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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Wow... have PS3s sitting on shelves, the demand is a lot lower than they originally expected, and now they are offering a major discount through their stores.

    I know they want to get the machines out there, so when more games come out in the future, the consumer base will be there... but taking an even larger loss per unit? Ouch.

    Also: comments in the Gametab article. "I'mma buying a Wii with mine!"

  2. A few of the puzzles can be confusing, like the one where you have to slide blocks around on ice... those can be brain-busters if you're not hardwired for that sort of puzzle. And the camera constantly following behind you can make it confusing.

    I had to look up a few things from time to time, but yeah, only save a walkthrough or guide for when you absolutely need it

  3. So.. Depending on which one you want to believe..

    VG Charts is saying Wii has broke 3 million.

    NexGenWars is saying 2 million.

    I say.. wait until Nintendo announces the end of year numbers. Or at least announces some sort of milestone.

    Even with 2 million, that's since November 19th. That's a million a month. That's pretty damn good for anyone.

    Now, as long as they use "units sold" and not "units shipped"...

    Whut. It's been a month and nine days, not two months since it launched. Try your hand at math again - it would be more accurate (though still off by a bit) to say 2 million in five and a half weeks. That's a hell of a lot more impressive than a million a month.

    Oops. You're right. Only a month, not two. The hours of sunlight this far north.. it gets a little hard to keep track of time. Daylight only lasts maybe... eight hours? But yeah, month, not months.

  4. I say who cares about the sales. Play/buy what you like.

    Bu-bu-bu-bu-but... our opinions! Someone must listen to them, regardless of if they want to or not! That's what makes us the kings of the internet! :wink:

    I agree with you on that. I do play what I like. But for the sake of argument...

    Sales are important. To a certain point.

    Look at some of the flops of years past. If they had sold better, there would have been more game developer support for it. They want to make games, because that's how they make their money. And the games have to be made for a system that they know people have, or will buy. This gives them a better chance to make money.

    Imagine if either of the last gen consoles had failed out of the gate. Would there be a Blue Dragon if the 360 flopped? Nintendo could have made a run at it with what they made themselves for the Wii, but that would only go so far. And if the PS2 had somehow failed, would any developer feel comfortable making anything at all for the PS3?

    It's not the most important thing to look at when deciding what hardware to buy, but it does affect things more than just the feelings of fanboys. A strong-selling system shows developers that they can make a game for it, and there will be a good chance it will sell.

  5. So.. Depending on which one you want to believe..

    VG Charts is saying Wii has broke 3 million.

    NexGenWars is saying 2 million.

    I say.. wait until Nintendo announces the end of year numbers. Or at least announces some sort of milestone.

    Even with 2 million, that's since November 19th. That's a million a month. That's pretty damn good for anyone.

    Now, as long as they use "units sold" and not "units shipped"...

  6. Fuck you, Bahamut, I was about to post that.

    Now, I have personally seen two PS3 demo units in a store. The same store, in fact. Anyone in Edmonton, go to the HMV at West Ed, upstairs. They have two of them.

    That day, I saw one guy completely hoarding one demo to himself. He was playing basketball, and for the half hour or so I was there, he was playing it. Non-stop.

    The second unit had, you guessed it, Metal Storm. And, you also guessed it, it was frozen. I pushed the buttons, I felt around the case for a reset switch, I even told the people behind the counter. They didn't come out and do anything with it.

    So, I guess, if what Sony reps say is true, people are more likely to play Metal Storm than sports games. Wait... Isn't racing considered a sport?

    Now, reps aren't exactly the most... uh... "well-versed" people when it comes to technical info, so I suspect that the guy was bullshitting out his mouth when he said this was intentional.

    But then, Sony likes to bullshit a lot, don't they? The E3 trailers being in-game footage, the power of the Cell processor, the ads, that fake blog... wow. Fire everyone in your marketing division and start over from scratch Sony. Do both yourself and us a favor and stop thins sort of shit. Maybe when you act like you want me to buy your stuff, I will.

    EDIT: Oh dear god of all that is pure and wholesome, do not read the comments after the article. It will hurt you. It makes the terrible shit we do to each other look like a calm, collected debate at Princeton or Harvard. Seriously, don't read it.

  7. http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20061226/ruberg_01.shtml

    An interesting read. The author in the interview talks about how any medium undergoes the same thing: people freak out about it, politicians use it to get votes, and the people that make said medium come under attack. While he mostly examines this by way of comic books, he does mention how he sees it happening in the video game industry.

    I said the same things for years, but no one ever listened. I guess you have to have a book out before people notice... oh well, at least someone who's not in the industry standing up for it.

  8. There should be a picture of a famous video game character like Mario, Zelda, or Sonic, and you have to type in what video game character it is. Don't see how bots could deal with that.

    That would be unfair to people who haven't heard of certain video game characters.

    Honestly? If someone is joining the forum here, they fucking know who Mario, Zelda and Sonic are.

  9. One can always hope... :wink:

    A minor issue, that I've mentioned before. Even though I set my account to be logged-in all the time, and always enable auto-login, I still have to log in regardless. In fact, I can come to OCR, go to UnMod or WIPs (which you need to be logged in for, and then suddenly have no access because I need to log in again. It will only be a few seconds between entering the specific board, and then BAM! I'm logged out for some reason.

    I've checked cookies and security settings on my end, and nothing has changed at all. And this site is the only one I see this happening on.

  10. This is the beginning of the end for microsoft and windows. good times.

    Yes... the end of the largest software company in the world, with billions upon billions of dollars in the bank, and almost the entire world, both personal and business, using their OS... And they have they little X-Box 360 thing, which is seeing a lot of movement and starting to actually make some money... Truly, you are a sage or a magician or a witch or something, because you've predicted the future.

    Shut up and come back when you knew what you're talking about.

  11. Wow, that's quite the chunk of change you're giving.

    I'd suggest going with GBA Micros. They're $40 at Wal-mart, smaller and brighter than SPs, and the only thing they lose (besides a little bit of screen size) is the ability to play GBC games and *gasp* connect to a GCN!

    Good idea. GBA games should be cheap by then, and if I see somewhere that has some bundles for sale, I can kill two birds with one stone.

    I really think having their own little video game system is a good thing for a child in such a situation. If not for the small amount of escape they provide, then for the fact that that little piece of electronics is theirs, and theirs alone. They can take it with them, they can hide it if they need to, and they can pull it out and play it when they want to. Because being a kid with nothing sucks.

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