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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Just for future reference, when your thread gets moved to General Discussion, it would be nice to have some sort of warning, as I had a slight panic-attack when it disappeared.


    I'm glad that we now get the chance to attract more attention to this project. Getting people to even consider a pokemon remix, let alone an entire project, has been an uphill battle. Hopefully, this will change that.

  2. Not directly gaming news, but it does raise some serious concerns about the future of Sony. Along with the other problems they've had to deal with the last year or so, now this happens.

    Federal investigation isn't a good thing for anyone. And depending upon the outcome, could deal a crippling blow to Sony. Hopefully, they will manage to avoid any serious penalties. Mind you, the goverment wouldn't bather launching an investigation if they didn't have some legitimate questions. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  3. Poinko did a bunch of pokeon drawings up, and they were great. He said that we coulduse them for the project. But he hasn't been around for a long time. No replies to email or PMs leaves me thinking that he has either died in some sort of combine accident, or he's lost access to the internet (jail? Military service? Marriage?).

  4. Thats just given me an awesome idea. A Haunter playing electric guitar. If poink evercomes back that should totally be on the inside sleeve art or something, that image is hilarious.

    Actually, that just gave me an idea. I don't think anyone has done Pokemon Tower yet. Pokemon Tower, in case you didn't know, is where in RBY/FRLG, you have to enter a tower that is a graveyard for dead pokemon. The music was kind of unusual, and since that was also where you first met Gastly and Haunter... maybe a spooky, disorienting sort of electic guitar thing would work. That or Okuribi Mountian (aka, Mount Pyre) from RSE. There's also a theme for another section of it, The Outer Wall.

    How do I know the music so well? I have all of it on my computer. :D

  5. How do you get money quicker? Just by selling a ton of fruit or something every time you time travel?

    Saving up money at the Town Hall is apparently a pretty good way.

    Oh, so you can put money into an account like a real bank and it gains interest...

    Maybe I should read manuals, lol.

    I just never really thought about it actually.

    Reading the manual is one of the first things I do when I get a new game. Not because I need to know how to play the game, but because it's part of the experience of a new game. Flip through it, look at the screenshots, the artwork... and the smell of the ink on the shiny paper. Mmmmmm... nasal stimulation...

  6. Maybe the Art Museum Theme from RSE. It's a sort of slower-paced song compared to the rest of the music, and is already a few minutes long, so filling it out shouldn't be a problem.

    Also, for anyone that is having trouble deciding upon a song still, try the following links. You can listen to the original in-game music (the only problem is that they're MP3, so they will take a while to go through):

    Fire Red and Leaf Green (mostly remakes of the original RBY music and some of the GSC music, but still a goof reference).

    Original GB version for RBY, includes "voice" samples of the fist 151 pokes and the sound effects.

    Gold and Silver A few redone songs, but mostly for Kanto. The rest has a strange mix of Eastern style music in it.

    Ruby and Sapphire. There are a lot of songs here, and a few have been picked up already (see the first page).

    I had a link to the new Emerald music, but I can't find it now. The music is for the Battle Frontier ection they added, and adds 16 songs to the total, just over three hundred songs.

  7. It also shows how much room they had left over to put in force feedback. Seriously, check the pics. There's empty space in them there controllers! I can't believe that no one has thought up a way to improve and shrink rumble technology to fit into that thing. And I think we all know why...

  8. February 24th, 2011 Update:


    All permission forms received and completed! All files are go! System launch in t-minus... some number of days, I can't remember exactly right now! BEGIN LAUNCHINGNESS!

    andyjayne - Received

    anosou - Received

    Cerrax - Received

    Chrono26 - Received

    chthonic - Received

    DragonAvenger - Received

    Fishy - Received

    GSlicer - Received

    halc - Received

    Jaroban - Received

    Level99 - Received

    Pixel - Received

    prophetik - Received

    ProtoDome - Received

    pu_freak - Received

    Rozovian - Received

    The Orichalcon - Received

    tweek - N/A, it's already posted

    WillRock - Received

    Without your officially worded consent-thingies, the album can not go through. It's part of the newer project guidelines OCR instated last year, but no one ever mentioned it until now. I was under the impression that since this project was grandfathered in as it was tarted well before the new guide was put on place, and from other directors in the same situation saying they never had to do so, we didn't need to do so. But that's OK, because we want everything to be nice and official, right?

    October 7th, 2010 Update:


    With a somewhat heavy heart, I have decided to cut the two remaining remixes, due to issues regarding both availability of the files as well as time constraints. This project, even when you factor in the first year where it was under completely different management, is going on towards its forth year. It's time to wrap it up. But you never know! Maybe those missing remixes will somehow show up later. Like as a bonus. Like a Mew or a Celebi. (That's a hint, by the way.)

    Now, it's with great pleasure that I announce that The Missingno Tracks is now complete! You should be seeing the official unveiling of the album in the next few months. Why so long? There are other albums that get to be released first. It's only fair. Each album is the work of dozens of people over months or even years, so it's only fair each one get some limelight.

    So, here we are. Two discs, over an hour and a half of music, with a total tracklist of 28 remixes. 28. And to think, there were points when I would have been happy with half of that, and I was expecting even less. I honestly didn't think this would ever happen. Six years ago, I joined OverClocked Remix, and the very first post I made was in Requests. I asked for, you guessed it, Pokémon remixes. I had a giant list of source material, I bumped it every so often... but sadly, it never went anywhere.

    How things have changed! Not only has this project been completed, there are also several Pokémon remixes that have passed the high standards of OCR in the meantime. Six years later, and I finally have my first request granted multiple times!

    To those that worked on this album, I thank you for your work, your skill, and most of all, your patience. I know it's been a long time, and there were some serious stretches of inactivity. There were even times when the project was about to collapse. But you stuck through it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    To those who have been waiting for this album, I also thank you for your patience. I know it's been forever, but at least we were done sooner than the original Pokémon games; Pokémon Red and Green in Japan took over six years to make! In comparison, we aren't that bad.

    Ahh, I seem to be running out of space for this. I'll end it now, and let you enjoy everything as it comes out.


  9. I found a few pages on Nintendonium, but not a Wiki page. I demand that someone make one.

    I would, but for some reason, they axed my account. i don't know why, I hardly eer used it, and when I did it was to fix minor things like little typos.

  10. I think it was more likely that SOny used the racialy charged ads, knowing that people would demand they be pulled. Extra publicity. Sort of under-handed. I guess there's no ethics in advertising, either.

  11. Oh, you didn't miss much. Those commerials were borderline racist. Racial stereotyping FTW!

    Let's not forget that racist billboard advertising the white PSP. :lol:


    Is that real?

    Yep and sure enough, a lot of people in the U. S. complained about them.

    Which is odd, because the ads were run in the Netherlands, not the US.

    I give Sony credit for using that and not being scared.
    So, racial-inappropiate content is fine as long as it's ballsy? Gotcha.
  12. Jesus fucking christ, that was stupid. I mean, that was the most meaningless, empty, pointless thing I have ever seen for a commercial. That one actually makes the other ones look decent.

    I think that's the point: make the ohter ones look good by comparison. Lower peoples expectations enough and a good solid failure will seem like gold to them.

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