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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Sweet shit. Get some confirmation and post more good news
  2. I'm assuming it's Midnight EST, because that's the time zone Andy is in... Thursday night's Midnight...
  3. Nothing is really happening for me... Been at it for a few hours and nothing salvageable
  4. The issue was with the theme... The other theme didn't have the confirmation images to prevent bots.... So nobody could click register... Fixed
  5. My ride situation is worked out, but my rooming situation is not yet... EDIT: Rooming situation: - Me - Pezman - SammyG - Vilecat - (Tauce) - Depending - ??? (your name here?)
  6. Finally got posted... I've been holding on to WIP's for a long time. Shame this one couldn't make the SM64 Project... Good job either way, Audix/Miszou/Greg...
  7. I'm going to see what I can do this time... My desktop is up and running...
  8. aHah! zircon, I was thinking the same thing, and was ready to post about it, but you beat me to it... As for starting a project? I think it would be best to wait, 6-9-12 months or so...
  9. Already pre-reg'd I'll be able to make it... Carring down from Central Pennsylvania. Anybody in the area that needs a ride and is in the area, feel free to get in touch with me via AIM, MSN, Yahoo, E-mail [removed] or by phone (For those that went to VGL DC and have my number). I'm also looking to room with someone... EDIT: Update: - Prophet is driving to my place. - I am then driving my car with Prophet down. (q-pa, if you want us to pick you up on the way, post or PM) - My car only has 3 functioning seat belts and has a nice rattle around 63MPH... - Still currently looking for a room
  10. Singing Range: Bass II - Tenor II (Most common range: Low D to G# above Middle C)
  11. I think this is an awesome idea... Slightly risky, as has already been mentioned, but this could really help people in the community expand their gaming repertoire, and to (eventually) improve trust and camaraderie among the OCR members.
  12. First post updated with new information!
  13. Indeed.... As soon as I get my SATA data cable, I'll be able to start working again... And maybe make a couple myself... (Anybody want to mail me one? I'd probably need a 9" cord...)
  14. Yes folks, after a very long wait, a couple of long conversations, and some copypasta back and forth, VOCR has been revived. Pixietricks and Malcos have both recognized that they are becoming increasingly busy and won't have time to host any rounds for a while, but they'd like DjSammyG and myself to keep things going. We're going to do our best to bring VOCR back to the community. At the moment, we're looking at the next VOCR coming around Early/Mid October. This will give people time to settle into their new schedules. There is a possibility of a September compo, but that's up to SammyG and whether or not we have a backing track. Because we are bringing the compo back, and don't have any backing tracks to use, we are currently seeking community involvement as we search for backing tracks. Anybody that wants to submit a backing track for use in a future VOCR may email the song to us at vocrcompo@gmail.com. The rules/guidelines for submitting your own tracks are as follows: a) The song must be previously unreleased Because of the length of time given to entrants (one month), those who create the backing track WILL BE ALLOWED to submit entries for that compo. This will be changed if problems should occur regarding this. Other than that, let it be known that we are currently looking to horde up a lot of songs to use for future VOCRs. This is a great competition, and we really want to keep it going. Post thoughts/questions here. EDIT: What is VOCR, you might ask? (VOCR is not an acronym, don't try to make it into one) VOCR is a vocal "remixing" competition where contestants (either on their own, or collaborating) record and submit some sort of vocal performance over the provided backing track. Vocal Performance is either Lyrical: - Singing - Rapping Non-lyrical: - Humming - Do-Do-Do'ing - Beatboxing? (Not sure on this one) You may apply any effects to the vocals before submitting. Everything else will be explained when the next round is started, or when someone asks a question here. Mainly because... I'm lazy, and don't really want to type anymore... And I'm tired...
  15. All of the user's videos have been removed.
  16. Not only is the piano clumsy, it's in a different key than most of the rest of the song, and it sounds way too loud, and aside from what you play when it first comes in and at 1:53, the source is fairly unrecognizable. Sounds more like an original song a slightly recognizable part from SMW's Castle theme... Take this one back to the drawing board...
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