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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. i had the same situation the other night. We started with a epic Cammy vs Vega match and we had at least 8-10 more matches after. i dont think either of us used Ken, Ryu, Akuma or Sagat.

    Anyone else surprised how cool Rose is?!

    I'm a Ken spammer. I wish I was better with Sakura, I know she has alot of potential but I never use her when I'm playing for battle points.

    Speaking of Rank points how many do you guys have? I can't seem to get over 1,350. If I get more than that someone comes along and defeats me.

    And, yeah Rose does have a cool style. Whoever invented Rufus should be fired from Capcom and banished from ever helping design video games again.

  2. I was playing a guy from New York (Brooklyn specifically) last night at it was awesome because our connection was perfect. It was like we were playing on the same console.

    We were good competition for each other too. It was great.

  3. Yeah, Seth is ridiculously hard and cheap. What difficulty are you on though? I have no problems on the lowest two, just on "Easy" and higher.

    Medium. I finally managed to win him with Ken one time on easy.

    His grabs are nuts to get away from, lets not even talk about his ultra technique. Then he has that double sonic-boom that plagues because you can't entirely cancel it with a hydoken or the like, it's twice as wide so jumping it is 60% more difficult. Blocking it is an option but the computer will just spam the shit out of it if you do.

  4. K, well...I just wanted to say fighting against this Seth guy as the computer is a big load of fuck.

    You know what really pisses me off about him too, he always gives you the first battle. As though he knows it won't make a difference. Talk about adding insult to injury. What a prick. Its retarded.

    I should probably take a break, I've been playing all night. It's 6:00 am here. My reaction time probably isn't what it was when I started.

    I. Can't. Fucking. Win. Him.

  5. I'm so blown away at how fun Capcom made this game to look at. The attack style of Ryu and Sakura are so awesome I can watch it all day. Plus the Sakura theme song rocks my sox. Ken has a very neat and dynamic attack style as well but Ryu's just looks a touch more brutal to me. Especially his hurricane kick.

    It doesn't bother me how it goes into mini cut scenes on super moves, but some of the fighters scenes take too long.

  6. I realize this could be asked on the HD Remix feedback thread but it's not getting new activity and I don't want to wait that long. I also realize it maybe have already been answered in an interview or otherwise. In my defense I did read the entire HDRemix thread and interviews previously. I don't want to do it all again.

    Anyways: Why does it say dJPretzel is only CoDirector of the HDRemix project next to his on site name? Wasn't he essentially the Director of the project? Is it worded that way in respect to other people that helped with the directing?

    I don't disagree with it. I'm mostly just curious.

    After someone answers I don't mind if they toss this in with the rest of the HDRemix stuff.

  7. The Rescuers Down Under is an overlooked gem, both in terms of music and the film itself.

    This, alot. I put this movie on loop when I was a kid. Even now when my little sibs watch it I find myself stopping to check it out and 15 minutes later slapping myself thinking, "Get a grip boy, you're practically a man!" and then I scurry on my way.

    "I didn't go all the way through 3rd grade, fer nothin'!"

  8. All of my sisters and their girly friends started sobbing and blubbering with tears pouring profusely from their eyes when Mufasa got killed.

    My brother and I were staring at them completely dumbfounded with a look of: *blink---blink---blink* on our faces.

    Like djp said though, the really good ones like Beauty and The Beast and Aladdin had incredible soundtracks to go with the art. I'm going to go ahead and throw Mulan on the list as well. Actually, when I think about, I don't even critic the art work unless the soundtrack sucks. It gets and instant pass if the songs are good Disney or not. Take Spirit for example

  9. The hell it's not. The man asked what the deal with the sword was; we answered him. The part he's asking about exists for no other reason than because Japan thinks it's cool. That's what the thread was for, to answer that question, not for you to vent your nerdrage.

    Incidentally, that's an absolutely retarded thing to get angry over. What, do you think that the video game industry is interfering with your God-given right to quality RPGs by refusing to release a game that lives up to your personal standards of excellence? If you don't like recent RPGs, don't buy them. It's that simple. There's nothing for you to get angry over. Anyway, Crisis Core was released like, what, a year ago? Woe is me, I've gone a whole year without playing the newest "BEST GAME EVAR!!!1". :roll:

    If you go into a game with the attitude "IT MUST CONTAIN X, Y, AND Z" then obviously you're going to be disappointed. Games aren't custom-tailored to your tastes; they're designed to appeal to the widest possible audience. Try going into a game with an open mind and enjoying what's there, rather than hating it because it's not what you want it to be. Have you played Fallout 3? There's an RPG on the 360 (and PS3 and PC) that's generally considered a good game. And hey, the main character's only a pussy if you are! Surely you're up to the challenge. I've heard good things about the storyline, too, though I couldn't tell you any details as I generally try to avoid spoiling that sort of thing for myself. Other good 360 RPGs? Try Eternal Sonata. That was fun -- good characters (none of whom are "pussies and pansies"), unique story, interesting battle system.

    There, two recommendations. Go forth and enjoy. Or keep bitching; whichever you prefer. But don't expect us to justify your righteous fury because you happen to dislike the new RPGs coming out recently.

    This is one of if not the funniest rants I've read on these forums. I shit you not I was laughing aloud.

    Btw, I disagree with you and stuff. I have the best taste in RPGs of anyone in the world. If they made them to my standards everyone would be happy.

    I should probably mention that all that stuff about me being mad was sarcasm. NJ, we all have our moments but leave PPR at the door when it comes to video games.

  10. What exactly do you mean by a satisfying rpg..? Details plz...

    A captivating storyline for starters. And yes, I have ideas. I would right one if I thought it would actually make it to a game or even a variant of it.

    Second off: A protagonist that will get the fucking job done. I'm tired of pansies and pussies. Put Megaman in an RPG already ( I didn't say a Megaman RPG) or someone like him. He just kills the bad guys and moves on. I'm tired of pansies and pussies. Give me a real Hero.

    Ryu Hayabusa is an awesome protagonist. He kills evil relentlessly and still shows affection where we desire it. Batman is another prime example. RPG makers please indite your hero material from examples such as these.

    Other disgruntled people feel free to pitch in. I'm mad about it.

  11. [/thread] 10 chars

    No. That's not the thread.

    This is a problem that has been annoying me for a very long time and by fuck we need to talk about it. I'm in desperate need of a satisfying RPG and the developers need to get a fucking life. That sword is retarded and doesn't even look cool. There hasn't been a good RPG since Crisis Core and that was a spin off.

    I'm really mad at them. I don't know who to blame it on, so I'm blaming it on "Them".

  12. If you actually read Judges' Decisions, you'd know that I don't make my votes large-texted, just bold.

    Plus, what judge has ever written out their single-word vote in title-caps and punctuation.


    Seriously? :whatevaa:

    See the difference guys? This is the real DarkeSword.

    His alter ego is even more intense. If you can imagine it. It also enjoys saying NO! in larger letters. He's practically Batman.

  13. Don't say that around Larry... he's been rockin' a mean T.Hawk on HDR for quite awhile now...

    When I play online people who are good get T.Hawk as soon as they realize I'm not very good just to beat me down.

    I've been getting much better at fucking them up with Ken though. Uggh, I hate T. Hawk.

    Mandatory comment though on how bad ass of a job Vurez did on his stage. Truly fantastic job.

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