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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. I don't want to sound accusatory but I'm beginning to think that we as a whole have gotten too greedy and completely unsatisfiable.

    I mean on the surface Malaki's suggestions sound easy enough to implement but it would actually require many extra months of development to implement any single one of them in a satisfactory manner. And if they WEREN'T you know we'd be complaining about the slapdash effort to add extra content to what is already a beefy and fulfilling game experience.

    So.... yeah. Maybe try being happy with what's there for a change. It's always nice to be wowed, but it simply won't happen all the time. Sometimes our expectations get way too high.

  2. Guys guys I saw Nintendo's new console and I dunno I have my doubts man I mean I'm just not feelin' it for some reason I dunno maybe it's because I feel like Nintendo has sold out or maybe I just don't like the idea of the controller or perhaps most of all it's because IT WAS ANNOUNCED TWO DAYS AGO AND I FEEL NO EXCITEMENT FOR A PIECE OF HARDWARE THAT'LL BE RELEASED IN A YEAR'S TIME.

    Jesus, people.

  3. I actually hope we get some elderly women (ivy would be like 66). That would be nice as it would contrast nicely with all the super-hot young women we usually get in fighting games.

    Ivy was 49 before?

  4. Yes, but by buying it on the WiiU, we promote the idea of M-rated games on Nintendo's console and therefore aid in shedding Nintendo's "kiddy" image, thereby hopefully resulting in more M-rated games on WiiU.

  5. I'd be happy if we got another SC3 story mode. That was so much fun playing through multiple times, adjusting characters' clothes as you go to make them "fit" more into the story (ie, making them neutral/evil during the time you're fighting against the rebels and your former superior, then switching them to noble/good when they betray the empire).

  6. Does this mean we're not getting half the chartacters back? Or will SC5 be filled to the brim with 50-somethings?

    I imagine that we'll get all the younger guys and gals (Xianghua, Talim, Kilik, Yunseong, Seong Mina), and then expies of the ones too old to return.

    You are now imagining a 55-year-old Ivy.

  7. ItI second LKS and Muramasa. Relatively speaking, sales for LKS are slightly below average, while sales for Muramasa are impressive. That's certainly a lot better than, say, A Boy & His Blob. Beautiful hand-drawn visuals, compelling unlockables, brilliant cohesion of action and puzzles... less than 100,000 sales.

    Seriously, there's just too many Wii games out there that people unfairly snubbed. No wonder developers call the system a bomb.

  8. I would love to see some new IPs, myself.

    But then again, getting Nintendo to make new IPs is like getting a bunch of three-legged marmots to win the Iditarod.

    There's that batshit crazy one-in-a-million chance they actually manage to do it, but most of the other time they just flounder hilariously in the snow.

    Endless Ocean, Fling Smash, Zenin no Reginliev, Nintendogs, that submarine game for the 3DS...

    I dunno. I think Nintendo gets more flak than they deserve because their franchises are just that much more popular.

  9. Fun fact: Back when Mario 64 came out, I noticed the trees would turn with the camera. In my 10-year-old mind, I thought it was awesome.

    Today, I see these kinds of trees and grass and I understand the limitations that require this sort of thing. I've tried building trees several different ways... And this is by far the best way to do low-poly trees.

    Not to say the trees here couldn't look better -- there's flat planes of leaves where an umbrella would look nicer -- but there is a reason games still use this method, and that's because nothing actually looks better for the same poly count.

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