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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. One month until Pokémon Daimond and Pearl come out. And I still have two months of classes left. Seriously, I will fail those last parts, simply because I will not be able to NOT play the game.
  2. Yeah, it's just the core Gameboy RPGs. If there was to be a giant, all-encompassing remix of any Pokémon game music, the tracklist would pretty much double. And as for annoying people... shoo. Away with you. Don't ruin things for everyone else.
  3. I did take care of it... but now I see two "Private WIPs" on the project boards. The fuck? EDIT: As for you guys no being able to see the Private WIPs section, that was because no one had set your viewing permissions to allow it. That's changed now. Odd, you should have been able to once your account was activated.
  4. Guess again! So it's a combination of two kinds of shit and a little crap? You're not selling this very well. This is spam. He even wants you to add him to your friend list. Come on, spleen, you should be better than this.
  5. So... why is it that people bitch and complain about how kiddy Nintendo games are, but fucking orgasm over LittleBigPlanet like it's some sort of lesbian orgy? Let's see... 1. It's a game where little dolls run around. 2. It's set in a world made up of toys, blocks and stylized cartoon drawings. 3. The music is whimsical and sounds like it would fit in perfectly on an episode of Azumanga Daioh or one of those short-lived Disney cartoons you see on Family Channel. I'm not seeing how this is any different. Where's Evilhead? He should have some interesting reasons how this is completely different and better.
  6. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are only 6 weeks away. Exactly six weeks. And each day is an exercise in distraction and patience. Why would they release it on a Sunday, anyway? An attempt to trick people into not going to church? I guess it's better than having it come out on Monday. Work would slow down, costing who knows how many hundreds of millions of dollars... maybe even billions. The economy would suffer. Don't believe me? Pokémon is the second biggest selling series in history, doubling sales of even the entire Final Fantasy series. That's worldwide, by the way, not just in Japan. And the average age of Pokémon players is 21 years. Think about it. I haven't even decided on which start to choose, yet...
  7. That's because Japan isn't big enough to span multiple time-zones. When a country does span multiple zones, then you have to use it. Also, geography plays a part. Mountains will affect the time for sunrise and sunset. That's why Saskatchewan in Canada doesn't bother with daylights saving; the entire province is so flat, there's nothing in the way. No mountains, no blocked sunlight. Then you get the weird little half-hour zones, like Newfoundland. Watching TV shows there is odd, because hour-long shows start on the half-hour mark. I think that's because no one else wants to share a time-zone with them, though.
  8. You can't anymore. Once the switch to the new forums was done, we lost the ability to edit our own thread titles. You have to ask a mod to do it for you. And frankly, unless you're running something big or that needs constant updating (like a remix project or a site project), they aren't likely to get around to doing it.
  9. I saw a few typos, so I fixed them for you.
  10. OK. This week, I am leaving town to go on a course for my job. I'll be back each weekend, so I'm not completely gone. By the time I'm done it, the project should be pretty damn close to being finished. Then I'll be free to put all my time into it. So, keep working on everything, and I'll see you all on the weekend.
  11. About three months-ish. Roughly. I'd like to get everything for April 22nd, but I think we'll have to wait until a little longer than that.
  12. First and foremost, my condolences for seeing it. You poor, poor man. Second, spoilers. Bad movie or not, they still get used. ->I would say that the utter hatred and suffering of the woman either created a slight shifting of the town into a neighboring dimension, or that the suffering of the girl reached out to some other being (the devil, if you will). The scene where you see the woman in the hospital and then a little girl appears seems to give some credit to the second idea. Now a lot of people seemed to be confused with the ending. The woman and the girl go home, but it's all foggy and her husband can't see them. The answer is that whatever evil force turned Silent Hill into a split world has now spread to that town, and will slowly take it over as well.
  13. Fine, I'll change it tomorrow... fuck. Who reads the first page, anyways?
  14. If I could change the title, I would. If I felt that there was something really worth updating, I would. But quite frankly, everyone on this project knows what's going on. I really do wish I could change the title, though... I've PMed mods about it, but nothing ever happens.
  15. Nintendo was especially against trading and renting back in the 80s and 90s. I recall several pamphlets and booklets that they gave out to stores that detailed why it was so bad. "Why You Shouldn't Trade Your Games" or something like that... The best part was that I saw these in a toy small store in the town I grew up in, called Henkes, that rented out everything from Gameboy to 3D0 games. They always a stack of them on the counter. I guess the store took whatever the companies sent them, regardless of what it was.
  16. Nintendo made a big deal years ago about how you can't trade in or rent games, as they considered it piracy and fraud (translation: they weren't getting any money from the trading and renting). Do you really think that a company like this would let you do the same with non-physical games as well?
  17. Gamestop likes to do trade-ins, because they give you a few bucks for it and then sell it for like twenty. It also bolsters their stock, making them look better.
  18. I'd just like to take this opportunity to apologize to DragonAvenger for deleting her project forum account. When you didn't get back to me after a few months, I pretty much forgot who you were, and when I saw you sign up, I asked if anyone knew who you were. Sadly, no one said they did, and I deleted it. But then, almost immediately, someone else pointed out that you had expressed interest back at the begining of this very thread, and then I remembered who you were. Then someone else said that they were working with you on a remix. D'oh! My bad, entirely. Sign up again, and I will personally activate your account.
  19. Uwe Boll used make video game movies really bad so that he would get a German government group to give him a tax break. That policy has since been changed, but he still fucks the films up anyway. What? You think someone could made such bad movies by accident? No, no, no... it's entirely on purpose, and thus truly evil.
  20. I don't know why people are saying they can't find extra controllers. I saw a whole rack of them at a Best Buy today. Classic, Wiimote, nunchuck, everything. Now, what I couldn't find is a Wii itself. Or a black DS Lite. But that's obvious.
  21. And you're how old now? That would give us a timeframe we could use to narrow it down.
  22. I keep reading this thread as "Good Bleach Music"... Which is an oxymoron.
  23. Motion for move to Incredible Internet Videos, and motion to include in top videos list.
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