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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. The few times I've listened to Japanese voices I have not been impressed. Probably mostly because I can't make a lick of sense out of it, except for certain words (character names, "arigato", etc).

    Disgaea 1's Japanese voice work was terrible. Etna had a shrieky generic squeak voice and Laharl sounded like he was narrating his lines through a pillow case.

  2. Yeah, well, neither do we yet. :|

    I have all 3 systems. Wii has been my mainstay, I haven't played my XBox in forever, and my PS3 I just got 2 weeks ago (and have yet to actually play anything on it, though I have 6 games queued up).

    Wii's only real dry spell was between Prime 3 and Super Paper Mario, I think. I've had no trouble finding fun, quality titles ever since. The XBox, meanwhile... Last game I played on it was Brutal Legend. Although I have 3 games for it queued up, two are horror games and I'm not so sure I'm a fan of those much.

    EDIT: And motion controls are fine. I don't mind waggle -- it's just another "button" really. That said I don't plan on getting Kinect or Move, ever. The Wii is enough for me in that regard.

  3. Okay, I just made it past the part where you get the gravity suit, and I have to really, REALLY wonder...

    Why did people have a problem with the story? It was blown way out of proportion in response to what actually happens.

    When Samus fights Ridley: she was stunned to see Ridley, and that can be expected. After all, this time she thought he was dead for certain. Perhaps all the lava and fire and stuff reminded her more vividly of when Ridley destroyed her home. I dunno. Point is, it wasn't half as bad as people moaned about.

    And the scene with Adam before his death wasn't that bad, either. I don't get it. Can't Samus show some emotional frustration?

    And on the gameplay side of things, the only really questionable (from a story perspective) power-up authorization was the varia suit. If she had found it in a little power-up ball like the Diffusion Beam nobody would be whining.

    And the game might be a bit linear until the end, but... Really, now. It would be ridiculous to leave everything open all the time. Especially since the pathways aren't as branched out as in the Prime series. I will give that the more linear setup can mean frustrations if you miss a lot of power-ups, but a good 60% can be found as soon as you come across them anyway.

    In short, yeah, there's problems (friggin' pixel hunts... The grubs and green blood in particular) but this is far from a bad game. It shows the usual level of polish and gleam that Nintendo games have.

  4. A warning about Phantom Brave: If you're planning to just play for the main storyline, then be aware that one of the very last maps is a total difficulty wall.

    You are basically given little means to kill several strong enemies. I got so stuck and frustrated I never got past that part.

  5. Arc Rise Fantasia is a fairly epic 50-hour adventure that I was pleasantly surprised by.

    If you can find it, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins to the Moon is an RPG-lite with a touching story, but not much else.

    Lost Odyssey is an XBox JRPG that has a story most excellent. The gameplay is shallow and kind of dull, but all the story makes it a fun game to watch.

    Get Rune Factory. Any of them. Frontier on Wii is the current best one, but the 2 DS offerings are nice, and the 3rd one drops next week.

  6. I would have liked that design best if she were, you know, wearing some pants or something. The hood and cloak design, along with the goggles, makes for an interesting outfit with lots of combinations within the single design. But the slutty underclothing really ruins it.

    My favourite came in 6th place, even beaten out by that ugly, barren design in the yellow, which got 5th. Hell's heart, stabbing, etc is still in effect.

  7. Maybe he will go on to create a new and awesome competing studio - like Hironobu Sakaguchi did.

    Truthfully, did you like any of the designs? Inafune's at least looked like it belonged in the series, even if Zeroll is kinda silly. The 8th place design (Hayato Kaji's) was probably my favorite, not for a heroine necessarily. I just think that a character wearing a Met Hat and bile green galoshes seems like it could be entertaining.

    I could tolerate met hat girl, and my favourite was the black girl with the poofy aqua dress, but I would not be complaining if the girl with the native american motif won.

    To be honest, I'm amazed it took this long for Inafune to leave. He's not in a position like Miyamoto, who can make whatever he wants because he's got the midas touch. Inafune very, very rarely got to branch out (Dead Rising being a notable example) and was stuck for most of his career making Megaman game after Megaman game... No wonder he feels the Japanese game market has stagnated.

  8. I guess we shoulda seen this coming. The guy has done nothing but criticize the Japanese gaming market and laud western developers for months. And he said he hated his job. And, as the article states, his Roll-Zero combo character (Zeroll?) got dead last in the design contest.

    EDIT: Wait, that colour-schemeless, lolicon, super-generic umbrella-head won the contest?


  9. Oh man, the optional bosses in Arc Rise Fanhtasia. Scratch that -- ANY boss in Arc Rise Fantasia, after the first few. That game does not screw around.

    The worst was quite possibly one around the game's halfway point. You fight a group of three against your group of three. You are more or less evenly-matched in power... But they, of course, have ten times the HP you do. And can rattle off limit breaks and summons at-will. and each have about 8 AP while your team has around 5 or 6 each. Lose, and you lose an incredibly useful summon until way, way late in the game.

  10. Eternal Darkness on GameCube. The bathroom insanity scene. That is all.

    This, among others.

    "Ghosts don't... DIE! Heh heh heh... Can you get out of here.... alive?"

    Jesus, that creeped me right out when I was 10.

    A more recent one was in Arc Rise Fantasia. The game is boppin' along, introducing its gameplay, being rather run of the mill with a neat battle system... Then the guest party member is kidnapped. Then it's revealed that she's the summoner of the chaotic death god. THEN she goes crazy and half my party just up and abandons me, to side with her! It was the first plot twist in a good long while to actually floor me. Sure, I eventually got half the guys who abandoned me back... But still, it was an awesome twist that was hinted at with some real subtlety.

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