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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I've got a couple laying around. PM me for when you want to get it. Got anything interesting in exchange?
  2. I can see it, and it does make some sense. If you try to pre-determine what limits and conditions you think it will run under, a system will only meet so many of them, and then you run into the stuff that no one anticipated. But at the same time, each game you release with a limited online part suffers for it, and the gap between your own online system lags behind that of the competition (namely Microsoft's X-Box Live!, which is pretty damn good for online gaming). You see this happening with the DS, Nintendo's real venture into online. The first games that supported it were hit and miss. Mario Kart DS had a pretty easy and decent way to play your friends, but really sucked when it came to playing random people. Anyone that has ever played knows what I'[m talking about; snakers playing non-snakers, disconnecters, outright rude and jackass behavior of various kinds... That brings up the real problem with online, actually. The other players. Most of the time, you end up with totally different people, whom you can not play a good game with. Either your ideas of how to play are too different, or they don't want to play, so much as fuck around and be in the way of your good time. Any way... Even though later games have been better at it, they still blow it on certain aspects. Pokémon D/P lets you trade and battle online, but suffers several problems. Trading is either by Friend Code, which is somewhat convenient, or by GTS, which is plagued by cheaters and outrageous trade offers (level 100 Mew for a Level 3 Bidoof? Fuckin' come on...). Battling is completely restricted to Friend Codes, which sucks ass when none of the people on your list are playing at the time. Random battles would be welcome, because sometimes, you just want to have a quick battle to kill some time. With the Wii, the same problems seem bound to happen. The reliance upon the Friend Code system will be a major stumbling block. Even though Pokémon Battle Revolution offers random battles, there still isn't a well designed, well built online component. And this was supposed to be the flagship of Wii online games. I can only hope that whatever Nintendo learns from their experiences with online gaming so far lets them come up with a solid, consistent and workable online strategy. Because we all know, they need one. I don't think you can just add online support for a game without a rather significant patching regime. Besides, the games run off of optical discs (all read, no write) and the system memory is limited to on-board 512 megabytes, plus whatever external memory you have plugged in. The thing is, Wii discs hold 4.7 gigs, or 8.5 if it's dual-layer. If they use up 4 gigs for a game, and that's not counting any online stuff, you would have to have a pretty large SD card to handle the new online code that you would supposedly download. And what happens if you don't insert that SD card when you boot up the game? I can see too many problems arising from this idea. I doubt that we'll see this sort of thing unless they can figure out a really good way to shrink such a patch to only a few hundred megs, or by a hard drive (which Nintendo has already stated they have absolutely no interest in doing).
  4. Except that you can use your PC for more than playing games. Yeah, I know, not the greatest comparison, but when you think about it, PCs aren't really the same as a console. The PC, even when it's geared towards gaming, is still a device that is intended for general, multipurpose stuff, whereas consoles (even with their increase in multimedia functions) are intended for playing games. Having to pay more for a new component to increase performance isn't the same as buying a pre-set, non-upgradeable system.
  5. Really, all the games are like that. RBY was kind of flat on the whole "stuff to do after the E4" thing, but each version after really added on to the stuff. GSC especially. Once you beat the E4, you were allowed to go back to Kanto, beat up the gym leaders thre, and check out how much things changed over the last few years. Then you got to beat up Red (your character from the first series), but his team was in the high 70s to low 80s, so it was the hardest battle in the game. RSE threw in several side-quests, that whole Contests thing, and lots of little things to help draw it out some more. Nicely Done. I maxed out the clock on all three gens because of the extra stuff to do. Needs those distinctive eyebrows.
  6. So, the GameBoy Camera has be reincarnated. Yay? I see it uses the GBA slot. I mean, that's what the slot is there for, using accessories... but still sort of cool to see the slot actually doing something besides having a GBA cart sticking out.
  7. Serebii.net is saying it's some sort of glitch on the Nintendo WiFi system. Something about the system rejecting Battle Passes with legendaries in a team. Nothing official, still. Hopefully this is be cleared up sometime soon.
  8. Reports of Legendaries being banned from the GTS and WiFi battles have popped up. Details are sketchy at the moment, but some are saying that only North American pokes are effected, while others are saying that only the more easily obtained ones are banned (none of the special event-only pokes). There hasn't been any official announcement yet, but there are a few online competitions going on in Australia that mention a ban on certain legendaries, as per standard tournament rules. Anyone with Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Wii care to try this out and see if any of it's true?
  9. Yeah, I just got a Lite about a month ago, and once I got that skin/protector cover on it, it's pretty damn nice. A redesign now? Too soon. Way to soon. The Lite isn't exactly lacking in anything. The screens are pretty damn bright and clear, and the battery life is good. A redesign now would be pointless.
  10. If you wish to subscribe to it, I have these pamphlets you can read... Also, I forgot that I have a shiny Magneton, level 49. The IVs are sort of decent (15 to 20 on most of them, but the Attack and Defense are... unmentionable). So now I'll have a Shiny Magnezone.
  11. I know, I've seen some fucking stupid trade offers on the GTS. One thing I have seen though, is that Japanese players are offering incredibly good pokes for anything with an English name. Our players across the Pacific see no problem with trading their Moon-language named legendaries for regular crap with full English names (nicknames or otherwise), because they think English names are cool enough to warrant it.
  12. Wow. Katamari was one of those definitive games for the PS2. It was weird and odd and had nothing that should have made it appeal to the Western audience, but it was big enough to be on every top ten list and nominated for every award that came up. Yeah, the sequel and the PSP versions weren't as good, or popular, but still... ouch. That along with some of their other "exclusives" jumping ship this last six months...
  13. So, on the tail-end of an announcement for Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Nintendo slipped in a date for Metroid Prime: Corruption, August 27th. See here
  14. So Zelda, Phantom Hourglass has been announced for North America on October 1st. Link (pun intended)
  15. You can get a good idea by checking out the off-line Battle Tower. You're supposed to be getting copies of teams from regional players when you play, so that might give you a decent idea. And yes, you can gain an advantage by knowing other players teams. It's a huge advantage, because you can easily counter them. Unless both players know, and thus can alter their teams more than enough to void any edge one might have over the other, it's easy enough to predict what movesets and tactics they could use. Most of the standards out there are limited to only a few movesets. Besides, if you need to know what your opponent is bringing out to a battle, your team must not be very good to begin with. (insert better appropriate emoticon here)
  16. What that word or phraze for when someone tries to learn something they know they aren't going to be told, but they still do it in a very obvious way? I think it's German or something...
  17. I will only get it if the old Komani code is put in there, and I can use it anytime I want/need to. ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start FTW!
  18. I just found out my friend (a giant Transformers fan) scored tickets to a special advance screening. Fucking fucking-fuck-fucker, fucking, fucker-fucker.
  19. I was sure that they did. In fact, I read on a few guides that it was possible. I guess Nintendo really wants to enforce the whole "super double secret pokemon" thing. Not even being able to see it on the GTS sucks ass.
  20. Fuck... Anyone got a Celebi? I don't want to trade, I just want to battle or something so I can get it to show up in my fucking GTS list.
  21. I have breeding pairs for the old starters. PM me or go on the OCR channel to arrange a trade. Friend codes' in sig.
  22. Yeah, because anonymous online petitions really change things. It was a mediocre series that only had a few highlights here and there. The crew was cookie-cutter (did anyone else think that the helmsmen was based upon the Wesley Crusher-parody from Galaxy Quest?), the stories were mostly Archer bitching about the Vulcans, and everyone behaved like they had a warp coil up their ass. Sorry, but the first few seasons of Stargate SG1 were better.
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