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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Detroit? I'd bring a gun or baseball bat, regardless of the length of time you spend out front of the store.

    You might want to wait a week or so after launch. By then, they should have more units shipped, you'll be aware of any issues with the system and games, and you won't have to fight people off for it.

    Seriously, just wait a bit. Having it right away isn't going to make it any better than having it a month from now.

  2. OK, looks like we lost our forum. And with that, the various songs that were conveniently linked there. Hopefully, we will have it back sometime, but until then, I suggest that any updates or WIPs be linked in a PM to myself and Prof of Meph. That way, we can take a listen to it and then share it among our project group. That way, no one gets to hear it before the release.

  3. Yeah, I did find the quote a bit fishy, but news are news anyway.

    Just one thing, have the composers been revealed yet?

    Also, I'm getting kinda worried about something. So far, we've seen tons of TP screenshots and general Wii shots where the games seem to be more pixelated then Gamecube games, what the hell is up with this? Is it the screenshot's resolutions or something in the hardware caused this change?

    I know exactlty what you are talking about. The videos links up top look very blocky, which is odd because they shouldn't be. I have to wonder what IGN is doing to the video when they put it out.

  4. Guys, sorry to disappoint, but the downloadable content is not for Twilight Princess. That was a misquote.
    GP: What sorts of online features are you looking forward to in the future?

    Harrison: Downloadable content, such as additional levels.

    GP: Any plans for any type of post-release online component for Twilight Princess?

    Harrison: I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly.

    Notice how he says "looking forward to". They may be asking this as a personal preference, not a statement. And that he answers with "I haven't heard of anything yet" seems to reinforce that. I think the quote is being taken out of context by everyone.

    I fucking called that one.

  5. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/11/10/is-there-really-a-1080p-advantage/

    So... HD is really important, huh? You can tell the difference between the 360's 720p and the PS3's 1080p, can you? Odd, because the people that get paid to research displays usually can't. You must be some sort of superhero, then, one with the power to see things that professionals can't.

    I call shananagins upon you, good sirs, and I bid you good day.

    Worst trolling post ever.

    Seriously, you can do better than that.

    Also, lol at 1080p!

    Trolling, no. Laughing at the people that say HD is everything, yes. I'm specifically talking about the people that have said that they can tell the difference and swear it's that much better.

    And what's so funny about 1080p? The name, or the concept? Or that people are willing to pay for it, and get nothing extra from it?

  6. Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

    Same shit, different title...

  7. Has anyone read of any unexpected mentions of this project? Like, say, in other forums or sites? I was sort of hoping to keep it mostly under wraps until we got close to the release.

    So far, I see that Poinko has mentioned in on his DA page, and I think I saw one the other day at some little nothing site the other day. And no, the mentions you make do not count.

  8. Oh yeah, and does anyone else think this game is another perfect time to bring back Dark/Shadow Link?

    I love fighting that guy!

    Yeah, he was awesome. I played through the game about ten times just because I loved fighting him. The way he just appears, how he attacks (that fucker, standing on my Master Sword...), and how the room looks before and after the battle.

    Best mid-boss ever.

    Hmmm... that give me an idea.

  9. I've tried it. A lot of times. Read the whole Wii thread, I dunno. I've come up with some honest doubts or tried to spark discussions MANY times in that thread with no bad intent and literally been flamed for 5 or 6 pages, whether or not I respond.

    Well, it's a little hard to take your comments seriously when the previous five posts you made were outright trolling. You can't just threw a pile of shit around and then carefully place a tiny nugget of gold in the middle.

    Man, these analogy things are awesome.

    It's rediculous. No discussion is possible, so I'm over it. Try it yourself. Say something that isn't 100% positive about the Wii in that thread. 20 people will jump on you, and some will outright insult you personally, often without any kind of counter argument. Why try to debate with these people? It's a waste of time. Now I get my revenge by typing out a 5 sentence post or link one article and watch the fireworks. It's too easy.

    They only jump on you because... well, I covered it above. That's why. There are other posts with critical comments and articles, but they don't get flamed. Why? I wonder.

    EDIT: Damn it, Bigfoot...

  10. Ever think that because you openly troll (and you admit to doing so), that they don't want to have any kind of discussion with you? Think about it; you show up, you throw some rocks at people's heads, and then you sit there and try to discuss the geological formations of the region and it's advantages and disadvantages over other kinds of rocks.

    I like where that analogy went. That was pretty good for on-the-spot. Also, Firefox's new spellcheck just suggested "anally" as a possible spelling of analogy.

    Also, the fanboy comments don't exactly help either. If you think you're above that sort of thing, why don't you prove it somehow? Like, I don't know... not trolling and not automaticly dismissing everyone as a rabid fanboy.

  11. Remember, this is a PS3 thread. :P

    Yeah, but if I talk about the Wii in the Wii thread I get flamed for 10 pages...

    That's because you troll there. Here, you're the king of the land, ruler of all you see.

  12. I see that someone put our project under "planned projects" in the OCR Wiki page (just scroll down a bit, and look to the right side of the table at the bottom). Well fuck, now I guess we have to finish. Now people will actually expect us to have it done.

    Thanks a lot, mystery Wikipedia page editing person(s).

    Also, for those of you that don't get sarcasm: :wink:

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