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Lord Exor

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Everything posted by Lord Exor

  1. I found the lyrics rather poignant.
  2. Hey, don't you make fun of my momma. You haven't lived until you've tried some of her breast milk.
  3. You mean Krazy Kremland? *facepalms*
  4. Great remix, Proto. You never cease to amaze me--not to mention it seems we have very similar taste in music. Love what you did with the organ.
  5. That's right, the short little Spanish-sounding tune that plays whenever you'd confront Bowser in Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. The original SMAS songs have been neglected for quite some time, it'd be refreshing to see them revisited.
  6. My initial post was benign, if you recall.
  7. Touche. Now if only we could keep it that way so as to remain distanced from the overarching sphere of popular tripe.
  8. Your argument is fallacious. Purely instrumental music is far from mainstream.
  9. Instruments can convey messages quite sufficiently. It leaves you with a far more cerebral experience than being spoonfed an idea through a melodic poem. Don't mind me if you find my opinion offensive, you may continue with your 'artistic vision' as it were. Your sagacity is astounding.
  10. The instrumentals aren't necessarily conducive to only rap in this case.
  11. I wouldn't care if it were Paul McCartney delivering the vocals, I just have an adverse reaction to arrangements of instrumental tracks that tack on vocals for the sake of conforming to a societal craving for lyrical music. Mining Melancholy = Rap? Are you serious? A jazz arrangement? I can see that. A latin arrangement? Sure, it fits. Rap? Where in the good name of David Wise did that idea stem from? Next, let's transform the Flying Krock music into a romantic pop ballad.
  12. R.I.P. Run Rambi! Run! Speaking of which, is it possible to include purely instrumental versions of vocal tracks? I think that would be a neat little bonus for those of us instrumental purists.
  13. Exquisite. I love the evil laugh near the end. "In Need of a Miracle" sounds like a nifty title for it if you ask me.
  14. The source isn't that repetitive. It had at least three different segments.
  15. I haven't posted on these forums for lord knows how long, but you sir, have fulfilled a dream of mine that has plagued my subconscious for nearly a decade. I must thank you.
  16. The music in Yoshi's Island DS is very disappointing. Not nearly as iconic or catchy as the original.
  17. When I first heard the opening portion of the music, I felt absolutely ecstatic. Hearing the wordless female humming hinted that this would be a quality mix, until I noticed the presence of the one dreaded thing that sent me screaming, bashing my head into my keyboard, and running around in circles wailing until I crashed into a wall... LYRICS!!! VOCALS!!! AH! (Not to say that they were bad...) Then I heard the instrumental version, and angels voices came down from the heavens as I found myself draped a column of light.
  18. You must be doing something wrong with this mexican guy. No boss is impossible...
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