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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I wish it weren't so, but I suspect that there is already some rule 34 of that.
  2. No... Midna's made-up language enforced the idea that she is alien to the world of light. Her appearance, her origins, all that is held together by her strange language. To use that for everyone else would detract from Midna's character overall and lessen her appeal and impact.
  3. I don't see it listed as taken, so have at it.
  4. With all those links and random jabberwocky, I think a spambot just took over Mouser's account. Oh god, nothing can stop them!
  5. Well, if you go to sleep and wake up with an absolutely great idea for a remix, you know where to go.
  6. You see, short wiggles are caused by stroking short distances, meaning you have to go back and forth a lot more, tiring your arm faster. With longer, larger strokes, your arms don't get as tired as fast. Man, that came out all kinds of wrong...
  7. Sorry, sloppy grammar there. What I meant is, she is only saying that. It's not supposed to be true, so much as her personal opinion on who the man in the photo is. Like I said, it's just there to tease all the continuity -crazy people
  8. A little comment on the people trying to figure out where TP comes in the whole time-line... In the Fishing Hole shop, look at the left-most picture on the wall. The lady there will tell you that it's her ancestor, a legendary fisherman. Anyone that played the fishing game in OoT should recognize him as the guy from OoT's fishing spot. But then, she says that she's only says he's an ancestor, and it wishing thinking on her part. Nice of the writers to goof around like that.
  9. Have you read the metareviews for it? Average of 90-ish percent. It's getting good reviews.
  10. The last one was a cutoff point. There were several people that were not updating at all, and hadn't done anything since the project started, so they were cut and are no longer involved. The next deadline? Considering that there are holidays coming up and everyone has all kind of personal stuff... I'd say there isn't one for now. I'll consider another one after christmas. For now, just work on your remixes as you can and give us all updates on the project boards.
  11. Names can be changed when needed. I'd rather you guys get the compositions and remixes done rather than fuss over a title.
  12. OMFG! Spamming in another thread! Thank you Epoch. I don't know if we'll need it or not, as we already have someone willing to donate some space, but we'll keep you in mind. Maybe we can use it as another place to host a torrent or something.
  13. Short, poorly done, and not worth the plastic it's made out of. Skip it. It's a poor attempt at using the screens, it's a poor attempt at making another Lunar game... I'm going to use the word "poor" a lot when describing it.
  14. I still have the list of all the suggested titles. When the time comes, we'll decide on it.
  15. Well, you need that speed, considering the incredibly complex programming that is required to flip the giant crab over and attack its weak spot for massive damage. I'm sorry. I had to. It's almost done being funny. Only a few more weeks and absolutely nobody will even remember it. Then it's done, I swear.
  16. PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way. No... PS3 has shipped 300 000 units. Slight difference.
  17. Yeah, but will Kutaragi end up in an unexpected car accident in a few years?
  18. I doubt it. Why would they take a game for the Gamecube, which can't connect with the DS, and port it over to the Wii, which can connect with the DS? They would have to add DS functionality along with the new controls and updated graphics. Yeah, there was that year-long hiatus, but still... The only point of such a feature would be one of two things: 1. Being able to download an older games or a mini-game to your DS and play it portable (which is pointless, because there are three older Zelda games out for the GBA already). This could work, but the limited memory of the DS means only small games would be downloadable. 2. Interaction of some sort with the upcoming DS game Phantom Hourglass. Which I think is still slated for a mid to late 2007 release. Sort of pointless to include it when the games ship over six months or more apart, don't you think? Considering the fact that Wii games can be updated via WiiConnect24, it's not too far-fetched. Alternatively, the service could check if you have a TP savegame and download a file based on that to send to the DS, or even connect to Phantom Hourglass, quite possibly by just asking if you have PH after the game comes out. Hell, it'd be a way to generate more sales: Your console tells you there's awesome to be found if you have a specific game by purchasing the matching game for your DS. That seems somewhat complicated for such a little bonus. Don't get me wrong; I'd like to see more use of console <-> portable connectivity, but I'd also like to see something actually useful done with it.
  19. I doubt it. Why would they take a game for the Gamecube, which can't connect with the DS, and port it over to the Wii, which can connect with the DS? They would have to add DS functionality along with the new controls and updated graphics. Yeah, there was that year-long hiatus, but still... The only point of such a feature would be one of two things: 1. Being able to download an older games or a mini-game to your DS and play it portable (which is pointless, because there are three older Zelda games out for the GBA already). This could work, but the limited memory of the DS means only small games would be downloadable. 2. Interaction of some sort with the upcoming DS game Phantom Hourglass. Which I think is still slated for a mid to late 2007 release. Sort of pointless to include it when the games ship over six months or more apart, don't you think?
  20. You'll stay on the list, because you signed up at the beginning and had major problems until now. As for the password... No idea. Not my area of expertise.
  21. So Nintendo, who only made the system, is to blame for the "sucky" games, even though they are made by third party companies. And they are sucky because the guy either couldn't play them, or they didn't match with his personal tastes. So he then decides to destroy the hardware, which he paid for (or received as a gift) and is now at a loss of the cost of the DS. This is either a rather well-thought up attempt to generate attention, or an indication of what kind of personal this guy is. On the other hand, even though he took a screwdriver to the screen, it's still mostly intact. Damn thing's made out of transparent Nintendium, after all.
  22. QFT & E. Having something to do after the main game is always nice. It makes you feel like you get your money's worth from a game, something I find is sadly lacking these days. Mind you, I have a few games that are around the 900+ hour mark, so maybe I'm just a little biased when it comes to playing past the main quest.
  23. Considering the prices on eBay have been dropping lately, you may want to settle for only one and a half times the price.
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