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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Pretty much all that. MOBA communities tend to be pretty bad too, too.
  2. Good sir, I seriously hope you're not implying that Space Jam is bad.
  3. I do love Graves' smokescreen's interaction with Nocturne. Hopefully we'll get more of that kind of thing in the future. Haha this is Riot we're talking about never gonna happen...
  4. I can mid on purple, it's bot I can't handle.
  5. No idea. That be would be worth testing, since he's so damn slow.
  6. Obligatory reply about how that's not true. (Someone needs to do a post bitching about the monster designs now.)
  7. Knew it was coming when they datamined info out of Black/White about it, but nice to see some actual news on it, finally.
  8. And two AoEs, one of which is quite large and can follow people around. Even if only one of her spells is direct target, she's still got a pretty low skill cap.
  9. Mundo's not bad, I don't think. People just don't know what to do with him. Going full tank on him really cuts his usefullness. His E gives him 100 AD at rank 5, and has almost 100% uptime. That's crazy, that's slightly more than two BF swords, and no one builds to take advantage of that. Every Mundo I see either goes full tank or stacks Warmog's, and as a result spends the entire game derping around and being useless.
  10. She has a spell shield and a built in ghost, and bonus dodge as long as she's moving. I wouldn't say she has no survivability.
  11. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/new-champion-approaches-%E2%80%93-graves-outlaw So he's not a cowboy he's a PIRATE. :U
  12. She's like TF. You split push with her. Ignore team fights at all costs.
  13. It's weird as hell. I can deal with all the other stuff in the game, the vikings and pirates and robots and fighter pilots, but for some reason there's a voice in my head yelling 'COWBOY?! WTF?!'
  14. I dunno. Knights and samurai and wizards and crap seem fine, but for some reason a random cowboy is striking me as out of place. Can't really put my finger on it.
  15. I'd be willing to sometime, but as I've noted, I'm not the best player in the world, so. On a different note... http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/graves-mechanics-preview Graves seems pretty neat, even if I still say he's completely out of place in the game.
  16. Hah, awesome timing. I just bought the Cryocore skin for Brand on a whim and went 10/3/6 in a game. Every time their Singed tried to do his whole "LOL I'M SINGED GONNA ESCAPE WITH 100 HEALTH" crap I would fire off a random pair of W and Q into the jungle and finish him. He wasn't pleased at all.
  17. Deathfire Grasp is basically Morello's Evil Tome with less CDR and an amazing active. It's a tiny bit pricier, but I most of the time I would rather get the Grasp over the Tome. The active on it is way too good to pass up on.
  18. Upgrading the Philo on him to Shurelia's is what most people seem to do. Positioning is key on Alistar, and the active on it REALLY helps him. Yep!
  19. He seems like he has a lot of potential, but like I said, I think his skill cap is kind of high. I was laning mid against Kog'maw when I tried him, and I got ate up for most of the laning phase. Not the best matchup, at all. On another note, I got really bored and counted up how many skins each champion has. I think it's funny that Kog'maw of all champions has seven skins. Riot claims skins are based on popularity, but I really don't see that many Kog players. It's probably because Nikasaur plays him.
  20. Here's a bit of random trivia I didn't know: "There's an interesting link between Cassiopeia and summer version of Summoner's Rift - whenever Cassiopeia is present on it, the snakes (normally randomly appearing doodad-creatures in the bushes) don't appear on the map. It means also that Cassiopeia is the first champion to actually affect the appearance of a map during the whole match. " That kind of neat.
  21. It's not a bug. Any time there's an offer to get a free skin, you get the champion too if you don't have them. If you do the Facebook thing for Trist's skin, you'll get her. Everyone that did ten games during season one and got the Kayle skin unlocked her, everyone who got the PC Gamer for Cait's skin unlocked her, and so on. On another note, I hate queue dodgers. :/ Just started a ranked game, everyone on my team had their champions picked, we were just waiting for the game to start. I run to the bathroom real quick, and by the time I get back someone had queue dodged and another game started...and I was second pick. Since I wasn't there, it autolocked me as Shen, who I have NO IDEA who to play. Had to queue dodge myself and take the elo hit to keep my team from being punished. Oh well. It was *only* 10 elo, but still.
  22. SO I just tried Xerath out. He's pretty fun (And absolutely NOTHING like Kog'maw), he's just got a pretty high skill cap, I think. My main problem was trying to figure out when to pop Locus of Power and when not to. Do it too early and you're a giant target, do it too late and it's not worth it. Hourglass is absolutely core on him. It works great with his passive and the active is vital for when you mess up and pop Locus at the wrong time. Gonna practice more with him later and see if I can do better.
  23. Because sex sells. Check it out. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=287654&d=1317785310
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