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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. I move that people should post here if they are driving, how many seats the car has, how many are taken, and from where they are coming... I'm driving from Pennsylvania and am most likely driving a '95 Ford Contour SE, 4 seats. 2 of which will be taken, one by myself and one by my girlfriend. Will be coming from Central Pennsylvania, 30 minutes outside of State College and an hour outside of Harrisburg.
  2. Nice pen0r...
  3. Bitch, what?! Yeah... I know... but I've actually had this date planned since.. October of 2005... or something
  4. Oh shi-... I would love to go, but I'll be in Indiana... That's the day of my girlfriend's sister's wedding, and I'm playing Trumpet and Piano in it
  5. zircon and pixietricks are coming from Philly...
  6. Heh... Which Cherry Hill, NJ? There are two
  7. My girlfriend and I are coming from Lewistown. Slightly out of the way... But if you absolutely need a ride, both of you know how to get ahold of me on AIM.
  8. first post! woot... I'm seriously going to try it this time
  9. Oh shi- I forgot Bahamut was going... Now we have one and a half friendly neighborhood Asians going! (Since I'm a halfy)
  10. Sounds like fun. I'll be getting my ass kicked thoroughly, so please, pick me last!
  11. I'm driving as well, so I could pick you up if need be. I'm not familiar with the area, or even the route I'm taking yet... But it's an option if you'd like EDIT: Now that I know that you're a guy, it'll be easier to convince my girlfriend to detour to pick you up...
  12. Sent $74.88 from admin AT escariot DOT net
  13. Thank you, but this project is far from finished. First WIP date isn't until a few months out.
  14. How many tracks is each remixer limited to? EDIT: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL
  15. I estimate the best seats to be $37.44 for "student" group
  16. I'm doing this track for the SM64 Project
  17. And ME! But I registered first!
  18. Something close to 20% I believe... If we are a student group... I was on the phone, walking home, and writing on a piece of paper... All I have recorded is $24.96 and $20.80 for the last two..> *summons Bahamut to figure out the % discount and the prices of the others*
  19. I just got off the phone with the group sales office. Price for "prime" orchestra seats = $45 : Group = $42.12 after processing fee Price for back orchestra seats = $35 : Group = $32.76 after processing fee Price for center three sections of Tier 1 = $30 : Group = $28.08 after processing fee Price for side sections of Tier 1 = $25 : Group = $23.40 after processing fee Individual ticket sale processing fee = 9.9% Group ticket sale processing fee = 4%
  20. I'm going to call and check the price for group tickets. My girlfriend is a yes, and I'm a yes... I need to know what section we're going to take... Also, I'm only going to be able to go Friday
  21. I have a paypal account set up to receive money, since I used to do selling through eBay... But I won't make any commitments until I know for sure if I'm going
  22. I'll know for sure by this coming Monday... And I may possibly bring my girlfriend
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