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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. Vhat! I vant to us my V's.

    In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

    This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.

    However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

    Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose!

    I would venture to say this vernacular verse validly verifies the visage and void of our vain virtuoso.

  2. I've known they've had a few good hits for years now but recently I've been trolling through a bunch of their other stuff that's gotten buried in their many albums and time has has covered with dust.

    I must say, they have a lot of awesome songs. After discovering their goldmine I see that big hits like 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' aren't even close to their best work. Song after song is just great rock.

    Soo, I'm up too late listening to Scorpions with my music too loud, drinking too much coffee, having too much fun for a Thursday.

    Cheers to the Scorps, and any other bands in their era that rocked out like this.

  3. The storyline is huge, obviously.

    Besides that, the first thing I'll say is make sure you have a great protagonist. In the beginning that just means someone who is a)mysterious (meaning there is plenty to learn about them) and B) they need to be both strong and headstrong. Presenting and maintaining a good main character/hero is paramount.

    Puzzles are good. Alundra was fun for that reason.

    Another important aspect to me is the weapons system. Everyone is either turned off or turned on by this, so be creative but don't get too creative. (happens a lot i.e. Squall was a great character, his weapon fucking sucked my balls.) Make sure the weapons throughout the game are diverse and interesting. It holds more interest than you might think it does. Finally, make sure the final weapon has a dynamic (not overdone) look and is incredibly powerful.

    More to come if this thread persists.

    Edit: Agreeing with the others that the soundtrack plays a huge role. In introducing characters. In letting you know who you're about to learn about a specific character. Bringing to your attention that the antagonist is near or just that a plot twist is soon to happen. In everything really. It is definitely part of what was soo great about FF 3 and FF VII. Very dynamic soundtracks.

  4. Sort through Darkesword's remixes. He's got some real high class arrangements in that direction. The Twinkle Park Classic from sonic adventures and Her Azure Eyes from Sonic 3 come instantly to mind but he's got a bunch of other great ones too.

    Harmony already mentioned Short Skirts which I think is a must for your list.

  5. According to the OP, this thread is about neither sequels nor retro-style remakes, but about remaking games in a fresh new way.

    Not that I want to sit on my throne and hand down life lessons to you guys or anything.

    Yeah, but this isn't PPR. You guys can relax and live alittle out here.

    Not that I'm saying I've never crashed the party. Just....Chill some.

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