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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Yes, and my lovely OH SHIT! WHAT ARE THE WORDS clip... (Me, Shael, Dom, and Matt singing the Pokemon theme song)
  2. Find a two- or three-star hotel with the same square footage and rooming capabilities, then talk to Brendan. The problem is that those don't exist. two- and three-star hotels historically don't have ballrooms where we can set up our console room.
  3. Jimmy, I understand that, but like I said to Dyne, it's down to Jan 1-4, or not at all. The downside of getting a new hotel is that you can't negotiate prices too well. Also, being with the same hotel a couple times allows the negotiation of "hidden" fees such as parking, so people that had the room reserved in their names doesn't get smacked with a parking fee, especially when most everyone else that was in the room had already left.
  4. If you check the MAGFest forums, and read what Brendan said, it pretty much comes down to either having it Jan 1-4, or not having it at all. But then you're asking everyone that attends school or college (a good bit of the people that are MAG attendees), to skip school / classes (Wednesday,) Thursday and Friday.
  5. Garian is PLAYER #2, Paul (One of the top guys of MAG) is STAFF #3. That someone else is Shael Riley Also shawnphase You took a picture of the prosti-tots.
  6. Historically, MAGFest is always Thursday - Sunday. And even if it is... - Watch ball drop at midnight - Catch some shut-eye - Wake up - Head out to MAG - ??? - Profit From what I hear, the hotel is making those couple of days EXTREMELY attractive. Not sure of the details, though.
  7. If I remembered to bring out my camera, I would have taken a couple pictures with you and your wife when I first got there. It was crazy awesome meeting both of you. See you next year!
  8. Oh hay! It's AMVTeknoBoy... The guy that had absolutely nothing to do with alcohol being brought into a room of 4 people that are under 21
  9. From JamSpace: http://www.escariot.net/magfest%206%20jamspace%20friday%20-%2001%20-%20shnabubula%20-%20FF6%20-%20terras%20got%20her%20groove%20back.flac http://www.escariot.net/magfest%206%20jamspace%20friday%20-%2001%20-%20shnabubula%20-%20FF%20improv%201.flac Dom edited and compressed these. I'm just hosting for release here.
  10. I know I already posted this in the JamSpace thread, but to anybody that showed up and you have suggestions or whatever, check out our temp forums at http://jamspace.escariot.net/ and post your suggestions. Don't want to make your suggestions public? PM them to either Dom (binary1230), Drew (AmericanPianist), or myself (Escariot) on those forums.
  11. Pardon the double, but for those that can't make the Friday feedback meeting, or want to get the suggestions and such out there as quickly as possible, we have a suggestion/idea forum in place for the moment: http://jamspace.escariot.net/
  12. Brad, as soon as the videos come in from norg or virt, I'm going to get them to you, I promise. Thanks to everyone that made JamSpace possible.
  13. Revelation Orange / gcnmaster16
  14. For those who participated in JAMSpace, either as a performer, or attendee, if you would like to leave feedback, we're going to hold a JAMSpace Feedback / Ideas for next year discussion on Friday, January 11th, 2008 at 8:00PM EST. IRC Network/Server: irc.vgmix.com IRC Channel: #magfest IRC Link: irc://irc.vgmix.com/magfest
  15. What the hell? My car was still running, you jerk! You took the time to post when my car was running? For FIFTEEN MINUTES?!?! Hey, I'm in there, too... Hells yes, my friend. There were 3 or 4 people that had video cameras, and I asked norg and virt to get those to me as soon as they get them. Although, I'm not sure if the Dorsai enjoyed it as much as we did.
  16. Heading out of my house at 5:45AM. Will see all who are present at 10:00AM, give or take 45 minutes
  17. Have fun with that... I'll improv on Trumpet
  18. For those that are interested in tagging, I'm going to print out and bring some sheet music and a tag book. Those I know are interested are myself, virt, norg, Prophet... etc.
  19. One week to MAGFest bump!
  20. Quoted for emphasis.
  21. Damn straight. Because if you do Tauce first, and he catches Kroze, then he'll spread it to everyone else... =[... Dude.. It's been too long since the last meetup. So many jokes spontaneously created in such a short period of time.
  22. I'll probably be in a long sleeve tee for most of the time... DC is considerably warmer than my area of PA
  23. Yes. That's what happens.
  24. Whoa... Took me a while to recognize you.
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