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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. This is the second thread that zircon has posted his Night Stalker song in... (I actually had lost it in a semi-recent hdd corruption) Waaaay back in like... Early '05... Maybe April... Someone posted a "Discouraged? Check this out!" and zircon posted a few... And actually... Though I'm not "zircon" material... I have some old songs... EDITED IN RESPONSE TO IGNORANCE (God damn you people, now I have to get the links again) EDITED AGAIN UPON REQUEST OF TEH FISHEH. First ReMix: Collab with DJBren and ReaktorZer0 - http://www.escariot.net/nbots/Castlevania_Adventure_Stokers_Deathwish.mp3 Second Song: 90 Minute time limit compo. - http://www.escariot.net/nbots/Cold%20Confrontation.mp3 Current Works: - None. Wait for the SM64 Project to be released.
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01125/
  3. No character wishlist... I've always played SSBM (multiplayer, at least) with no items on FD... Makes for an even and level playing ground for everyone... Sure, the level gets old sometimes, but my friends and I stay relatively competitive...
  4. *puts a vote in for a meetup somewhere in between... Like in PA... Where people from NY and VA, MD, and PA can meet... Kinda centrally...?*
  5. Just when I think I'll be able to make it to a meetup... April 6th-9th I'm going to Indiana...
  6. `I `am so afraid, Everyone I know runs away, Walking into darkness and turning away from me. `I reach out to them, Calling to them, wishing they'd come, They don't even look back, they keep on walking away. `I'll turn my back too, Reject those who've rejected `me. Take my hopes `and dreams, turn them into my nightmares. `I'll walk to the dark, Find my way out all by myself. Forget` all the rest, just have faith in no one but me. And you're not `alone! There's someone waiting there for you, Right out before your` eyes. Put your trust in them, just as they put their trust in you, Strengthening your res?olve. And you're not alone! You've got friends there to pull you through, Fighting your demons strong. Show them all your hopes, hold your dreams out for them to see, Let them know who you are. And you're not alone! There's someone waiting there for you, Calling your name out loud. Never turn your back, keep your arms open wide for them, Keep them right at your side. And you're not alone! You've got friends there to pull you through, Fighting your demons strong. Realize your hopes, bring your dreams to reality. Always know who you are. Bold - Unnecessary Scooping Italics - A little quiet. Either too quiet for the section, or the consonants don't come through clearly enough. Underline - Sharp ` - Too much emphasis on the consonant or too much of a voiced vowel. ? - Something funny about the pronunciation at this point.
  7. The site constantly goes down... don't know why... If you try and it's down, try again in a few minutes...
  8. I still need feedback on my WIP... If anybody that has access to the project thread can do that, It would be greatly appreciated. Also, note: The project thread has now limited registration to Admin approval due to the recent influx of spam bots...
  9. They just need to make it cheaper, and less addicting... I know a couple people that dropped out of school to keep playing... And I didn't want to do ANYTHING for a while when I was playing... Except help develop Windower Plugins...
  10. I was very surprised to see this again. I had the old version a year or so back... Always loved it... Excited to see it here.
  11. When my sister was playing LoZ:OoT, she knew from me telling her that the Water Temple was a bitch... When she got there (She was upstairs, I was downstairs) she yelled for me to come up there... Then I asked where she was, and I walked her through the Water Temple from memory.
  12. As per the bash.org quote, I constantly find myself Ctrl+F'ing when looking for a certain shirt, or a pair of socks in the morning. My gaming went in hardcore phases. First, I was heavily involved in RTCW:ET. I mean, wake up, play, eat, play, piss, play, play, eat, play, sleep, wake up, play... Probably 15-16 hours per day. When school started that year, my sister tried to wake me up, and I responded "Bitch, fix the goddamn command post". I also tried trickjumping down some ramps and stuff in the same "legs are stuck in the jump position" glitchy bounces. Second, my brother and I were hardcore into D2X. To the point of, again, playing 7-8 hours per day after school. (I sold a 6:6:3 CTA to Charsi on accident, for 5000 gold). I never said anything from the game, but I remember randomly hearing the sound of gold falling to the ground. Lastly, MapleStory. This was probably the most dangerous one, because I started to think of the world as flat, and having no depth at all. I also learned that a 17 hour MS spree followed by a 4:00AM trip to Wal-Mart because you have the munchies is a bad idea. There was a car in the other lane, and I was thinking of everything from the side view, with everything being flat, so I envisioned two cars heading straight toward each other... I swerved off the road, and slapped myself around a bit, not only to wake myself up, but to remind myself that I don't live in a video game.
  13. My old LS Site: http://winterfell.escariot.net/ I quit due to lack of funds...Then I got a job, and never restarted due to lack of time.
  14. At this point, The Joker and I are releasing claim on "Ultimate Koopa".
  15. How about the spirit of friendly competition? That's why I'd do it
  16. One can only hope... *bounces in anticipation of Round 3 starting*
  17. Congrats to you both!
  18. That's kinda disappointing... I listen to your song walking around campus... Makes me feel badass:-D
  19. *bounces in anticipation*
  20. You've got some decent ideas going on, it's just the execution isn't there... Keep working on it
  21. Eligibles and Ineligibles?
  22. So... I think it sounds like a MIDI... Maybe an instrument change somewhere... Nothing impressive... Generic sounds, limited arranging. The tempo at 1:12 is very... random? I don't know... Sounds like you didn't really put much thought into it.
  23. You could rap:lol:
  24. Did he do "Movin'"?
  25. We don't have a Math 111, It's Math 110, which is Basic Calc, and Math 140, which is Calc w/ Analytical Geometry
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