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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. And half of those textures are some shade of brown.
  2. The thing is, Sony is constantly talking about how fast and powerful their system is. From the way they hype it, the thing sounds like it should render Pixar movies in real-time. That brings up the question: if the PS3 is so powerful that it can do a movie in real-time, why bother having all that room for pre-rendered cut scenes?
  3. Yes, Antipode and Smoke, I know about that feature. The problem was that it did it on its own. I wasn't touching the mouse or keyboard at all when it did it. The version or install or something obviously didn't go right, otherwise I wouldn't have had the massive problems with it that I did. Any way, there are other players out there with better prices, features, battery life and support. But the iPod is the perfect example of how marketing and glossy plastic override its glaring faults and limitations. Good for Apple. Bad for those of us that want and need more.
  4. What I don't like about it it the fact that when I installed it, it then proceeded to move all my files around, placed them in different directories, and move any files that for some reason didn't meet its restrictions into another folder. It wasn't like it was all done under another folder. No, it sent these folders all over the hard drive. I was digging them out of the Windows directory, game directories, system folders, everywhere. It went completely fucking nuts. I spent two days manually reorganizing every file back to its proper folder and sub-folder. Tens of thousands of songs, haphazardly thrown around because the program didn't like the way the ID3 tags were done. Basically, I had the worst experience with iTunes. And combined with the massive problems the iPod had, and the complete and total failure that was Apple customer support... I will never buy an iPod ever again. I don't care if they hand out free blowjobs for a year with one. It won't change my mind.
  5. QFE. Fucking iTunes... it's for lazy/ignorant people that don't care about how their files are handled. Hate iTunes...
  6. At $2500 US, it damn well better weigh its price in gold.
  7. One of the things I don't like about the Gigabeat line is the secret DRMing it does to your files. This was something that caused me to never buy one. It's not very well known, but if you look it up, you should be able to find a few forums where they discuss it.
  8. Recently, someone from another site, who also is a member here, PMed me about use of the project music for said site. I brought this to the attention of the staff, and after their comments and ponderings and whatnot, decided to reply not just to the person, but directly to the site in question. I figured that is this person was speaking on behalf of his site, I should just skip the middle man. Anyway, short version, I politely turned down this request, because of some issues that were brought up during our discussion. Hopefully, there aren't any bad feelings between our two groups. I don't think there should be, but in case there are... well, there's not much I can do about that. Any way. Carry on.
  9. I have heard and read that the Cell processor is only good for linear processing (straight number crunching, like physics), and is terrible for anything non-linear (like AI, something that a lot of games use). Prove/disprove/discuss.
  10. As GSlicer already pointed out, it's quite the opposite: the series uses music from the games. The cartoon was produced and aired two years (April 1997) after the first games came out (February 1995). Most casual and non-fans associate the games and the show because of the heavy marketing during the late 90s. But they are hardly the same thing, just as The Super Mario Bros. Show would be to that line of games. Now, in all fairness, each new season of the show does use music from the newest games to some degree, but the music in question was originally composed for the games, which are produced and released several months in advance of the show. The show simply reuses the same compositions because it's part of the same overall franchise. But the series, and particularly the movies, do use original themes that do not appear in any of the games. If you were to raise the matter with any seriousness, you would also have to mention that a variety of the Sonic The Hedgehog music was also used in the Sonic series over the years. As was a lot of the Super Mario Bros. music for the various incarnations of its respective TV shows. And the same goes for the Zelda cartoons. And the Captain N cartoon. And a lot of other shows that are based upon games. /bored, needed something to do for a few minutes
  11. Give it to shadowbeard. He's in the market, I hear.
  12. It's working fine for me... maybe your tubes are clogged with poker chips.
  13. Don't look at me, I didn't make them...
  14. What, are the new emoticons not viewable to everyone else? Or has the " " face lost all meaning?
  15. Tell me about it. I need an 80 gig (or more) one, but the only ones available are either iPods or really shitty "media" players that are bigger than an old GameBoy.
  16. Wow. Using any third-party cables or accessories? Say good-bye to your warranty. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=789061 And to those that are thinking "bullshit", from the Sony PS3 manual: Nice. Sony can get out of their warranty agreement because you used an identical HDMI cable to theirs, except it didn't have a Sony logo on it.
  17. Regarding the woman that died at that radio contest... The broadcast from the station, before the contest, and how many times they either had people warn them, or they knew about the death from the fraternity. They even joked about one man looking sick, and asking each other if he had signed the waiver yet.
  18. I suspect that Nintendo is going to release them carefully, at points such that the games will cover any major gaps in new releases. It makes more sense that way. Also, I'd rather have several good games stretched out over a longer time than all at once.
  19. Fuck. Did the comma and period buttons fall off of your keyboard?
  20. You never go ass to mouth! No one goes ass to mouth! /movie quote
  21. I would vouch for the Creative Labs line. I had one, and aside from the fact it was too iPod like in functionality (and the damn buttons stopped working one morning), it was a very nice player. The sound quality was a lot better than the iPod I also had was. And not only are they usually cheaper than the comparative iPod player, they're also more readily available in stores.
  22. Oh, and DarkeSword isn't a judge anymore. He's a regular civilian now. Just like the rest of us.
  23. Video game Jesus never gets no respect! No respect at all.
  24. So, I'm at the local Wal-Mart, and there's this guy with a new, unopened black DS Lite. I said "damn, they had black ones here?" and he hears this. He then informs me that his was the last one in stock. He then asks me if there are any games for it. I guess he just heard how popular they were or something. Any way, he asks me if there are any good games for it. I spout off a list of games that have gotten pretty good reviews, and when i mention Advance Wars being sort of like Risk, he then lights up and says "you mean like Age of Empires?!" And the instant I say that there is n Age of Empires for it, he turns around and heads back to the electronic section without even saying thanks or goodbye. Personally, I wonder if he was sober. He seemed a little out of it. Weird day.
  25. That's exactly what it is. And if the mods are around, they'll kindly point this out, and then lock the thread. I've seen it happen. Really.
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