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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Statistically, with the number of members this board has, and the number of PS3s that were sold around the world... no. No one here got one. China took them all.
  2. Cut scenes. Hours of them. If I wanted to watch shiny pre-rendered CG, I'd pop in a movie by Pixar.
  3. You're going to have to explain that for those of us that don't read binary or whatever that is.
  4. I find the site incredibly useful for music sources. Almost the entire Pokemon remix project sources are from there, since in-game versions give you an exact idea of what it's like, as opposed to a midi, which leaves a lot out. I don't pay for music I download (in any way or for any reason), because it's free and legal under Canadian law. Canadians that pay for iTunes and similar services are getting ripped off. At first, I thought that youkai no unmei meant it was some sort of terrorist funding site or something.
  5. Well, sometime in the next half year, we'll see someone dump the full soundtrack on our favorite hotel-named website where we can download it. You know the site I'm talking about.
  6. There are times when that guide would have come in very, very, very handy. And more Zelda music is never a bad thing.
  7. I found it out myself. This whole asking for hints thing only seems to lead to figuring it out myself while waiting for someone to answer it for me. But it works!
  8. You consider 512 megs limited? You consider being able to use SD cards up to 4 gigs limited? Wow, must be pretty hard on you, using all those gigabyte-sized files all the time.
  9. The dots are a brilliant plan to include a basic Pac-Man game to help pass the time for those that are waiting for the Wii to come to their area. Post your score and see how you rate against the rest of the world!
  10. Sorry, only the cool kids get to listen to our stuff.
  11. I'm only at the end of the Lakebed Temple, and I haven't heard anything about souls. But yeah, the rest was pretty sarcastic. One thing I think is a terrible way to measure progress into a game is time played. What if you had a hard time with a few areas, or went out of your way to get a few more items? It makes more sense to go by temples in this game than anything else.
  12. Standard on a normal product, yes. But with the super-low numbers that Sony has put out so far (and will continue to in the next few months), they may not be able to afford to test units.
  13. Souls? SOULS? Spoilers, motherfucker! Some of us aren't that far into the game. Now it's ruined for me. Thanks a lot. Anyone want a Wii and Zelda? I'm not going to need them anymore, so it'll be pretty cheap.
  14. Well, I must have almost doubled the amount of time I played OoT just from goofing around. You know, stuff like using the Hookshot in Kakariko Village, going from rooftop to rooftop, while humming the Batman movie theme...
  15. Here's a big question: how's the game stand up as a sandbox? I ask because with a land that big and diverse, it should have all kinds of shit that you can fool around with after you're done the main quest and side-stuff.
  16. Well, he did try to play a game on it. Its not meant for that... OH SNAP! Might as well do it now I guess. I hear they're pretty low compared to what they used to be. Considering that the prices for PS3s on eBay has eben dropping a lot lately, you might only get a small amount for it. Or you could, you know, just play it.
  17. http://kyeu.info/poke/forums/index.php That's the project forum. You still have an account there, so just log back in and you're ready to go. You still going to do that remix you posted here? There's a cut-off date of November 30th. That's when everyone who isn't active gets cut, and they are no longer in the project. You can still make it, just as long as you have something to show that you're still going to participate (too many people just up and disappeared). And you can do more than one song, now. Prof of Meph is doing two as are a few others. And we have sexy project sigs now, thanks to our artist. Check the first page of this thread for details.
  18. Might be an acceptable substitute for a person that wants music and gaming, but can't quite afford that PSP. I think they offer 8 gig SD cards now, so you can fit quite a bit of music on it.
  19. How many projects are we going to have in the next year? I mean, there's about six runnig right now, and a few more just starting. We're going to run out of release dates at this rate.
  20. I recall, either in this thread or the Wii thread (i can't remember which it was, exactly) when Evilhead said something about how it's completely reasonable for a company to make money any way they can. It was over some argument about how Sony was ripping off the Wiimote by making their own motion contoller... anyway, the point was that Evilhead was adamant that Sony was doing th right right thing because it was good business sense. So why is it that it's not good business sense for Nintendo to release games and charge money for them? According to him, if Sony does it, it's good. But if Nintendo does it, it's bad. So which is it?
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