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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Yeah, it would have to be pretty damn good at this point, but if you think it's up to the standards, PM me.
  2. You guys have to understand that when they say there's a 12.5% chance of a female, they doesn't mean that you will get one 12.5% of the time. For each time you try for a female, you have only 1 12.5% chance. And the next time, you still only have a 12.5% chance. Carry this on for two hundred times, and you still might only get one or two females. And the game mechanics are true and accurate. It's just that since there's a lot of stuff going on at any one time. In fact, I was reading a thread on Smogon.com where someone had detailed the random number generation system. It was a little too mathy for me, but it was still an interesting read. I'll have to look it up for a link, and then you can see what I mean.
  3. I think the Kotaku headline says it all, so... Considering the last dozen times they did this exact same crap, it turned out to be true. So I'm still going to stick with "fucking fuckity fuck fuck".
  4. Yeah you know what? Maybe this should get deleted. It's been nothing but people yelling at each other. And your snide little comments haven't helped the situation. You could have politely countered any comment you didn't agree with, or even just ignored them. But no, you went off on them. Way to defeat trolls and people that don't like he same things as you. (insert slow-clapping emoticon here) Any grief you've gotten in this thread is your own fault. You want to talk about any other topic, that's fine. You're welcome to. But this one here? It's over. Just give up and let it go. After all, one thread about Star Trek on a page full of video game and music stuff, out all the millions of pages out on the internet, isn't the most important thing in the world; if it is, then you have more serious issues to deal with first.
  5. Fuck. In other news, Sony expects people to now rush out and get the cheaper version while they still can. Hey, here's an idea: why not just keep the 60 gig systems, and sell those at the price you said? That way, you have people buying them all the time instead of just in the next couple of weeks! Yeah, people buying your product all year round! Crazy, huh?
  6. Quote for emphasize. I must have spent enough on the big screen House of The Dead 2 arcade machines to buy one. Now I can have a game just like it, but at home and I can play it whenever I want. Hell yeah, I'll get it.
  7. I think this is supposed to be in Requests...
  8. Fuck, would you two just shut up and leave things alone? God, it's like having to yell at little children fighting over who's the better imaginary singing dinosaur.
  9. I have to agree with Dhsu. You've made your point, you got the word out, your job is done. You don't need to keep updating something that hasn't gone anywhere. Page views mean nothing, really. All it means is that an unknown number of people clicked on the thread. It doesn't tell you how many individuals clicked on it, nor does it tell you how many times each one clicked on it. It doesn't even tell you if they read it.
  10. Fuck, someone got to it first. Anyway... I liked the first one, but I never actually got around to finishing the second. I do know that the story was supposed to end happily ever after, so I don't really see what they plan to do with the plot now.
  11. Totallt add more particle effects, because those are kewl and really show off systems POWAR! And some more colors wii cant do more then a million colors PS2 can do 50 million colors an dits last gen!@!1 Also, make it darker coz dark is moar real! ANd guns. Make the guy shoot guns and shit.
  12. Those plates are fucking everywhere. You find them on the ground on most routes, and you can dig up a small fortune of them in the Underground.
  13. Pretty much. I haven't really bothered with using Everstones much, since I managed to luck out a lot in the GBA games, and get pretty good IVs and natures I liked.
  14. Are you using Everstones? They increase the chance of the nature of the parent pokemon holding it being transferred to the offspring. You pretty much have the how Effort Value thing down. Use the items like Macho Brace and the new versions of it to help speed that up. As for leveling up after maxing out your EVs, nothing you do at that point is wrong. Rare Candies, Daycare, or fighting won't do anything to your stats anymore. I think you can't redo your EVs once you hit level 100, but by then, you should have figured out what you were doing with that pokemon.
  15. I've seen enough anime to know that if a show can't get it going in the first couple of episodes, it's not going to. The longer it takes for a show to get warmed-up, the less likely it is that people are going to watch it. This show just didn't do anything for me. And according to my hard drive here, I still have the first six episodes. So I guess I actually saw the first six episodes, and it still didn't do anything for me. Bland, slow, generic fantasy just doesn't do it for me. But if you like it, fine, go watch it. Just don't tell me that I should too.
  16. Yeah, I watched the first three or four episodes. It's your typical medieval fantasy/fighting demons stuff. No thanks. If you're going to make a show like this, at least do something that isn't horribly obvious and taken right out of the big book of anime standards and clichés. There's already been a half dozen shows just like this over the last couple of years.
  17. Actually, I was talking about market success, but you make a good point. I find it interesting how Nintendo went from new guy to champ to second place to last place and then first place (NES to Wii) in 23 or so years, but Sony went from new guy to champ to industry pariah in only twelve years. That's just amazing. To see any company go downhill so fast after such success is just fascinating. And don't just start thinking "uh oh, Nintendo fanboy", because I'm not. I loved the PS1 for it's huge library of RPGs, and I've played my share of X-Box titles. I actually think Sony spurred the current success of Nintendo by beating them down enough to force Nintendo to start acting smarter. Competition, in this case, really did make things better for us customers. We got two new systems (Wii and DS) that work out great, and we see the revitalization of an old company that most of us grew up on.
  18. Let's see... they took the system with the 60 gig hard drive that sold for $599, and dropped it to $499. Then they took the 80 gig system that they said was not going to be sold in North America, and priced it for North America at $599. Now, since they discontinued the 20 gig model, which had certain features left out to make it cheaper. The 60 gig system used to be the high-end version, but now the high-end version is the low-end version. This means that you get all those left-out things plus another 40 gigs. For the same price as the old low-end system. When you look at it that way, it seems like a good deal. Except for a few things: 1. Only the people that bought the 20 gig system are going to see it that way. And guess what? They already spent $499 on a PS3. Unless one of them can find someone to buy their lower-end 20 gig model for the full $499, they aren't likely to see the point in buying an upgraded version for something they just bought a few months ago at the same price. No one is going to do that. Not even the fanboys! 2. People that haven't bought a PS3 yet are still going to see $499 and $599 price tags. They aren't going to look at what it has that the old model didn't, and think "what a deal". They are going to look at that price tag, and they are going to think it's too expensive. Then they will see the Wiis and 360s, and think how much cheaper they are. 3. When someone sees the two models and the price difference, they are going to buy the $499 one. Why make an 80 gig model to begin with? Why split your customer base? Well, I guess with those prices, splitting isn't very likely. I guess it would be more like, "why drive your customer base away from one product and towards another?" Why not just sell the cheaper system and make money period? The only answer I can think of is that that is exactly what they want to do: make people think the $499 model is cheaper. Not the greatest plan, but considering Sony's track record these last two years...
  19. So, remember last week, when everyone was talking about a price drop for the PS3, and all those stores had ads published for this price drop, and then there were insider reports from all over the place saying that there was going to be a price drop? And remember how Sony said there wasn't going to be one, and then they had PR people and marketing guys swear on bibles that there wasn't going to be a price drop, and then they had the big hunchos in Japan and the US saying that a price drop was out of the question? Yeah. Sony either is full of liars, or no one knows what the hell they are doing. Price cut-wise, this changes very little. You still pay $500 or more for a slight increase in hard drive capacity. Oh, and a game that's glitchy and doesn't sell well on its own. Honestly, I'd be interested in a PS3, if the price was a hell of a lot lower, if they had any games I was interested in, and they stopped this constant bullshit. Hell, even Microsoft is more direct and straightforward than this, and they were masters of FUDD for years. Sony, please... you did so well with the PS1 and PS2. What's making you do this crap?
  20. The only Legendaries I am currently missing are Celebi and Lugia. And the special event DP ones. ... I'm not saying anything, but I'm not not saying anything. Hint hint.
  21. I can agree with that. It would have great. Seeing how Kanto has been included in EVERY FUCKING GENERATION before, it would have been fine to just through in the other region for free. Those islands were boring and flat.
  22. 10 characters Edit: That's what that long pause before my post appeared was. You were taking up all the bandwidth or something. Fucker.
  23. I'll take one of those new loser babies things... That way, I don't have to waste the time trying to breed them. Ugh... stupid baby forms of old pokemon. God, how lazy the designers at GameFreak are.
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