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Everything posted by Theophany

  1. What's not generic about 4-to-the-floor dance beats? If that's what you want you have plenty of choices besides the Tron Legacy OST.
  2. I will have a finished track for you tomorrow night or Thursday for Defeated. :)

  3. Awesome. Congratulations, man!

  4. If this puts you into a trance, I've done my job... http://soundcloud.com/theophany/theophany-oblisk It's meant as background music. Hope you like it.
  5. Hm... it's only Bolero of Fire. I'll send it anyway, but I don't think I really want to rearrange it. Let me know.

  6. What's going on with the listening party though? Is that tomorrow night?

  7. Yo, I have a bolero of fire remix I never submitted to ocr that I wouldn't mind auditioning for your project. I'll clean it up, of course, and update the samples... but I can e-mail you the old version if you'd like to hear what the arrangement sounds like :)

  8. I just heard your opening track on the Teen Agent project. I just wanted to say amazing work. Thanks again for your help on Wild Arms.

  9. What time is the listening party going to be on Sunday?
  10. Happy Thanksgiving!
  11. Heh, sorry, it's not really a collaboration project. It's just me remixing, and I have a few performers helping me out. I'm not planning to release the album until December of 2012. Actually, 3 days before Dec 21, 2012, since it kind of fits with the theme of the game. I just wanted to get a head start so it's ready by then.
  12. I'm actually working on a Majora's Mask remix album... I have about 7 tracks done and several other works-in-progress. My project isn't official or anything, but when it's done I am planning on submitting the finished project for review in the hope that OCR will help host and distribute a torrent for it. I don't know if that's going to interfere with what you have going, but my album is going to be a more cinematic take on the sources.
  13. It looks pretty sweet. Can't wait to play it. I wonder if the OST will feature any new themes, in addition to the old ones. Gots to be. Perhaps Double Trouble will not be the last DKC album after all? Serious Monkey Business in Concert Returns?
  14. The part where he shoots the arrows from both directions is what got me. My remixes haven't actually ended up in videos... but my serenade of water ended up in someone's fan fiction. I can't find it anymore, but the writer actually wrote something like "theophany's serenade of water remix starts playing as they close their eyes and pray." It was pretty sweet. I should have screen captured it.
  15. The voice come from a Burt Lancaster movie called "The Swimmer", but I first heard them in a Juno Reactor song. The operatic vocals are taken from one of my Majora's Mask remixes, which features singing by a friend of mine. She'll be on a handful of tracks from my Majora's Mask remix album, which will be released in December of 2012. I currently have six tracks done, out of twenty two or so.
  16. Cheers man. Well done again on Mor Dhona!
  17. This is the craziest thing I've ever made. http://soundcloud.com/theophany/theophany-goa Higher Quality mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?hcm6od5tjocai2i WARSTEP.
  18. I know the name of the genre, but I'm not too familiar with it. I know maybe a handful of bands.
  19. Ha, awesome. I was actually planning to do a Kefka piece on harpsichord some day similar to this. You beat me to it, but I'm glad. Sounds nice
  20. The time signature stuff is awkward, but I like this. The mix definitely needs more energy toward the middle, because the bass starts to feel slow and repetitive. Adding more modulation, change ups and some crisper, fatter drums could really add a lot. Actually the drums could be doing a lot more for this track than they are, but maybe that's just me. Awesome work!
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