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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Stop being a Nintendo fanboy and shutup with this crap.

    Fanboy? Hardly. I call shit on all three sides when I see it. But since one company does it a lot more than the other, you call it being biased. Fuck you.

  2. Yeah, someone posted a thread about that article a while back, where we all argued whether or not the GBA would continue.

    That was me. I loved the GBA, so it was a little sad to hear that sort of thing.

    What would be funny is if they made a widescreen type Game Boy with gamecube level graphics, just to stick it to Sony and their PSP. :lol:

    EDIT: Of course, while it would be amusing, it probably wouldn't work very well and I wouldn't encourage them to do it.

    Maybe the next portable? Nintendo has proven with the entire Gameboy and GBA and DS lines that having superior hardware doesn't mean anything. Sega, Sony, the Wonderswan, the Lynx... all of them were better in terms of technology, but they all failed against whatever Nintendo put out at the time.

    Of course, I would like to get a little more use out of my DS before the next one comes out. I only got the thing in July 2005.

  3. They pretty much have. An article from a few weeks ago stated that Nintendo sees one more "season" for the GBA. Now, if they meant the holiday season (Christmas) that's doable. There are still games coming out for it, and the existing library is pretty solid.

    But let's face it, the GBA has pretty much been replaced by the DS. The only reason why the DS isn't called the "Gameboy DS" is because the uncertainty Nintendo had when they announced the DS. If the DS failed, then the Gameboy name would still be untarnished. But the DS was an amazing success, and they have no reason to rename it to include the Gameboy name.

    I suspect that in the future, maybe after the successor to the DS, they will bring the Gameboy name back once more. Maybe the Gameboy Ultra? :wink:

  4. Oh joyous joys! Someone is saying that Nintendo is going to make yet another DS model! Who? Why, the French of course!

    Every time I see a rumor of something from this site, I never hear of it happening afterwards. I swear, they only exist by being one of the few game sites in France, and by occasionally spitting out stuff they make up. Why do they bother?

    But for the sake of argument, Nintendo does like to make newer versions of the same hardware, as anyone familiar with the Gameboy line can attest. Does this mean another, newer DS? I can't see why. The Lite is doing very well all around, and it's not even a year old yet.

    And some of the comments coming out of sites like Kotaku and Joystiq... "why are they doing this? Nintendo is just greedy!" and the like...

    No one is making anyone buy the new version, and nothing is making the previous versions obsolete. The DS didn't magically stop working once the Lite was released. Meanwhile, Apple releases ten new iPod models in a year, and no one complains about that.

    Man, gamers like to make themselves look bad...

  5. I'm a bit late to the party, but I've been playing through Okami lately and absolutely love it. It borrows a lot from Zelda but it has enough unique about it to make it a distinctly awesome game. But I can't help thinking how much better it would be on the Wii. It would be perfect for the brush strokes obviously, but other aspects like movement and the disk on Amaterasu's back could be controlled perfectly with the Wii remote. Not to mention the graphical kick that could help the already amazing graphics. Too bad we'll probably never see a port of this.

    Gahwhat? Praise of the Wii from... Evilhead? 8O

    I'm scared. Someone hold me.

  6. My friend Matt bought me Kirby's Squeakers for a christmas present. I'll have to try it out later tomorrow, but I plan to give a mini-review on it once I can put some time into it.

    Yeah, so a few days at it, and here's what I got:

    If you like Kirby, you'll like Squeak Squad. It straight forward Kirby side scrolling stuff, with a few new powers (favorite so far is Magician, where you shoot doves and playing cards out of your hat). There really isn't anything that could be considered groundbreaking or completely new.

    Item management is sort of limited (in terms of use and actual numbers; you can only have five items at once). If you take two powers and combine them, you don't get a new, hybrid power. Instead, you get a randomly selected power. So if you think mixing that Fire power and the Sword power is going to get you some sort of firey Sword of Gabriel deal, think again. You'll end up with the Umbrella or Wheel power.

    But you can combine food and Bottles to make better food and items. For instance, if you take a berry and a bottle, you get a piece of meat. If you combine that with another berry or bottle, you get one of those "M" tomatoes. Combine three tiny Kirby icons, and you get a 1-Up. But that's the extent of it.

    There are lots of items to collect, which is why the limit of five items is so annoying. There are treasure chests that contain things like scrolls (they add extra abilities to your powers and are permanent), as well as pieces of a picture, medals, and lots of stuff that you get to look at in your collection. All of it is outside of the normal game, so it's completely extra.

    There are also large chests that the Squeak Squad are after, and you have to fight one of them for it every time you see one. These hold more important items. Again, you have to use up a slot in your "stomach" screen to keep these, so toss that power-up or item if you want to keep that treasure.

    I think if they let you have more slots for items, it would have been better. But as it stands, it's a decent Kirby game. Kirby fans should be happy, as it gives you more of the same while adding some new stuff here and there.

  7. Yeah, I want to buy the classic controller but I can't find it anywhere. I guess I can wait though.

    According to various sites (and their diagrams) the Gamecube controller works with all VC games. Maybe you can use one until such time a classic controller become available.

  8. Does anybody have any idea wtf is taking the game rip so long? I know they're a pain, but I wants me more than 6 tracks off the OST.

    Kids these days... no patience.

    Just wait a few more months. By then, someone should have figured out a good way to extract the music, or there will be an official soundtrack release or something.

  9. PS3 production is going to be low for a while since they have to deal with the European launch too, and getting enough PS3s produced for Japan and the US. What I find odd though is that quite a bunch of PS3 auctions lately have been ending at <$750 for the 60 GB PS3. It's actually more profitable to sell a Wii on ebay than a PS3. Maybe that means that we'll see a price drop even quicker than Sony may want.

    Well, it even looks like the European launch might be pushed from March to September.


    Oh wow... why do the console companies hate Europe so much?

  10. So I beat the 4th dungeon last night - my thoughts?
    What the fuck is with the spinner? Not only did I go through the dungeon to get that shitty looking item of skateboarding stupidity, but the boss fight completely relied on it. That is such crap.
    Yeah... it seems rather... pointless? After you defeat the boss, you hardly ever use it again, except for finding a few chests and pieces of heart. If it kept more momentum and did more damage, it would be a somewhat fun way of traveling around the land. But it only coasts a little way, and then you stop. It seems so lacking, like they just threw it in late in the game or something.
  11. A minor puzzle. There's this chest at Castle Town's south gate, where you eventually meet the bug girl, that is out of reach. I've tried the various items, and even found that you can climb up other areas nearby, but I still can't get to it. I can see a lower section of ground behind it through the rail, but I can't see enough of it to determine what I can do there.

    Help? I'm just trying to tie up the loose ends before I complete the game.

  12. Although, the absence of VA in itself does hurt the game too. Perhaps if all the characters (but Link of course) spoke a sort expressive gibberish. I really liked the gibberish Midna spoke after all. Evolving that seems like the logical next step.

    No... Midna's made-up language enforced the idea that she is alien to the world of light. Her appearance, her origins, all that is held together by her strange language. To use that for everyone else would detract from Midna's character overall and lessen her appeal and impact.

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