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Everything posted by Theophany

  1. bumpin for more love "Axis" is definitely my favorite so far. Keep up the good work, Roe...will check the rest out soon!! /jezon
  2. But congratulations. Seriously dude.
  3. That guy? Seriously? He doesn't even speak English. AND NOW he can NO OVERRIDE my mixes!!
  4. Archangel, utilize your stereo field and EQ. If the project is too intense to run then export the wavs of your individual instrument tracks and mix them in a different project--or just work on mixing the crowded section in its own file with wavs. You can pan and EQ instruments to come through clearly while not being in the same sonic space or frequency range. EQ and panning don't have to be static. Engineer/automate that specific section and make it work. I'm no mixing pro, but that's my advice.
  5. I've just been adding sound design elements and mixing. Rozo had some concerns about source usage before so that's more what I was asking about in terms of being cool with the arrangement; I can go further with the sound design if Rozo likes the way it's sounding, or it can be scaled back if he doesn't. I didn't mean to sound like my arrangement was rushed or unfinished; I still have some final touches I want to put on, for sure, but Meteo asked me to render out a wav in the meantime just to lock the track in (because my source was in jeopardy of getting opened up to someone else). Like you were saying there's still time, so I can update the wav a little closer to eval if I don't get to everything this week (which Meteo was saying too). Still... Emu's DK3 album is currently in eval, so I'm trying to at least lock in my sd3 track before I finish up my DK3 tunes.
  6. Hey Rozo, just sent you an update. If you're cool with the arrangement, I've got a wav rendered and ready for upload. If not, I can keep working and detail it up a bit more.
  7. GhoOoOOst Attack HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! -theo
  8. Cheers man. I appreciate it!

  9. Sorry on the wait, guys. Demon Tower is done.
  10. Awesome to hear that. Cheers man!
  11. Woah man, thank you... I'll get this updated ASAP.
  12. Unfortunately I'm unable to keep my album free on Bandcamp--but I've updated the page with links to mediafire, megaupload, and a torrent which may or may not work. I've never created a torrent before, so any help or trackers you recommend would be appreciated. EDIT: I can't get a torrent to work so I'm going to stick with download links.
  13. It's obviously Dobby from Harry Potter.
  14. Thanks for checking this out guys and keeping the thread alive!! Anders, let me know what you think...
  15. Truly awesome. Beautiful playing and arrangement.
  16. Np man. Thanks for the love.

  17. OH SNAP http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=158461
  18. thanks man, deeply appreciated. i do plan to drop another ep/mini album when i have more material, yes. more super metroid, prime and fusion...

    you got a request? :)

  19. Wes. Thanks for all your help dude. Meteo: album art is by my friend Mike. Check out his other work here.
  20. Keeping my music free on Bandcamp is becoming difficult due to the cost of renewing download credits. Please use the links below. DOWNLOAD (FLAC) http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/Theophany-CrystalFlashEPFLAC.zip DOWNLOAD (MP3) http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/Theophany-CrystalFlashEP.zip Huge thanks to Kyle Crouse for hosting this for me. This EP is a tribute to Metroid’s first 25 years, and also the memory of Chris Powell, aka Avien. The track “Avien” is dedicated to him, and I’m grateful to see it got posted on the site. A higher quality version is available for download, as well as the “Outro” to Avien which I did not include in my ocr submission. It's a bit late, but happy 25th to a great franchise and some of the best music in gaming. TRACKLIST 1. Space Dive (Metroid Theme) 2. Ethereal (Phendrana Drifts) 3. Orpheon (Underwater Frigate) 4. Avien (Maridia) 5. Avien II (Outro) 6. Alone in the Universe (Other M) Runtime: 24:39 OBTAIN ALBUM. OBTAIN ART. Album art is by my good friend Mike. Check out his visual effects lab at: http://emberlab.com/ The morph ball imagery is originally by *torokun on deviant art. His sketch can be found here: http://torokun.deviantart.com/art/Samus-in-Morphball-54875432 RELEASE NOTES I have more IDM, ambient and soundtrack style Metroid planned in the months to come, including a more ambient remix of Phendrana that's hopefully truer to the original. Another EP or full album may drop sometime in the next year but I cannot provide any guarantees. My top priority for now is Majora’s Mask. Expect something December 2012. Thanks for listening! -Jason
  21. Thank you for the kind words. "Avien" is part of a tribute EP that I've just released on bandcamp. Please check it out: http://theophany-rmx.bandcamp.com/album/crystal-flash-ep
  22. Happy Birthday, DJP!
  23. You want this wav, punk? You gonna have to shoot me. Seriously, though, you checked your inbox...?
  24. Mamma Bird bonus track's been done for weeks... how about updating that tracklist?
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