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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. Input windows UNFORGIVING? :( Are you serious? Aside from link combos, the input windows for SF4 are unbelievably easy... half the time I get shoryukens when I do a hadouken, and I actually have to restrain myself from doing 3x rekka chains, whereas in Super Turbo that was very hard to do. Not to mention ALL the wrestlers have much much easier motions, along with Fei and Cammy (compared to original ST), and reversals are so easy now that it's almost a joke. You have like one second of time to input the motion as compared to a handful of frames.

    I actually think SF4 toned down inputs too much - not that I like execution barriers, but try doing Bison's ultra and not teleporting.

    I agree with you. Really I do.

    Now when are you going to log on so we can bash one another up?

  2. I main Gouken and El Fuerte, but I've been trying to learn Gen lately. It's very frustrating when I switch styles and can't pull off his Oga, which is basically the entire reason you switch to that style. It's the same key combo as a Spinning Bird Kick, but the input windows in SF4 are so unforgiving that it's impossible to pull it off in the heat of battle.

    Stop being mad and try a few different characters. Gouken is pretty cool but El Fuerte is barely formidable with someone who is extremely skilled at the the game. It really is a great and well done game as near as I can tell. I'm also curious whether or not you're referring to playing against the computer or against people online..?

    You might be surprised how much fun you have kicking peoples ass as Ken, Ryu, or even Gouken for that matter.

  3. I've just gotten kind of frustrated with the wonky input windows for special/super/ultra moves and the inconsistent difficulty levels across the board; going up against wrestler characters is really draining when they constantly grab you and hit you with massive amounts of damage.

    I absolutely could not agree with you more concerning the ultra moves. Why in the name of mighty fuck were they included in the game? What a waste of disc space.

    The supers and the super moves system I actually do like and am in agreement with. Honestly I don't feel your pain concerning the wrestler characters. I tend to kick the fuck out of them, although, I agree they deal insane damage when they land.

    Who is your main character DarkeSword?

  4. I love this question because I talk to so many people that say they'll never be any good, and all I have to do is link them to MY first remixes...

    I started out in late 2002, but my first remix didn't get accepted on the site until July 2004 (Calamitous Judgment). If you compare that to my 2007 and 2008 remixes, like Monstrous Turtles or Nuclear Flash, it's like night and day. But the period between late 2002 and mid-2005 was where most of my growth took place, and that's after a TON of practice. I made at least a dozen remixes, four of which I submitted (and which were rejected) before I even got *one* posted...

    I would think the differences are more evident to you than they are to fans and listener's since you created them. I admit that I can tell your style has evolved since Calamitous judgment. (not any for the worse mind you) I guess what I'm saying or rather asking is: What do you mean by a night and day difference? Besides Calamitous judgment being an incredible arrangement the fidelity on it isn't shabby, even if it was created 5 years ago. Calamitous Judgment is also much more of a work of art then Nuclear Flash in my honest opinion.

    Interesting knowing that even you've had remixes rejected. I guess that's that high OCR standard that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

    I think this was skipped over. Frankly, I would like it dignified and my interest in your response is genuine.

    I apologize if I'm prodding more than I should.

  5. I love this question because I talk to so many people that say they'll never be any good, and all I have to do is link them to MY first remixes...

    I started out in late 2002, but my first remix didn't get accepted on the site until July 2004 (Calamitous Judgment). If you compare that to my 2007 and 2008 remixes, like Monstrous Turtles or Nuclear Flash, it's like night and day. But the period between late 2002 and mid-2005 was where most of my growth took place, and that's after a TON of practice. I made at least a dozen remixes, four of which I submitted (and which were rejected) before I even got *one* posted...

    I would think the differences are more evident to you than they are to fans and listeners since you created them. I admit that I can tell your style has evolved since Calamitous judgment. (not any for the worse mind you) I guess what I'm saying or rather asking is: What do you mean by a night and day difference? Besides Calamitous judgment being an incredible arrangement the fidelity on it isn't shabby, even if it was created 5 years ago. Calamitous Judgment is also much more of a work of art then Nuclear Flash in my honest opinion.

    Interesting knowing that even you've had remixes rejected. I guess that's that high OCR standard that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

  6. The thing is, even if people do agree that downloading a song without paying for it is "unethical" as has been said. They still do it out of sheer convenience. That is part of the reason I was in such strong agreement with what djp said. The corporate scene needs to adapt to some of these realities.

    How they can or should I'm really not sure.

  7. Bill Gates publicly acknowledged that pervasive pirating helped make Windows as ubiquitous as it is, so there's actually potential benefit to software manufacturers themselves, but I'm also talking about the intrinsic value of what people DO with said software. Pirating games, yeah sure, you're not really "giving back" by playing games... but if a poor genius Brazilian student pirates 3D Studio Max, After Effects, and Photoshop, puts together the best animated short film the world has ever seen, and gives that away for free, there's a little karmic compensation going on. It's a subtle point - these are subtle arguments - but I think some people draw a line when it comes to creative software (Adobe, MAX, audio stuff) as to whether you're using it to make money, or whether you're giving the music/movies/whatever you make with it away for free.

    That's probably a "slippery slope" argument, as they say, but it's certainly one that further muddies already dirty waters. Draconian DRM, companies violating the GPL and reselling other people's hard work, etc. are all other topics that should come into play.

    I think of myself as a good consumer who's poured tens of thousands into music, movies, software, and games, but I also don't come down really strongly on either side of this argument... I think an idealist/anarchist "pirate everything" attitude is juvenile and ridiculous, but also feel like the 21st century has irreversibly changed the nature and dissemination of intellectual property, and the corporate world needs to adapt.

    This is so bingo. What people are doing with the software etc. after they download really ought to be taken into consideration. I don't know how I would change it or how it will change eventually but the corporate world is going to have to adapt. It especially seems this way since as this thread proves most people don't see anything wrong with it or at the least justify it part of the time.

  8. I just got a new subwoofer so I've been busting out some of my old favs so I dug this one out of my files. I must say, you guys really did an excellent job on this one. Jill images right in the center and the instrumental track is epic. Pixie your voices is better than I remember it and I remembered it being pretty damn alright.

    The piano solo still leaves me begging for more. Wish you guys had made it a tad longer.

    Fantastic job on this one just the same guys.

  9. If you get burned out on a place or hobby, it's not that odd to leave it, and all those associated with it, behind. Sometimes to get away from something and move on, you really do have to sever any and all ties.

    So true. When I got swallowed by Final Fantasy XI online that is basically how I escaped it. I had been playing for a long time and I know there was alot of people that may have thought it was rude of me not to say goodbye but I couldn't do it. I dumped it cold turkey. One day and it was done. Never went back and I never will.

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