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Everything posted by joe_cam

  1. Hey look, time to join the minority and state that I don't like this song and I don't see why it's getting so much hype and/or praise. Guess it's just me and a few select others, but I've seen better songs, better SoM songs, and better impersonations of Joshua Morse, which is who immediately came to mind when I heard this song. Overall, nice production, and it did SOUND good, but I just didn't care for it at all and I don't see what the big deal is about. Alright, flame the shit out of me now, I guess.
  2. It was fulfilled beforehand. What you meant to say is you've been dyig to hear a proffesionally made and well arranged remix of Battle 1 for years. No, I mean I talked to Mazedude and asked him to give it a shot because I think the song would fit perfectly with his style of remixing, and hot damn does it ever. I always figured Mazedude would be the best guy to attempt this track and it's just a fantastic job. I'd love to hear more attempts on the piece, but it would be damned hard to make a Battle 1 remix as trippy as this.... PERFECTLY captures the feel and soul of Earthbound.
  3. You either don't understand Mazedude, the original piece, or both.
  4. I feel honored that my request to Mazedude got posted here. I've been dying to hear a remix of Battle 1 for years and I always knew Mazedude would be the perfect choice for it. Thankfully he had some spare time and I brought it up to him during a convo and lo and behold, here it be on OCR. Hot stuff, Chris. Good to see it up here!
  5. zyko's my nigga Ubik's my nigga We be niggaz till the end of time...
  6. Great album. Kudos to everyone who worked on it. Superb job!
  7. Didn't really get into the vocals. The music was quite nice... Makes me wonder why River City Rap got shot down.
  8. My review cannot be posted because I must run to the bathroom to check my pants and to grab new underwear... Cam P.S. AE MUST DO MORE REMIXES!!!!!!!! (Check out his Chrono Trigger remix off SquareDance!!!)
  9. I had a good one to name about 2 hours ago.....WHEN I FIRST STARTED TO READ THIS GODDAM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I just wasted all this time reading all 21 pages here. Someone shoot me.........oh hey...I downloaded 11 songs while reading all this.... Cam
  10. It's Thumper so of course it's great. Slow and melodic with a hint of kick ass guitars. Now we just have to wait for DJP to get Thumper's other tracks up here! Most importantly "Green Haired Girl" which is the best Terra mix I've ever heard! Sorry Sean... Cam
  11. This mix is fucking awesome!!! I love it! I'm a huge fan of Rez and this is an awesome remix. Captures the feel of the level VERY well. I dont think people enjoy it much because most of the other music in Rez was upbeat and MUCH faster and happier. Not Fear. The ONLY think I will nitpick about this kick ass remix is the lack of the greatest sample in the song. "FEAR...is the MINDKILLER" Anyways...still a great remix and if you're into slower and darker industrial/techno music, you'll LOVE this. I DO! Cam
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