. Do you have some examples of your solo work? Also... this choral experience you speak of... are you still connected to any choirs or singing groups? It would be pretty awesome to organize even a small group of singers for a kind of small choir / folk choir sound at some point on the album (Gregorian chants for Temple of Time for example). It's always possibly to layer things up digitally, but I feel like getting the acoustics and raw energy of people being in the same room (or a Church) would give us stronger results
  16. Hey everyone! The poll results are below: I just want to say that if anyone feels like contributing to the other projects, the links are below and they could use your help: Maybe God is Talking to You Grannys Got Game Masculinity/Femininity As for Dust, we will be updating the film's Kickstarter page with new vignettes about Ember Lab and the Art of Dust. The latter will include an interview with Eoin, a concept artist at Riot Games who did many of the character and creature concepts for Dust. With any luck, Riot may be internally promoting the film before the campaign is done. If you haven't checked out the project already, you can find out more about the world of Dust at: www.dustthefilm.com If you'd like to keep up with the project, all updates are sent out through our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/dustthefilm A vote for IndieWire "Project of the Month" will be coming up in the next two weeks. The competition will likely be even more fierce, so if any of you would like to support Dust, please like us on facebook, follow us on twitter, and spread the word. Having people who are already connected to the project will make all the difference when it's time to get the word out and vote. I'm not really much for promoting things or trying to get people to vote on stuff, I barely promote my music outside of posting here. Dust is different. I want to do everything I can to make sure it gets the exposure and support it needs. Right now it looks like Project of the Month will be posted on IndieWire during the last day or two of our campaign. If we win, it would be a huge push that we will no doubt need in the final hours. To everyone here, you've been a massive help and I'm grateful for your support. Much love & respect. @Larry Thanks... feels good man
  17. Thank you for your support dude. Much respect.

  18. Guys, this is a serious lead we have now! I'm signing off for the night, but if you're still awake or overseas, please show some love, vote, and keep sharing via facebook and twitter. This has been a huge turn around and I'm truly grateful to everyone here who has shown support for my project. Voting ends at 8AM here on the West Coast, and 11AM over on the East Coast. Vote for "Dust" here and check out the website for more on the project. I'll update with the results first thing in the morning!
  19. Thank you. It is tough, I agree... They're all great projects. And when people see Dust I think a lot of them automatically think we're a big budget project and we don't need any funding or exposure. The truth is our core team is just 4 people and everyone who worked on the film, including the actors, did so on a volunteer basis. We built all the sets ourselves and spent our earnings to film in Japan because we knew that's what the project needed. We've been working on Dust for almost 5 years now. I feel like we need exposure more than the other projects, mainly because we have an uphill battle in terms of showing people why we need their support and why our goal is so high on Kickstarter. The development of Dust took years, but it's a process that's still going on... even when we were filming in Japan, we were still revising the script and adding details to the costumes. We do have a lot of great footage, but there is so much more we want to show which cannot be done without the extra funding on Kickstarter, like the creatures/animal species which actually play a huge role in the story and have special meaning to the characters, and drive the story as a whole. We want to continue developing the world of Dust and transforming the footage to better show that world, until the film and story are as good and clear as we can possibly make it. It has been a continuous cycle of the story inspiring the art, and the art inspiring the story. So to everyone who has voted in this thread, it means a lot to me and everyone who has worked on the project. THANK YOU and don't stop spreading the word!! LET'S GO TEAM DUST!! EDIT: @ Proto, thank you dude. @ DragonAvenger you rock! Woaaahh you guys are killing this!! You guys are awesome!!!
  20. Thank you so much. I know this is crazy!!
  21. UPDATE: We're leading by 5 votes!! Thanks for all your help so far! Keep it up guys! You rock!! EDIT: @Monobrow oops, didn't see your post. Thank you!
  22. Nice man!! You got three days left keep pushing!! For Dust, I've been there since the beginning. I'm the co-creator, writer, and editor, collaborating with Mike since 2007. Ember Lab is pretty small, the core team is Mike, his brother Josh, me, and my friend Andy. I've been editing/sound designing the trailer, kickstarter video and updates and I also did some of the effects on the trailer. I was in Japan for the production and all the set building, and I have a really small cameo in the movie o_O If you haven't voted for Dust on indiewire we could really use a boost: http://www.indiewire.com/article/vote-for-project-of-the-week-will-it-be-god-granny-dust-or-masculinity-femininity We're neck and neck with 2 other projects its madness!!
  23. Zircon, mak, thank you. This is getting really close... Keep voting guys!! EDIT: Updated poll. We're in 2nd place again D: EDIT2: If anyone feels like blasting this out on facebook or twitter, every single vote makes a difference....
  24. It definitely does, EVERY vote helps. We're @ a 25 vote lead and if we get out-paced on the last day we're going to be in trouble! @Yami, thank you! @urdailywater, thanks, i really appreciate it!!
  25. Just an update: You guys literally saved us yesterday. Right now we're in the lead by 36 votes, but the poll is still going on. With a whole day to go, anything can happen. We had a lead of 100 votes yesterday before it completely evaporated and I posted here for help. Thank you again to everyone who has helped so far, it's made a huge difference. If there's anyone who can still cast a vote, it just takes one click! Vote for Dust here: Voting ends Monday, 11AM Eastern time (8AM west coast). Thank you.
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