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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I'm just curious about who you're playing against, and how often... atm I've worked up about 2200BP, though I routinely fall back to 1700 and build back up. I just beat a 3000+ Sagat, and in general the characters I'm having the hardest time against (as Ken) are Blanka and Vega, maybe M. Bison save that light punches seem to help a lot.

    As per Sagat being "Top Tier" and there being no "complexity"... you're phrasing these things in absolutes. For one, it's all about matchups, secondly, the tiers really are established based on higher levels of play. If you've got 8000 points and you tell me Sagat is ridiculously overpowered, that means something... if you're down with the scrubs like me, you're basing the assessment off your own abilities, which aren't the best barometer... I know we all like to talk shop and sound like we're SF experts and what not, but very few of us are, and tiers are always debatable. Dhalsim won against Sagat here:

    , yet Dhalsim isn't supposed to be great. Another thing that everyone's ignoring is that tier rating in many cases is an aggregate of how a given character plays against ALL other characters. If you're playing a different character every single match, then yes, Sagat will supposedly thrash you more than anyone else, but if (like most of us), you stick to one or even a several characters, the discrepancy is not as noticeable.

    In summation, statistics will no doubt show that tiers do exist, and I've no doubt Sagat is up at the top, but it's almost meaningless for most of us... in my opinion.

    Your summation is wrong though, because even though your outline is correct, even if Sagat is played clemently he deals massive damage. Damage that doesn't warrant his flexibility. So even though someone can suck they can render a very hard bargain to a skilled more apt player.

    When it doesn't seem to matter is when one of these Street Fighter Kerogens fights against someone with 1300 to 2000 bp and gets owned.

    The people who are elite will do very well against the random Sagat but the people who are just another person will find themselves in a fix. I really don't mean this in an extreme but it can operate both ways.

    If he's stronger designed he's stronger designed. What complexity is there to it?

  2. Placebo effect, you think he's top tier so you "feel the sting". It's all in your mind. :nicework:

    I'm going to have to side with zircon again on this one. It isn't a placebo. He's designed different and I won't say that it was/is on purpose. Still some one can try against you using Ken and you'll hand them their ass in a wicker basket. They select Sagat and even though you'll win them, "The game is a foot..". If Sagat is highest tier, he's highest tier. Why need there be any complexity. About the ultras I'm again in agreement. Sagat's Ultra Combo isn't formidable it's nearly consummate.

  3. He's not THAT op, he won't be banned any time soon so I don't think it's fair to say that anyone who does good with Sagat is only doing so because Sagat is the best character. (unlike Akuma in HD Remix who is banned from Evo and probably any other major tournament now that Evo banned him)

    He didn't say that if you're doing good with Sagat it is only because he is OP. He is saying it is a contributing factor and the user should be aware of that.

    And he is THAT op, for reasons that zircon has clearly outlined.

  4. It is because it is new game design but the reason the storyline is so good is because it is derived off of FF7 which has a great story behind it.

    There really isn't any point in saying that it's better because they play off of one another so well. The reason Crisis Core is so good is because of the story it prequels. Moreover, Crisis Core does nothing to detract from FF7 on the contrary it strengthens the entire plot of FF7.

  5. Agree, agree, agree. Especially about the Buster Sword. I really enjoyed how they tied its significance into the story but had verbatim the same sentiment as you concerning it being so quickly discarded in FF7, at the least it should have been upgraded or given special powers at the end of the FF7 so it could be an endgame weapon. Still, I enjoyed the history behind it.

    I really didn't give much of a hoot about Aerith is FF7. Cool character but not as cool as Tifa. After playing through Crisis Core though I was a little more pissed off at Sephy for goring her.

    All in all I thoroughly enjoyed Crisis Core. Best RPG I've played in a very long time, Mass Effect being a very close second.

  6. The Scarlet Halls of Night by The Wingless

    Fear Not by Fray

    Within The Fable by Helen Trevillion

    Chillout by SEDUCTiON

    Torvus Clockwork by Darkesword

    Collision Chaos Old School by Gecko Yamori

    Pharoah Land by The Wingless

    Not Alone in the World by Dale North and Jaxx

    Rosetta Refrain by Marc Star

    Cammy's London Drizzle by McVaffe

    New Mexican Thunderbird by Vurez

    Gemini Loco Blanka by McVaffe

    The Darkness And The Light by McVaffe

    Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan

    Ancient Hero by DarkeSword

    Riptide by Disco Dan

    Blue Vision by bLiNd

    Spacehead Spacedrifter by DarkeSword

    Into The Deep by Destiny and zyko

    A Whisper and a Shadow by DarkeSword

    All of those and many many more. For the genre you're looking for I recommend downloading everything of DarkeSword's. Alot of McVaffe's work will probably fit your groove as well. Anything pixietricks took a hand is also likely to be right up your ally.

    Happy hunting.

  7. I have a question, it may or may not be answered in the manual. Just the same, I would rather raise the suspicion here.

    What I'm wondering is: Is there a cool down period between EX combos? It seems like sometimes I can chain them and sometimes I can't. I don't know if it's because I'm putting in different input on the control or sometimes I wait slightly longer before I try to activate another one.

    Yes zircon, I agree; both Akuma and Sagat are a pain the ass when used even moderately right. And lets do some more matches.

  8. Had a few matches vs zircon. He's more formidable with Fei than I was expecting and he taught me a thing or two about focus attacks. I've been fiddling with them much more since we fought each other.

    We should definitely do it again zircon.

  9. 1. Throwing out long-recovery moves too often (Shoryuken, Shienkyaku, Flash Kick). Use these if you have a guaranteed reversal window or if you're chaining them from something else. Otherwise, if you just throw them out, they leave you open to massive damage.

    This one. Something I did and broke the habit of and notice people doing who are obviously just learning the game.

    Take this advice and more so, learn to experiment with your medium and light attacks especially when applying to specials. (Even more especially Hydokens and Shoryukens)

    4. Throwing out ultras too often. Ultras are flashy and do lots of damage, but a lot of people use them out of desperation or because they hope someone won't block. This usually doesn't work. Use an ultra when you KNOW it's going to hit - ie. Ryu's ultra when someone is falling out of the air, after you hit someone with a focus attack, during a stun, chained from a combo. Otherwise, you're just gonna do chip damage at best, and probably take a hell of a lot more (ie. someone else's ultra).

    Too, too true. Don't fall prey to trying to pull off an Ultra when you already have the advantage. Maintain your strategy, keep your distance like you normally would or would not, and don't forget your EX bar.

    It's called "Buck Fever" and it will get the better of you if you don't maintain your wits.

    p.s. I still fucking hate Ultra Combos.

  10. Unbelievable to me that I have never commented on this track since it is one of my all time favorite remixes and amongst my top 5 Megaman tracks. It starts out good and only gets better. A very techno esque arrangment. It dies down around 1:02 but comes right back for more. If you were/are a MegaMan fan this one is definitely going to set your mind nostalgic.

    A true classic.

  11. Lately I've been rousting through my remix files doing quick reviews on old favorites that I haven't commented on or feel they are so good they deserve an additional comment, and I stumbled upon this one. A surprisingly unique take on the title theme to MegaMan2. I like it, very fast paced. Something that would be great to ride bikes too or work out to. When I used to work construction I would always throw this one on my playlist. Good job.

    Gotta love the death tone at the end. (Or is that the continue sound? I can't remember.)

  12. Wish I could fight ya as I think you'd like my Vega, Balrog, & Gen :)!!

    I really hate it when Balrog defeats me. For some reason I just have myself convinced that he sucks and that I should never lose to him. Probably because he doesn't kick.

    Maybe I'm racist.

  13. If you don't suck at the game, these things don't matter.

    That's ridiculous and also not true. If you don't suck at the game you can still win despite these things. They still matter and they still change the aspect of fun. It's a great game and still fun even with the inclusion of ultra combos. I just think it would be more fun if they had excluded them or done something different and less complex for a revenge system.

  14. I don't see why. Gen is the ONLY character who can combo the two (aside from dan but that's.. different) so its not as if anyone can just fill there meters and get an easy win cause they have ultra and super.

    Well, it kinda is. What I meant was that the Cammy player obviously has better micro and a finer play strategy. The guy using Gen "Got lucky." if you will and landed ultras for both wins. Of course I mean "Got Lucky." as a figure of speech.

  15. What I don't like about Ultras is how their damage seems to vary from character to character, and their ability to be chained. Ken, Sagat, and Ryu? Awesome ultras. Fei Long? His ultra can't be comboed or chained to from ANYTHING except a focus attack, and even then you won't get the full attack. Guile's ultra is hard to pull off, difficult to position, and seems to do minimal damage. Meanwhile, Ken's is massive.

    Truth. Akuma's ultra also deals an obscene amount of damage. It's easy enough to avoid though.

  16. I dont mind the Ultras, they do turn the tides a bit much but i have to admit they have saved my but more than once. I like the Super Combos, they are the strongest when mixed in with a combo. They are more fun to pull off. If they got rid of Ultras, i would not care. It might actually help me.

    Besides them unfairly turning the tide of the battle much of the time I end up juggling around making mistakes trying to pull my ultra off whereas if I would just continue fighting on the same strategy I would win. I hate them.

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