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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. FFTA2 had an interesting female villain in Illua, though. I liked her, even if her motives weren't ever really explained.

    Also, I highly recommend the Penny Arcade Adventures games. The battles are fast-paced and strategic, and the music rocks.

  2. But it isn't. If it were, these characters would be available on the same day as the game's release. They aren't. They're available a month after the release.

    And if you assume they are STILL on the disc, then there's no sense arguing with you since nothing I can post here will change your mind.

  3. There's this other fighting game, you know, where you can play as Ken, Sakura, Dan, M. Bison, Dudley, and all those guys... What was it called... it's something-something 4... Fairly new, I'm sure.

    Also Venom might be DLC later on. If not, expect SOME Spider-Man villain. Maybe Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus.

  4. Thing is, I heard Sony just replaces your machine with a refurbished one. If that's the case, I'd rather buy a new one.

    I'm not exactly experienced with building PCs, but I checked out a few how-to videos, and it looks doable, though not easy.

    If it really is just a temp fix, I suppose I'll just bite the bullet and get a new one. I still gotta crack this one open to get the game stuck inside it, though.

    Thanks for the advice, guys.

  5. I have a PS3. It's an older one, still has the USB ports, and has a 120gb hard drive installed.

    Just today, it unexpectedly shut down twice, and after the second time, when I went to turn it on, a yellow light flashed and it immediately turned itself off. It does this every time now, and I was wondering if it can even be repaired, or what the problem is, exactly.

    If it can be repaired, what needs to be done? Thanks in advance.

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