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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Well then, do it. And then download Paper Mario. And then play it. Ya hoser.
  2. Go to any store that sells video game stuff, and see if they have this little credit card-like cards that say "Wii Points" on them. Buy one (for about ten bucks). Use it to get 1000 points to download Paper Mario. Toys R Us and Best Buy have tons of them. Or if you have a credit card, you can buy some that way.
  3. David Reeds, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, saying that the PS3 will be the leader in the next nine months? Gee, you think that he might have a little bias there? How about a "paradigm shift" from someone that doesn't work for Sony?
  4. Actually, you can copyright something right now, and if you got it through fast enough, you can have a legal right to the name and the domain thereof. Copyright laws are kind of screwy that way. I'd ask a lawyer or grab a copyright book first, and make sure. If it's as I remember it, you can fight for it to be returned to you.
  5. Hmmm... nothing on their sites suggests either recollection. And Google doesn't show much other than the usual stuff. Oddly enough, they have Wikipedia entries for their albums (which is something OCR lost when some of the Wikinazis said they weren't "relevent enough") but they don't have a page for the band itself.
  6. Come on, there are entire companies that specialize in forum spamming. They create accounts on popular sites (which OCR is, don't you know), and then try to integrate themselves into the local community. They might wait days or even weeks, depending upon their "policy". If a company can do it, why can't a music band? Get a few friends or members to go around to music sites and drop some links. Would it really be that hard? Hell, you could google "music sites" and get a few hundred sites ripe for the spamming. I'm immediately weary of anyone that signs up and the first thing they do is go on about how great whatever service/product/group is. Like i said, he had three weeks to participate in any of the hundreds of threads here. But instead, he makes a new one about some small-time band that just happened to release a new album, not even a week ago. That sounds pretty damn suspicious to me.
  7. I thought the One-Ups disbanded earlier this year. Or was that the Neskimos? I remember hearing one of the big video game bands called it quits.
  8. Spammer alert! He signed up just to plug a band. He's had almost three weeks to post anything at all, and a link to a band is his first one? Either he's had nothing better to say, or he's been waiting for his other threads on other sites to be locked or deleted.(and now for the "I'M NOT SPAMMING! I JUST REALLY LIKE THIS BAND! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT THIS WAY? REALLY, I'M NOT A SPAMMING!")
  9. "Hardcore LARPing" lol!1* Every time you tell us why it's not LARPing, you add more points that we can use to argue that it is. Kill log stations? Turf wars? Factions? Sounds like a LARP to me! *I never use "lol", but this time, it seemed appropriate.
  10. Well, I checked this morning, and it was on the North American VC list, so 1000 point later...
  11. It's just LARPing. Big fucking deal. Seriously, don't you guys have your own conventions? Between the furries and the LARPers, I haven't felt comfortable going to a con in several years. At least the anime cosplayers were somewhat funny and some of the gothic lolitas were smoking hot sexy...
  12. I'm not a math person (or a music person), but I do like how the line of dots becomes a swirl, and then goes through 3, 4 5, and 6 point stars, and back again as they go around. Geometry... whoa.
  13. Yeah, and most of those games end up being another Dai Katana. Hyped all the time, and the result is a feeling not unlike a girl's disappointment when her boyfriend jizzes all over her panties their first time. ... OK, that was a terrible comparison, but you get my point. I actually staying away from most big budget/hype games, simply because, like Coop said, I've been burned too many times by shitty titles that promised a lot. In fact, I think this explains why there are a lot of series that have repeat customers. But that's getting into the whole "new ideas versus old gameplay" argument...
  14. When I first saw this thread just after it was posted, and I looked up Isospeedrix's profile, and saw that he had just joined up today, I immediately thought "spammer! He's here to show off his completely worthless crap! Lurk more! Etc, etc..." I was all ready to start the usual spam stuff, when Youtube started playing the first link. Needless to say, I didn't bother writing out the usual spam stuff. Hi, Isospeedrix. Welcome to OCRemix. Enjoy tour stay, and if you ever want to do any remixes, I have a feeling that they will be welcomed and accepted.
  15. Awesome post +1 for The Coop. Well said.
  16. Fuck, that's a European release, isn't it? No wonder I can't find it on the VC list.
  17. Hmmm... another RPG? Should I throw myself, yet again, into that same chamber of endless hours spent leveling up and acquiring items nd characters? Or a better question, do I have enough points to get it?
  18. Who has been on every single day for the last three weeks. And checks everything each night when he gets home from work. Anyways... pu-freak has submitted his revised version of Cycling Road, and I have to say, it's pretty nice. Check it out at the project forums.
  19. You may have accidentally dislodged a cable or something when you were cleaning it out. If it was loose enough that a blast from a can of air was all it took, though, then it should have popped up earlier.
  20. Again, Gamefaqs. Really, in the time it would take you to wait, you could have just gone there, looked it up, and found out for yourself. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but it's just easier and quicker.
  21. Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com Gamefaqs.com
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