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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. I bought it on a whim. Nice music, okay gameplay. The combat's good and fast, as long as you use the main character. Everyone else is completely combo-less. The switching between party members to solve puzzles can be a bit of a pain sometimes, especially when it's one right after the other. Maps are a little vague, (save points don't show up on them and you can only view one room map at a time), but still workable. Story's cute, voice acting's decent, I could have done without the annoying dialects, though.

    All in all, a pretty good game. Sorta reminded me of Rune Factory in a few ways. Dunno what it's like for multiplayer yet, though.

  2. So, has anyone managed to get boss trophies yet? I'm still trying to figure it out. I'm somehow supposed to drag a trophy stand all the way there without dropping it or something? That won't work with Rayquaza, since he's right at the start of the level.

    As for the topic at hand, I used all 5 of my hammers. 1 on 100-man Brawl with everyone, one on 15-minute Melee, one on Collect All Stickers, one on 2,000 KOs (by accident, blerf), and one on... something else, I forget.

  3. The Wal-Mart is actually part of a huge plaza with several other stores and restaurants. If there is no line-up, I can go wait it out elsewhere.

    And believe me, I've spent 3 hours in a Wal-Mart before (waiting for Wiis which never came) so I'm not afraid to waste my time.

    Plus, I'll have my DS and mp3 player with me, not to mention a few dedicated friends who want to play the game, too.

    Plus, cabs are more expensive than the bus (which is free since the college subsidizes bus fare for students), so going earlier means I can take the bus and only pay for cab fare one-way.

  4. NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams. I couldn't get into it. I bought it because of all the hype surrounding the original game I've heard over the years. It was okay, but in the end I wasn't interested and just traded it in 2 weeks later.

    Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. Shut up, I was desperate. Don't laugh.

    Rayman 2 Revolution. A port from the DreamCast to PS2 that was originally a port from the N64 to the Dreamcast. The game feels slow and unnatural, the voices are terrible and you can barely hear them, and overall the game's pace is unbearable.

    Megaman X: Command Mission. Maaaaan, I traded in games for this, which made it even worse. A bare-bones RPG with little in the way of side quests or exploration (save a few cheap-ass bosses), horrible VAs and story. In othewr words, par for the course for an X game. The battle system was okay, at least.

  5. Man, this game is cool. It's a lot more complex than I thought it would be, and fighting doesn't feel cheap or limited.

    I haven't played much yet, but the story's pretty good, too. Made me laugh out loud a few times.

    But... for some reason.... Travis reminds me of Tidus, from FFX. I dunno why, he just does.

  6. I figured Toon Link would get the hurricane Slash as his final smash. You know, when he charges his spin attack up to max and goes crazy in Wind Waker?

    Yeah, that would've been cool.

    Also, use his grappling hook like Scorpion. Instead of "GET OVER HERE!" he could've shouted "C'mon!" (like at Medli, Makar, and those statues).

  7. I haven't been following Brawl much during development. Sure i checked the Dojo occasionally and was happy when they put Olimar in the game. But this "final" roster seems pretty shit to me. I was expecting a lot more. I think the Casual Smash fans may be disapointed yet the Hardcore will still find the game they love.

    I think what happened was we allowed ourselves to create sky-high expectations for this game and thought they the developers would throw in every wacky idea they thought of too. Then this leak brought us all back down to earth and left us all feeling let down, even though it was almost entirely our own doing.

  8. The only two I see as really unnecessary are Falco and Wolf, but I can live with them. Woulda been nice to have another female character in the cast, though. Midna, Bubbles, Jill, Dark Samus, Lip, etc etc etc...

    But yeah, still a pretty rockin' list.

  9. Now this may seem petty, fanboyish, and futile, but what do you think the odds are of Nintendo offering extra SSBB content via VC downloads? Besides the classics mode, I mean. Stuff like new items, new stages (besides custom stages), and new characters or character skins?

  10. Wolf has got to be in this though, and he'd have to go in between Dedede and Lucario - that would line up Bowser with the Mario stuff, Toon Link with the Zelda stuff, Sonic with the single characters, and Lucario to the Pokemon, in addition to Wolf lining up with the Starfox ones. It all fits.

    It doesn't necessarily HAVE to be Wolf. It could just as easily be Krystal, or another F-Zero guy (Black Shadow? Pico?). Or it could be someone completely random. Bear in mind the singles form a pseudo-ring of sorts, starting with Samus and ending with Captain Falcon.

  11. Considering the largest roster screen we've seen had no Jigglypuff or Sonic and was 31 characters, I think my friend's prediction of 35 characters might be spot-on (only enough room on the select screen for one more column, and each column has 4 selections, minus one for... that white square).

    So, two more characters. WW Link, and, uh... Ridley? Probably not Ridley. In fact, it looks as though Metroid will maintain its one-character deal. Pity.

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