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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh. Well then, I take back everything I said about the PS3 not being a good value. All that other stuff and it's a space heater? I'm sold.
  2. Wait... you aren't sure if Spaceballs is a spoof? HOW?
  3. Actually, it's counting all the old ones. When the switch was made, it listed all my past PMs, from more than a year ago, that I forgot about and never deleted. I guess the system didn't carry over that they were already read.
  4. What's that? Halo on the iPhone?! I'm going to tell everyone!
  5. Two of the companies being sued are Japanese. Can't they just hire some ninjas to take care of this?
  6. I think this is the first time they had video game stuff involved. Why, I couldn't say. None of this has anything to do with movies.
  7. Back in October, I had this idea. And now, someone in Japan has done it. Not as far as I'd like, but it's a good start. I'd rather have more DS spaces, personnaly.
  8. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/01/09/oops-sony-declares-sixaxis-emmy-emmys-say-uh-uh/ Ha haa. No Emmy for you.
  9. ITT we see how the proper use of irony derails a thread about a video game system.
  10. And the people telling stories abut themselves will be told to go to livejournal. Yep, that pretty much leaves sports.
  11. So... it's an Ipod, that also acts as a cell-phone, and has limited gaming capabilities. Didn't Nokia already try this, but in a slightly different order?
  12. You can win awards just for showing up at CES. Sony? Involved in payola? I just can't believe it. I mean, it's not like they paid all those movie critics to give good reviews for Sony films... or even just made some critics up. Or paid radio stations to play more Sony owned music on the air. Or game sites to give better reviews. I just can't believe that Sony would do that.
  13. I already switched him over so he has access to it, along with some of the others. As for mixers list, that I haven't done.
  14. He posted that while I was fixing all the little typos in my last post. And I didn't notice any of his other posts until now.
  15. It's so true. One day, I just went onto the site I modded on for three years. One day, I just sat down, took a look at the place for a few minutes, and then sent a PM to the admin. "Yeah, I don't want to moderate anymore..." Never went back since. It wasn't even a small forum either. It had about five thousand or so members, and I knew a good chunk of them personally, having met them in person over the years. It wasn't even that bad of a place; there was no "unmod" or equivalent, and for the most part, the membership was fairly decent. It just got to the point where I was tired of telling the same people to shut up, moving threads, fixing goof-ups, and having to babysit a bunch of random names on a screen. I just didn't want to do it anymore. So yeah, I can completely understand why DarkeSword would just quit. Good for him. Modding can suck the life out of you. Hopefully he'll take some time, relax, do what he has to do, and maybe, just maybe, he'll come back, but as a regular member, and not have to deal with any of the stuff that made him leave. You're welcome back anytime you want DS.
  16. I downloaded a torrent of the Super Collection CD that was released a few weeks ago. All of the music. Even the day and night variations. Too bad I will not be able to buy it when it comes out here. I must wait... wait and wait and wait, until such time as my studying and exams are complete. For I know that once I get the game in my Ds and that DS comes to be in my hands, I will not be able to stop playing it. I will forget important equations, procedures and codes. Yes, that would be bad. I'm not losing a massive pay raise and bonuses to a game. No, that game will come from said raise and bonuses. Only then...
  17. Applause for Ero Elohim, for an excellent rebuttal.
  18. Bird Flu hasn't caused more than two hundred deaths by most accounts. That's world wide, by the way. And that's the really bad strain of it. You're more likely to die from the regular, human flu than Bird flu.
  19. I don't think that's irony.
  20. Yeah, that was posted about three minutes before I heard the latest version. Ignore that last paragraph aimed at you. And why haven't we heard from Gslicer yet? Is he shy?
  21. No, it's just that we took some time doing some of those remixes. There were also times when someone was waiting for another person to provide lyrics, vocals or another instrument. And then there were the times when everybody just up and disappeared for a few weeks. And there's still artwork, the webpage, the titles, the project name, setting up the distribution... there are lots of things to still do. And any remix still has to be tweaked and reviewed by the rest of us before we accept it. Another Soundscape, you only provided a submission. You still have to actually do a serious remix. What you have now is good, but there is always some room for improvement. But that's not for here.
  22. Maybe he thinks it's called the "Nintendo W-i-i" or the "Nintendo Why". I actually heard someone in a store say "Look, there's one of those Nintendo W-i-is!"
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