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Everything posted by joe_cam

  1. Alright, put a few more listens into everything and I definitely give this a thumbs up. Not every track is a runaway success and despite what Taucer says, not every song is an instant hardon (then again, it's kinda easy to give him a boner............. don't ask.), but the majority of these tracks are total winners and MAJOR props to Zirc for putting it all together and all the mixers for doing a great job. This is 100% Joe Cam Approved, and that means absolutely nothing!
  2. Crazy thumbs up on this shit. Massive props to everybody involved. Shit like this makes me proud to be a member of OCR for the past how many years.
  3. So will 2007 finally see Shael Riley appointed a judge?
  4. You motherfuckers need to chill out and go to MAGFest next year so we can all be friends again.
  5. Sorry for the off topic, but everybody seems to really love Dale's singing voice and I NEED to recommend everybody to go check out his album. http://dalenorth.com/blue.html Pick it up off of iTunes. It's all original and features his fantastic voice as well as appearances from Tony Lofton and Sean "Ailsean" Stone. I dont know if mods or DJP would want to keep this post here or make mention of the album in the song post, but if you enjoyed this song, you REALLY need to check out the album.
  6. Thank you to everybody for all the kind words over the past many pages. To the-almighty-tallest who is looking for Bound Together, here be the link http://www.wushuplaya.com/boundtogether Tons of musical hotness for j00.
  7. This was always one of my favorite songs from Bound Together. I know Dale hates the game and the music and blah blah blah, bitch bitch bitch, but he did a great job on this song and as always, his singing blew me away. If you're checking this out and haven't heard the whole project before, give it a listen (link in the song write up) because you're guaranteed to find something you love. Seems Bound Together won't go away no matter how many times the website dies or gets moved, and that puts a smile on my face. Much <3 Dale, glad to see this here on OCR. Now if only Ailsean would submit HIS songs... hahaha.
  8. Quick request to all peoples who took pictures. Can you email me a link to a zip file of all of your pictures? Or something. I want to have as many pics as I can get, but this single pic "save as" bullshit isn't gonna fly. <3 joecam (at) epix (dot) net
  9. Hornballs. (re: no, sorry)
  10. I saw a youtube vid last night of a guy playing Possum Kingdom. I am erect for this game.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out if I was attracted to Moogle Girl because she was attractive or because she was nearly naked. I'm sure the near-nudity had a lot to do with it. For those who didn't check out my pics:
  12. Goddamned right I will. Hey Sammy, did we exchange friend codes for Tetris? Get online and I'll kick your ass ANY time you want.
  13. Ha ha ha ha ha!! I get that one. I'm sure maybe 3 others do. Anywho, I had a great time, met some awesome new people and forgot that I met a ton more. Had a total blast and here are all of my pics http://files.paletteswap.com/CAM5/ Also, just in case you didn't realize it, I'm not REALLY Dale North. I just pretended (horribly) to be him. Meow.
  14. Good effort, not really what I was expecting, some of the arrangements are fantastic, but the synth. Eww. Enjoyable as background music.
  15. Damn Compy, let him have his rar file for download. I think I'll download his rar file just to spite you... Watch that ego, boy... I'll admit, I'm skeptical downloading this because I heard it's been quite disappointing, but I'll check it out with an open mind and hope for the best. Guess we'll see in a few days.
  16. First, not sure who Frontalot is, but he appears to be more famous than me, so I accept that as a compliment. Second, "mutha fucka, ya sucka, i'll beat ya like no other" wouldn't work without that "ya sucka" no matter what you say. Too much silence there. Third, I make it a point to say that something is "fuckin leet" in as many Crakaz songs as I can. I don't know why, just a trademark or something. If you heard "Happy Birfday, DCT" you'll know that he is fuckin leet as well. Check that shit out over at www.oneupstudios.com if you haven't heard it. it's on Mustin's music page. Fourth, Crazy Crakaz fo life, bitches. Thanks for lovin the song, it's one of the best in the history of ever and I'm glad people are enjoying it. Much love to all of you.
  17. Thanks for the (surprisingly) nice comments... There IS a clean version that Myth made for radio. If you'd prefer that, get in touch with him.
  18. Flik owns your soul...and you aren't getting it back.
  19. Yeah, I wanna hear the show. I need to know how "I Believe In a Thing Called Love" sounded at the end of the show... Speaking of Bound Together..... Torrent is up NOW.
  20. Agreed. God, Bound Together is going to rule all. You don't know how much of an understatement that really is.....
  21. This upcoming weekend's show will be great.
  22. Oh hey look, Joe Cam is on this.... wait... I sorta remember talking about this, but I don't REALLY remember. Oh well, it'll be fun as long is Shael is there to hold my hand and ease me into this.... Be there for me, Shael. Be there for me.... Be my safety net!
  23. Well then I admit I chose the wrong word. We all use the wrong words at the wrong times and I admit my fault. I was stating my first impressions, not claiming what Harmony intended. Also, to claim that the fact I didn't like this song is supposedly detrimental to my desire to see a more united community irks me. Last thing I want is more animosity and dissention in this community, and to make it seem like I'm trying to cause it bothers me. I've been stating I don't like the song and that's that. I admire the production and how good it sounds, but bottom line is I just don't like the song. I didn't say I don't like Harmony and he's a shtyjdgfgt or anything. Regardless, it feels like anything else I type here will be mis-interpreted or turned around so I look like more of a dick, so I'm just going to wrap this up. I meant no disrepsect to Harmony or anybody else. I was stating my first impressions on the piece and I obviously used the wrong word and ended up looking like an ass to some people. My apoligies, but I still don't like the song.
  24. Don't lump me in with any "groups" or anything. Just because my main message board residence is OUS doesn't mean I speak for them EVER. I was NEVER a part of OUS, I am NOT a part of OUS, I DO NOT and WILL NOT speak on behalf of OUS. Don't talk shit about OUS beause I don't like this song... When I said Joshua Morse imitation, I mean that as soon as I heard the music and singing, the first thought in my head was "Wow...this is like Josh Morse, but not as good." and that's MY FUCKING THOUGHT. If nobody shares that with me, fine, but that's what I thought and I stand by that. I'm not impressed by the song, I don't see what the big deal is, and if I'm an asshole for not liking it, that's pretty sad. Leave my to my opinions and you can have yours, but I'm not going to love this song because other people do. I'd say "sorry" but I have no reason to.
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