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Everything posted by Lacour

  1. one of the bosses in final fantasy IV...eh either odin, zemus, or bahamut...god that sucked
  2. all the bosses i've yet to beat would be the hardest...
  3. i can't say any cuz its been forever since i've tried to beat a game
  4. very well done...very upbeat and catchy. make more like these. i give it a 10
  5. does anyone know where i can find the movie of this on DVD?
  6. very good flow of music...very upbeat, well done.
  7. doesn't really stand up to the other star ocean remixes...
  8. this is like the best remix i've heard in a LONG time. thanx LA for that one. two thumbs up. the orchestration in it is really enjoying and you can relax too easily.
  9. actually i think...we should've left the original song alone. i mean the remix was, well decent but doesn't compare up to the game version.
  10. i had a .gif file extension before and it worked...how come not this time? the .txt one doesn't work. which one is it
  11. i didn't realize one of my sigs went through
  12. aight you know this better than me...i tried the first time and got it right but now its rejecting my request...why won't it let me put on a sig?
  13. does it matter how long your sig url is?
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