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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Hell yeah, boiiiii.
  2. You lazy shit... Why isn't this done yet? You'll be hearing from me shortly
  3. YES! Bring any instrument you can play. I am doing quartet arrangements of songs for performance and maybe recording, and if we can get some instruments, I can write some other arrangements, OneUps style. I need to talk to the Dom about drums... Since that will be a touchy subject, and nobody will really want to bring them
  4. For those of you that are interested, there will be a room at MAGFest specifically for open mic / mini-concerts called Jamspace (Codename, subject to change). I'm looking into getting our quartet (Bahamut, DjSammyG, GeoffreyTaucer, and myself) some performance/recording time. Additional Info: http://baltimorebarcams.com/magfest/
  5. Yeah, he dumped you for me... Sorry, dude. I'm getting there ASAP depending on the time that Prophet gets to my house, and how quickly we can find q-pa in H-burg... Yeah, Tauce got bumped over. And at the time of the DC meetup, his hair was short...er...
  6. Again, I pulled mine after putting out 75GB in the first 24 hours...
  7. Whoa! I never thought I wouldn't be included in that group. This is my first MAGFest, but second meetup, and I already met you, Jill! =D
  8. I can get you some forums set up, if you need them.
  9. http://ff7.ocremix.org/
  10. POSTING IN AN EPIC PROJECT THREAD! Good shit here, seriously. Not much else to except that I'm thoroughly enjoying every track, more than once.
  11. Oh shit... I got you two confused... >_> That's a first
  12. At the moment, we're in daylight savings time,which makes it EDT (Eastern Daily Time) which is GMT-4 I've been to his place.. I'd like to know what is neighbors would think of hundreds of fanboys circle jerking on his doorstep
  13. I dunno... If you want, you can meet her when you stop at my place on the way to MAGFest
  14. Have sex with it, and insult it's mother?
  15. Ugh... Just... it's still 3 days... =\...
  16. Was this thread just Ty-jacked?
  17. Sweet shit! I get to meet AnSo!
  18. As it would seem right now, I'm picking you up in Harrisburg
  19. Bwa ha! Anyways... The rooming situation on my end is... - Geoffrey Chaucer - Vilecat - Pezman - DJSammyG - Myself I will personally be sleeping on the floor, mainly due to back support reasons...
  20. Fix the typos... and you're golden
  21. And not only the trackers, but coordinating with those who will be seeding for the release, so there is more than 1 seeder for EVERYONE that wants to torrent it
  22. AHAHAHAHA! Oh shi-... You ass...
  23. Bitchin' theme... I shall see if I can do anything, now that I have a competent computer
  24. Alright... Just send it to the email address listed above
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