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Everything posted by Theophany

  1. Solid work. Reminds me of Ital Tek, but with with more variety in the arrangement and changeups. Nice basses Looking forward to the EP.
  2. Good idea man, but the execution is a little rough. I was liking the beginning, but I think you need a more unique / powerful bass wobble. The sample cut-offs and repetition in certain parts felt a little weird... Still a fun listen though man keep it up!
  3. Heh, I wonder... I had to reinstall my OS which set me back a few weeks with other remixes. Sorry to keep you waiting, but my schedule's always crazy and there's not much I can do. I still owe 4 remixes to other people. Not the best collaboration partner, I know... :/

  4. Sounds awesome. I'd maybe layer another snare onto that clap at some point. And adding some modulaton and fx to the bass just for the intro would help pull me into the track more on the intro. Once the chips and melody hit I'm feeling it though. Looking forward to the updates...
  5. Thanks... I guess the kick does stand out. I might update this track in the future if I make some more tracks and release a free ep. We'll see... Thanks for listening!
  6. thanks, man... sorry about the label... it's one of those sounds that splintered off from dubstep, i just don't know what to call it...
  7. Burial-esque original. Not totally done, but it's in listenable condition. It could probably use a volume boost, but I'm too tired to try mastering it. http://soundcloud.com/theophany/spirals http://www.mediafire.com/?jy9w9lmc9i92zd8 Enjoy... let me know if you like it.
  8. I plan to finish up my track in the next week. Same with Emu's track. Sorry for the delays, I haven't forgotten you. Just have an insane work schedule right now...
  9. happy birthday! (:
  10. fucking great mixing on this--loud and clear. awesome work, my only suggestion is do something more interesting with the intro. you planning a breakdown where this wip ends?
  11. @Proto: Come at me, bro! Come at me!
  12. Thats_the_joke.jpg I meant it as a compliment on how well you nailed the classical style:P
  13. Amazing arrangement and performance! And... Too many notes.
  14. arrangement is really nice, production has a lot of issues... awesome work so far!
  15. Yeah, back to a regular work schedule for awhile
  16. I still need those violin parts from James George :/ I'll e-mail him....
  17. happy birthday!
  18. Thanks! I think you're talking about the glissandos? If you mean they didn't fit the composition, I can see why you'd say that. I put them in there mostly for showcasing. But if you mean they didn't sound good, that could be a mixing or compression issue with soundcloud. The quality leaves a lot to be desired.
  19. Thanks so much (:
  20. I "draw" most of my stuff, then tweak it to sound more realistic. I don't have the ability to make a VST, so it will have to be Kontakt for now : / Glad you like the melody!
  21. Thanks! It's a lot of work, and pretty tedious, but it's not difficult. The library has close to 2,000 individual samples when you include the glissandos, dead slaps and sound board percussion. I recorded them all, processed them a little bit, re-tuned them, then programmed them into Kontakt (which makes it a virtual instrument playable on a keyboard). I've always wanted deep sampled harp libraries, but they just don't exist at the moment. So I'm planning to record a 47 string concert harp in the next month or two, followed by a 30 string celtic harp
  22. This was made using samples I recorded of a small, 19-string harp http://soundcloud.com/theophany/theophany-folk-harp Let me know what you think!
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