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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Also, their heavy emphasis on easy difficulty nowadays won't jive with the steeper difficulty curve of the DKC games. I have a feeling they're going to totally mangle it and sell it for the kiddies.

    DKC games, difficult? We must have played different games. DKC 2 and 3 were pretty easy to get through, even for total completion. I can't say much for the 1st game since I haven't played it in so long, though.

  2. I think the appeal is that it's just a relaxing game with a lot of little fun things to do. It's the kind of game that isn't terribly demanding, either. You can play just 15 minutes every day, if you desire, or really go all-out and try to scrounge up a massive amount of money catching fish all day.

    It's basically got the same appeal as The Sims or Harvest Moon.

  3. I skipped Wild World, mostly because I couldn't justify paying $35 for what is basically a slightly-enhanced GC game to myself. Now, though, I'm aching to collect all sorts of furniture and crap and drive myself into horrible, crippling debt.

    So I'll be picking this one up, for sure. With 4 people in 1 town at once, hopefully they include things only multiple players can do. Like... playground equipment or something.

    Also, it would be cool to have a carpentry mode, where you can build your own furniture and put your own textures on it. That won't happen, but it would probably be the awesomest thing for this game.

  4. The fingers on my right hand always go numb when I play DS games for an extended period of time, so I'd really like a handheld that, y'know... fits the contour of my hand, like a controller.

    So I, for one, would prefer an even fatter handheld than the DS Fat.

  5. They should then be putting effort towards making a brand new $60 dollar game. Even if there is no fan remake, ports will always be hindered by emulation. I can't really emulate a PS3 game - I'd be faced with either buying it or waiting ten years to have a computer good enough to emulate it.

    Except a brand new $60 game, especially one done by Squeenix, would cost millions and take years to develop. The port is that much cheaper to produce, because they're 1)working with an existing product, and 2) making minimal changes, meaning a smaller team is required to do the whole job.

  6. So, did anyone hear about the stage builder hack they're working on? Right now they have images and videos of stages built without building limits as well as overlapping stage parts. Best of all? No errors. Stuff just passes through each other and acts normal.

    That means all those otherwise useless stage objects (trees, statues, weird metal walls and tunnels) will finally become useful.


    They're hoping to make it so you can rotate objects 90 degrees, too.

  7. 21 here, and I own a Wii, DS, and PS2. They all see roughly equal use, though I've found I focus on one at a time. The Wii has gotten the most use recently, with Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Boom Blox, and Mario Kart. I really love the system, which is why I'm always looking at the games (specifically 3rd-party games) which look to be promising, and purchase those. Yeah, I've gotten burned a few times (Dewy's Adventure, DK: Barrel Blast, NiGHTS...) but overall I've been very happy with the system.

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