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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. ur a fag no u! faggy fanboy no ur fagy fanboy Jesus... now I have to change this thread's title to "SilverStar and Phthisis bitch at each other", and get it moved to UnMod. I don't recall any of the other system threads going so downhill so quickly...
  2. Really? Because I remembered most of the ones I've already fought, just by reading the list. The rest I either found for the first time or when I got there, I realized I had already beat them. And then there's the half dozen I accidentally came across while working on other side-quests.
  3. Yeah, so... everyone just go do your year-end stuff for now, and we can pick up again in January. If you want to keep working on those remixes (and I hope you are), you can, but don't forget to do that whole christmas thing while you're at it. Uh... merry christmas.
  4. For those who are scratching their heads in confusion, Defense of the Ancients is mod for Warcraft 3.
  5. You could also hit up the various guides at Gamefaqs.
  6. I was wondering how long it would be before someone here used Electroplankton as part of a song. Let's see... only move than a year. Not bad.
  7. Weird, it's loading just fine for me. I saw that placeholder site when I first went there this morning, but it works fine now. Maybe a temporary glitch somewhere...
  8. I think a major title loss is appropriate for both.
  9. Why the hell would you want to browse the internet ona game machine? The computer is far, far better for that. If you don't have a computer (which I can safely say that Kak does), then I can see it, but still... There are other places in the world that have the Wii, you know... maybe they're also tying up servers. I can only see this happening if the system doesn't have different servers for each region.
  10. We have a PS3 thread, a PSP thread (again), a DS thread, and we're on the third Wii thread. But no X-Box 360 thread? Our coverage of the current systems is incomplete! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134598 When you download new stuff for your 360 games, you're not really downloading them; you're downloading a key. And it unlocks stuff you've already paid for. And it costs you more money to do so. Yes, the age of micro-transactions is here and people are happily paying out more for what they already own. It sucks, but there's probably an end-user license agreement somewhere that mentions this, and no one ever bothered to check (who really reads those? I bet you could put just about anything in one, and no one would notice until weeks, or even months later). On the other hand, with soaring development costs and lower profits, game developers may see this sort of action as the only way to recoup the millions they spent on the games. A company that maintains a healthy profit can survive for years during rough patches between releases.
  11. Too subtle? Something like that. I mean, I love the DS as much as the next guy, but...well... Well, I was going to add a few "And lo," to the thing to make it more biblical, but I decided that would be too obvious a mocking. Sarcasm is really, really hard to convey in text. It sounded a lot funnier when I was typing it out. But still... ouch, that's impressive. Last year at this time, it was like that for the PS2. Hell, for the last three years, it was the PS2. The market changed pretty quickly over 2006. I'd love to see game sales figure for each week and month for the entire year, just to see when the shift started. /off to find charts and stuff
  12. TO THOSE IN NORTH AMERICA WHO ARE STILL TRYING TO GET A WII: Toys R Us is supposed to be getting a very large shipment this week. This may be your chance. Get your money and go to your nearest Toys R Us store, or go to the Toys R Us online store.
  13. In case you didn't know, Japan loves the DS. That's right: DS games make up the fist seven of the list, and 14 of the top twenty games. And with Dragon Quest 9 being an exclusive, I think we can safely call the DS the complete and total winner of the portable "war". There's no stopping it, just try to jump out of its way. If you can't do that, jump forward of the giant tidal wave of success, so that when you get swept away by it, the impact of you hitting it is slightly lessened.
  14. A simple solution to the whole "you can't carry anymore rupees" thing. If you get the magic suit thingy, it uses up rupees. Just equip it, walk around a bit, and then change it back to the regular outfit when you cleared up some room for that chest you found. Of course, to do so, you need to either wait until later in the game, or complete that damn side quest...
  15. No, I suspect that he is using a binary poison. The poison in in the food, but so is the antidote. As long as Paladin-01 keeps eating the food from his neighbor, the poison won't kill him. Stop eating, and he dies. Very clever, and fiendish.
  16. Anyone know how much a SDK costs for the DS and PSP?
  17. Yeah, so Kirby and the Squeak Squad is really, really short. In three days of on-and-off playing, I managed to get 100%. That's including two recharges (battery is dying or something) and not playing for most of Monday. But there is power mixing. Sort of. The fire, electric and ice powers can be combines with the sword and bomb powers. The effect? Nothing, as far as I can tell. Just a minor cosmetic thing. But I must say, I do like a lot of the power-ups you can get from finding scrolls. And I love the magician power. It's kind of cute. But totally not worth buying. Rent, trade or borrow only.
  18. I think I had to spend about two hours outside, and then twenty or another 30 to 45 minutes inside. Luckily, they announced that only the pre-orders could go in first, which led to a lot of unhappy people walking out of the line. This freed up the line quite a bit.
  19. Man, this place has a hard time keeping a PSP thread around, doesn't it? Anyway, I have something to ask the tech experts about regarding the PSP's abilities to do 2D. A comment by Castlevania producer Koji "Iga" Igarashi in a recent interview stated that the Castlevania team didn't want to make a game for the PSP, saying "Please, we can't do this on PSP!" Were they referring to the hardware not being able to handle 2D well? Can the PSP do 2D?
  20. Component cables are component cables. You're basically paying for names at this point. Any differences between the Nintendo ones and third-party ones are going to be too small to notice.
  21. I foresee this one getting locked, and the sandwich thread becoming the very thread you wished to create. I'm not trying to mini-mod here, I'm just saying that's how it goes. Smoke in 3... 2... 1...
  22. And you included people outside of the US, too! I'm so glad that for once, I can enter a contest and not see that damn "open to residents of the US only" clause in the rules.
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