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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. So, I did some quick counting, purely out of boredom, to see just how many their are for each type. Water and Normal of course come in first, but I was surprised to see Ice so low, I really thought there were more Ice types than there really is. Fighting, too, I was surprised to see so low. Water - 109 Normal - 97 Flying - 84 Grass - 74 Psychic - 67 Bug - 63 Ground - 59 Poison - 57 Fire - 48 Rock - 47 Fighting - 41 Electric - 39 Dark - 39 Steel - 38 Ice - 31 Dragon - 29 Ghost - 27 Might go through later and figure out all the missing type pairings, see just what we're lacking. (Oh, I didn't count Rotom's extra forms in this, nor Arceus' different plates)
  2. Kingdra's based on a dragon, yo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weedy_sea_dragon I'd love a Bug/Dragon or a Bug/Psychic, myself, or a Bug/Water that's not Surskit. EDIT: Luxray needs to be changed to a Dark/Electric type. Why haven't we gotten out of those yet?
  3. No one's complaining. Everyone seems to love her so far. Doesn't hurt that it's a Xyph champ, and his champions are the best. EDIT: All the rage this patch is coming from the Irelia nerfs, which do seem a bit out of nowhere.
  4. My Kung-Fu weasel monk glates disapprovingly at you.
  5. Done and done. What's this for, out of curiousity, if I may ask?
  6. Those people are idiots. Personally, I wasn't fond of most of second gen's designs, it had some really solid ones, then a bunch of lesser interesting things that were leftover from Red/Blue's development. I found third gen to be a great breath of fresh air!
  7. Gothitelle is kind of unecessary anyway. :U
  8. Love Gardevoir. Gallade just is all kinds of weird though. I like the idea of it, but it just hits me as a really off design.
  9. More likely it'll be called something like "Balanced Forme" or "Complete Forme".
  10. They'll definately hide away a third, complete Forme, and use that for one of the Best Wishes movies.
  11. But why? It's design is completely horrible, it doesn't evolve into anything interesting, it's found in a completely random spot. And it can fly in the anime. And it looks like poop. There's nothing about Stunfisk that makes any sense to me. This has got to be some weird in-joke at Game Freak that they found absolutely hilarious.
  12. We need an article like that for Stunfisk. Because I really want to know what Game Freak was thinking with damned Stunfisk.
  13. Funnily enough, the only type that Flying has neven been paired with is Fighting. If they give us a Flying/Fighting next gen, Flying will be complete with pairings of every other type. Now watch them never do this ever and lead me to rip out my hair in frustration.
  14. Wait...what about a Water/Fighting starter, that's based on a firefighter, with a big red helmet and everything?
  15. Doesn't mean we can't pretend and say what we'd like to see!
  16. Eh, maybe, but in first gen that would have left him pretty overpowered, his only weaknesses would have been Rock and Ground, so Earthquake would have been the only reliable way to hurt him. Maybe Bonemarang if you were using Marowak. These days though, sure, I think you can give a starter the Dragon type. Ice and Dragon moves are sooo much easier to come across, and it wouldn't be any worse than having a Water/Steel starter. EDIT: I want to push for Rock/Bug/Grass starters, if only because Bug types are my favorite type and I really really want a Bug starter.
  17. What if...the three starters are Ghost/Ghost/Ghost, and then turn to Ghost/Fire, Ghost/Grass, and Ghost/Water in their final forms? :U (On the subject of Dragons, Serperior totally should have been Grass/Dragon )
  18. Won't happen, for two reasons. It's not as understandable a relationship as Grass/Water/Fire, and Dark is outright immune to Psychic as opposed to just resisting it. It'd be neat, though, but it would definately be hard for newcomers to understand.
  19. I still want a Fire/Grass (chili pepper?) and Fire/Water (Torkoal evolution?) Pokemon, myself. C'mon, Gen VI, don't let me down.
  20. ...which one was the fetus?
  21. It doesn't hurt that as far as designs go, gen 5 was really strong. Personally I think it has the best designed set of monsters next to gen 1. If they can keep up the strong designs, I wouldn't mind at all for each new gen to introduce a totally new roster.
  22. This seems like a good time to share this.
  23. I honestly don't understand how people get 'Zelda' out of Isaac. Nearly every review or article I've read on the game has compared it to Zelda. How? Just because it's top down and has a couple similar enemies? It's a roguelike without a grid, there's not much 'Zelda' in that.
  24. Not for me. I can't land Blitz's grab to save my life.
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