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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I'd say that made sense, except that I have never had a problem doing supers. Not since Street Fighter Alpha. And also like I said, all my ultras came out just fine, and the only difference is that the super requires less buttons. Ryu's super and ultra are the same motion, just one is one punch, and the other is all three. I know I'll get better with practice, but my supers not working couldn't have anything to do with panicking, otherwise the ultras wouldn't come out either, right?

    Maybe your controller is old and when you try to do it fast in battle it doesn't work but you slow down a little bit in practice and it does. I don't what the deal is.

  2. So, I've been playing a lot lately and trying to get better. I went back to ranked matches to see if I could do any better than before. I played 2 matches and lost both badly. They had between 6 and 800 BP and I had 112 when I started (at 65 now). Does the search usually come up with people that much higher than you even when you specify same level? On player match, I usually get someone who's close to my skill (or lack of) level.

    But even doing player matches, I lost 11 out of 13 fights. And something I noticed is that I couldn't do supers. Anything else I wanted to do came out just fine including ultras (except Guile's, but that's another story). But I never got a super to fire off even once. And yes, the super meter was full. There was no noticeable lag so I can't imagine what was going on, but the people I was playing against never used supers either. After I finished playing online, I went to training mode and pulled out every super I tried, first time, no problem. Any help here?

    Also, I'd love to get stomped by anyone from here who has the PS3 version.

    Practice. lol

    Good chance the reason you couldn't manage a super is because you were panicking. People online are different than the computer, and yes you can expect to get your ass kicked a lot.

  3. All that other stuff aside, who wants to get online (X Box360 Reign4War) and get fucked up riiiiight now 10:20 pm my time.

    Bring it and stuff.

    Edit: Just post your XBox name and we can find one another. I want some OCR matches!!

    Just send me an invite.

  4. Some people do plateau but the reason they don't get better is because they give up, so to speak.

    I both agree and disagree with zircon. People who put a colossal amount of time in are going to figure precision details that give them significant edge. Sometimes though, someone just has better finger coordination than the other 15 guys. Incidentally, it's those people who are going to put a vast amount of time into the game because they have an original skill.

    So, thinking it through I guess in a general way zircon is right.

  5. ...but really, only a weak-minded fool would take anything online seriously enough to be wary of a forum.

    I understand what you're saying in jest, but fuck I tire of hearing people say this. As if because it's online people have a total right of passage to be a complete fucking idiot. Not to mention that there are a thousand and one plus a million blogs and forums on the internet about politics and other Serio-comic topics that aren't even implemented to be taken lightly in the first place.

    *points at PPR*

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