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Everything posted by Theophany

  1. Dudes... thank you. We're up by 5!
  2. My film Dust is currently in the running for IndieWire's project of the week. These polls are typically decided by just a few votes, so I really need all the help i can get. The voting is simple, it's one click, no registration needed. Getting project of the week would mean a great deal of exposure, and having a chance at project of the month. Please take a second and vote for my film if you can. We are currently down by just 1 vote. http://www.indiewire.com/article/vote-for-project-of-the-week-will-it-be-god-granny-dust-or-masculinity-femininity Thank you for reading. FINAL POLL RESULTS: EDIT: The article just got posted yesterday. Check it out! CONGRATS TO "DUST", INDIEWIRE'S PROJECT OF THE WEEK
  3. @Calum A lot of people make 70% of their funding in the last few days. You should check out that Takedown project: it's a game that was totally flatlining. In the last 10 days they completely redid their kickstarter video, and got on a bunch of blog websites and made one of the most dramatic comebacks ever on Kickstarter... like a $100K comeback or something. Granted their new video wasn't perfect, but people saw the effort and heart and it completely saved their project. I think the strongest thing you can do right now is another video update or two explaining more stuff about the creation of your project and yourselves would be good. People always want to know more about who they're supporting and the story behind the project they're working on. We just did a simple video update recently with a little more background on the production and we got a wave of new backers. Restructuring rewards to give people an extra incentive to back their project OR up their donation to a higher reward tier could be good too. Something as simple as asking people what they'd like (questions and comments) etc goes a long way. If people see you are changing stuff up based on their feedback that's huge. Also, just putting their name in the credits will go a long way. Right now there's no one in that category because it's a little high, considering your goal. People want their name attached to projects they support, especially because their helping, in their own way, to get this project off the ground. Maybe bumping that down to a lower tier would help boost your numbers. Other ideas might be exclusive stuff like background/tutorials on making an indie game or how to get get started could be solid too. Or do a from start to finish rendering of your characters--and something that just generally talks about your art style. Or maybe do something like a new level that's designed by backers in some way--through a forum or something where they have input into some aspect of the game. Double Fine is doing that which is pretty cool. Right now I think you could also make it by getting people to up their donation in the last few days, but that would be a last resort. Just some ideas. I think mainly, video updates to recap what's going on and what you have planned next, or new content, is a sure way to get more interest and buzz about your project. I started a thread for my project awhile back but it got buried. I suppose I should have known better If anyone's interested in the sci-fi/fantasy film I'm working on, it's called Dust. We're also handing out Dust Trading Cards (check the updates), so if you'd like some mailed to you drop me a line. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1261313080/dust-0?ref=live
  4. Nah, the dice guy only wanted $300 but he got $90 grand. Some smaller projects use indiegogo, but it's kind of... I don't know. On kickstarter money is pledged, so if you don't make your goal you don't get funded. On indigogo you keep everything that's donated whether you raise your goal or not. Indigogo is definitely less legit.
  5. I backed your project about a week ago, honestly I think it looks a lot better than the game that's on the front page today. It's a similar concept but your game art is just a lot nicer. You're not asking for that much I think you just need to get the word out on the right blogs/sites. My project was up on Kotaku for a couple hours and our backers spiked like crazy. Unfortunately our article got removed and reposted a couple days later, not sure why, but all our momentum got killed :/ But just getting eyes on your project is the biggest thing. In general around 1% of people who see it will contribute. Banner Saga is a great project but it's going through the roof because a lot of people are seeing it--I think it's on Kotaku and it's also on the front page of Kickstarter every other day. From what I've seen these really successful indie games are launching with news articles on Kotaku and getting funded within the first day or two. It really doesn't hurt to ask/e-mail around, even a small article somewhere could put you well over your goal. I'd start by checking out various sites and finding out who is writing articles about small/indie game kickstarters like yours, then address your message to them when you e-mail the site... or find their associated e-mail if they're a staff writer. Make sure to include your best stills/concept art so it's not just a text e-mail. It's good to show them something first, just because they probably get a ton of e-mails. Since your goal isn't huge I'd focus on smaller/specialized blogs that are into oldschool games, comics, your genre/style, but try the big ones too... you never know. I think your actual goal doesn't mean that much on Kickstarter unless it's too high. Just look at this dude: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1929694110/artisan-dice It will take some time but go for it dude!
  6. For those of you who don't know me, I am a remixer here with an EP out and some material on a few ocremix albums. This is a short film I have been working on since 2007, developing the world, story and characters with my good friend Mike. Two years ago I left Toronto to work at Ember Lab, a small VFX studio that Mike started with his brother and another good friend of mine, Andy. Dust was shot in Japan and we have just launched a website, kickstarter, and facebook page for the film. The senior concept artist at Riot/League of Legends did the character designs and concepts for the film and he also went with us to Japan to help during production. I am excited to share this with you guys and I invite everyone here to check it out. http://www.dustthefilm.com/ http://www.facebook.com/dustthefilm http://www.emberlab.com/kickstarter While I have been a small part of this community since 2004, I will be releasing more material this year than I have in the past 8 years combined, including a new Metroid EP, material on DK3, and a 3-disc album remixing Majora's Mask. If you're a fan of my work, please consider putting the word out on facebook, twitter, or any social media outlet you feel comfortable sharing the film. If you have questions check out the website or post them here. Jason Art by Eoin Colgan, http://eoinart.com
  7. Cool man, let us know when you've got something!
  8. Whatever you're comfortable with is fine. Just make sure to represent the style/s of singing you excel at! We'll need a good idea of your style when it comes to matching people up for collaborations...
  9. Sorry dude : / I didn't want to disappoint, but.... truth is I'm doing like 5 projects at once. I never really had time. I thought your track was pretty cool as-is, too, but I should have got back to you sooner. My bad.

  10. Definitely. Things are just getting started. Send us a PM with some links to your work and we'll put you down for collaborations!
  11. I messaged you about this, but I want to say it publicly too. I would rather people sub a WIP than hold back. So far we've accepted two tracks that might be considered "outside our style" because they were awesome in their own right, and we felt they could still fit nicely in the album flow (which also depends on the tracks we get). We are only going to be picky about certain tracks, like Temples and Battle tracks, for example, because we don't want an entire album of material that sounds predictable or exactly the same. For the tracks we accepted that were somewhat outside our style, we suggested some small changes to the intros to help it fit in the framework of the album, mainly some more acoustic sounds. If you have a suitable intro you can really go any number of directions and it will probably still fit nicely on the album. If you're not sure what to do, we can always make suggestions, but we have to hear your WIP first. We're always going to be looking to see how your track can fit on the album. The guidelines are meant to encourage people to send in their WIP. If they're not doing that, I'll probably need to update soon and clarify...
  12. Sounds good! Sorry guys, been busy with something special. Will post soon...
  13. Happy Birthday man!
  14. Awesome Mike, we're excited to hear your takes on these sources! Emu will be sending you a PM pretty soon! @Salluz Last Battle will be a collaboration track I'm going to supervise kind of closely so keep that in mind. It's not a track we'll be giving anyone solo claim to unless their audition is just completely insane. I'm hoping Last Battle can be a little bit more of a community effort in terms of arrangement and performing so that it really delivers both on production and as a piece of music... so we want people who are looking to collaborate to sub their ideas moreso than audition for solo claim on that one. Let us know!
  15. Thanks!! I appreciate you taking the time to comment...
  16. Hey guys, there's been a little delay with responding to auditions but I tend to be really busy during the week. We've had a few awesome auditions from people like Doc Nano, Abadoss, and Sir Jordanius so far. I just want to encourage everyone to link people who might be interested in the project. If you can attract new talent to OCR even better. If you have a recommendation for someone who should be on the project, let us know and we'll check them out! We're still looking for musicians (guitars, brass, strings, woodwind, world instruments, vocalists) as well as artists. I want to encourage more remixers to audition, too--I know people are really busy with work and other projects but auditions are for getting your concept across, not subbing a completed mix. You can include a little writeup to help explain where you want to take your track if it helps. We also want balance between cinematic and world fusion type tracks and more traditional OC remixes with solid style, groove and energy. We're always open to making a cool idea work for the project.
  17. CN, sounds like you can sing pretty well man. I'll mark you down. I was listening to deep memory and thought of the new Deus Ex OST. Vocals like yours could sound really cool on a Temple remix or one of the darker ocarina themes. Are these forums the best way to contact you? Also, nice name. My family is from Toronto...
  18. @Terra Wow, thank you for posting. Really impressive work... We're really looking for people with unique instrumental skills so we'll definitely be in touch soon. There's already a few tracks on the project I know could really shine with your help. Are the OCR forums the best way to keep in touch? If not PM us and let us know!
  19. Thanks... I already have some awesome help, and hopefully support for the project will pickup quickly (: Moot, do you have any samples/recordings of your playing? We'll put you on the performers list if you want to offer your playing skill. Just make sure we got reliable contact info for you, private message me or Emu. If anyone you know is down to help out, like wood wind players in general, that would be cool too...
  20. Look forward to it! Just to clarify though, we're not looking to force collaborations or exclusively seeking out arrangers who need production help. We want high production quality on every track, whether it's the project staff or the remixer (or both) achieving that goal. We just don't want lack of production to be a limiting/deciding factor for people with a really solid arrangement...
  21. thanks to keiiii for the sweet banner!!
  22. Project Directors: Theophany, Emunator Art Director: keiiii Project Concept This is a collaborative concept album designed to capture the story, characters and environments of Ocarina of Time through the combined efforts of remixers, performers, and visual artists. Because of the enormous number of Ocarina of Time remixes and solo projects over the years, we want this album to be a community effort. We are encouraging collaboration as much as possible with the goal of creating one of the most professional-sounding, cohesive, and story-driven OCR albums to date. What We Need Arrangers to conceptualize and complete remixes. This is where the bulk of the work will be! Producers who are interested in offering their services to artists who would like to participate but don't have the production or sequencing skills to create an OCR-quality remix. Performers who are experienced with any type of instrument and have a high-quality recording setup. We would like to get quality live performers on remixes in any instance where a remixer's sample quality isn't up to par. Visual Artists to create accompanying pieces of art for each track or "scene" in the project. Sound Designers interested in mastering and sound design for the project. If you're interested in contributing to one or more of the above areas, please get in touch with myself or Emunator and show us a sample of your work. Auditioning / Claiming Unless you were specifically invited to remix a particular track by the directors before the project went public, all remixers wishing to claim a track will need to provide a solid work in progress that is approved by both directors (for overall quality and for its cohesiveness with the rest of the album) in order to make a claim on any track. This is all in the spirit of collaboration and sharing ideas, so please don't feel daunted or afraid to audition. If you don't feel comfortable with production or sequencing, but are a talented arranger with a great concept for a track, we will work with you and do whatever it takes to bring your song up to the necessary level of quality. It does not matter if you are a posted remixer, an OCR veteran of 10 years or someone who just joined the community yesterday, the only thing that matters here is the quality of your work! Genre Guidelines The genre for this project is “soundtrack”, which is pretty open ended. A good reference of what we’re looking for is anime soundtracks. Anime OSTs have both story-specific “cinematic” tracks, as well as “themed” tracks which appear throughout the series at appropriate moments. Anime OSTs generally blend a variety of orchestral, world, and electronic influences while still delivering the appropriate mood and energy. The Ocarina of Time OST is expansive, varied, and creates a strong sense of exploration and “seeing the world” and its cultures. That’s the kind of spirit we want to capture by incorporating unique instrumentation and diverse musical influences. BE CREATIVE. We strongly encourage artists to step outside of their comfort zone, since you'll have a great support network of performers and producers at your disposal to help you push your boundaries as a musician. Genre influences for each remix should always be source-appropriate and should try to fit with the general direction of the album. To help with this, CONTACT ONE OF THE DIRECTORS with a concept for your track before preparing an audition to make sure it will fit on the album. This doesn't mean that we will only accept certain genres for each track, but we reserve the right to refuse a WIP if the genre selection clashes too much with the rest of the album. Source Usage Since many of the themes in Ocarina of Time are extremely short, we are open to the use/cameo of themes from other Zelda Games when it feels appropriate to the mood or setting. Good examples might be re-occurring locations and ocarina themes from Twilight Princess and Link to the Past. What's important is that outside sources fit from a musical/mood standpoint, and within the "universe" of Ocarina of Time in the sense that they don't draw too much attention away from the OoT source you're remixing. We've already included a few instances of this on the working tracklist, but if there's an event/area in Ocarina of Time that you would like to see represented with a non-OoT source, just let us know and we'll see if it can work for the project! Intermission Tracks At the end of each disc, we've got a space for an Intermission track that is an exceptionally strong arrangement, but perhaps might not fit anywhere in the main album flow. These tracks could be great opportunities for various medleys or longer, more traditional remixes. If you have an idea for any of these tracks, feel free to get in touch with one of the directors about it! Gapless Playback The final album will be formatted for gapless playback. If you’re using ambience and sound design in your track intros/outros, please leave 10+ second buffers/tails which can be used to transition to and from your track. If your arrangement does not use ambiance, just keep in mind sound design may be added if there’s a need to help transition into your track. Deadlines Deadlines will be instituted and handled on a case-by-case basis. Always maintain contact with the project directors, especially if you cannot meet a deadline. Full Res Banner: http://i.imgur.com/hZ4J1.jpg Sig Banner: http://i.imgur.com/AyckJ.jpg
  23. Haha, yeah... that's me. That was my old account here before switching over a couple years back. Kind of a long story, but this one got started by me and a couple friends back in the day. I picked it up again when I really got into producing, so now it's just me. Long time no talk man!!
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