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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I ran into this problem with a co-workers car stereo that used CDs to play MP3s, and both the car and the player were from 2007 as well. What I finally figured out (by simply reading the stereos manual) as that it was only designed to play 128 bit MP3 files. Any file that was higher or lower wasn't supported by the player. I noticed that a lot of OCR and album files are different bit-rates (some are 128, some are 160) and some of them are variable bit-rates (or VBR) which change depending upon the section of the song. If you have a similar player, that's most likely the problem. It's a stupid, stupid design choice, seeing how there is no set standard for bit-rate, and there were tons of devices made before 2007 that did support different bit-rates. My guess is the guys that designed the player were idiots that didn't know about anything other than 128 bit-rate files.
  2. Hmmm, the link I originally read said it would work that way. Oh well, my (and their) mistake.
  3. Haven't tried I myself, I'm just going by what was ssaid by other sites about it. Maybe it hasn't been started yet?
  4. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/8829997577/wedding-weekend Basically, it's a celebratory two-for-one sale. If you know someone that is kind of on the fence about this game, this might be a good time to get a free copy. It seems that existing owners can use their account to get a code that another person can redeem for the free copy. Nice.
  5. Yeah, flash and Youtube aren't supported by the 3DS browser... which is odd, since by all accounts, the hardware is more than capable of handling them. It must be a conscious design by Nintendo, but I can't figure out why? I'd like to watch Youtube on it, if there were 3DS compatible videos on it.
  6. The distortion in the beginning is too strong. Tune that down a bit. You don't want to recreate the original Lavender Town Theme illness, do you?
  7. Ahh, thanks DS. Also, anyone in North America should check their 3DS' eShop notifications. The latest one should be a message confirming your status as an ambassador. Now we just play... the waiting game. ... The waiting game sucks, let's play Trajectiles. (Seriously, it's currently my most played game on my 3DS)
  8. I've just been adding everyone as they give a Friend Code. That way, I'm up to date.
  9. Tonight is the last chance you'll have to register your 3DS as an "ambassador" 3DS and get the free games. I think it's just midnight for your time-zone, but why risk it? Just go connect tot he 3DS eShop and let it sit for a few seconds. No need to buy anything, just be online and you're in. Even if you go with a store that is selling them early, you should have enough time to do it.
  10. OK, seriously, which one of you guys made those videos? The bad stuff is too well-done to be the work of an inexperienced remixer (lots of clear bits with carefully mangled sampled layered on top). The feel of it is "well-done intentional shit", which isn't something you can accidentally do on your own. Someone with some knowledge and skill did this, and that fits a lot of people on OCR. Come on, just come out of the closet, we'll still love you.
  11. That would be mine. I had plans to make a cluster of them, ranging from the standard 2x4 brick to the 1x1 brick, but color options (at the time) prevented me from doing so. Also, I got bitchy about something and then I planned to firebomb the city, except there were no molotovs, and I might have been thinking of Left 4 Dead 2. Both games have zombies and exploding monsters, so you can see where the confusion would have come from.
  12. Port usually implies a minimal amount of effort into moving the game from one system to another, leaving as much of the original intact. Remake implies that while the core game mechanics are intact, other parts are updated with more modern equivalents, like artwork, music and audio effects. For instance, The Legend of Zelda for the GameBoy Advance would be a port. Mario 2 for the GBA would be a remake, as it has new sprites, music that makes better use of the GBA sound hardware, voice samples, tuned controls, etc. Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver would be remakes, as they not only updated all the graphics and audio, but also applied the current battle and stat systems, as well as connectivity to the current games at that time. Ocarina of Time for the Wii Virtual Console (as well as the GameCube version on the collectors disc) would be a port, as they didn't significantly alter the game in any way, other than to make it work.
  13. No, not even Nintendo would do a remake of a remake. A port of a remake, on the other hand...
  14. I really hope the rest of the GBA games are good ones. I don't want to see a pile of bargin-bin games thrown onto the VC just because "that's what we thought you guys wanted". There were dozens of great GBA games, and most of them were Nintendo properties. There's no reason to give us multiple shit-titles that no one bought when they were in cartridge format. Though, with the death of my Pokémon Ruby games battery, I could see them putting Emerald on it. But if history has taught us anything, Ruby and Sapphire will likely be remade sometime next year. And then, around 2013, we'll be told about gen 6, and it will be on the 3DS, ad then we'll get Diamond and Pearl remakes for 2015, and then in gen 7...
  15. I'm reading this rather interesting article about all the "other" handhelds that have appeared and subsequently died less-than glamorous deaths, and I see some interesting things about some of them. For instance, the notorious Nokia N-Gage. It shipped at a higher price than the GameBoy Advance (or just about any other portable in history) of $300 US. It was superior in just about ever way. Due to incredibly poor sales, it was price-dropped within weeks of launch, as opposed to the months it took for the 3DS. The Neo Geo Pocket Color, released in 1999, sold slightly higher than the Game Boy Color. It also saw it's own rather quick price drop, though not as much as the N-Gage or the 3DS. If we would count consoles as well, i wonder how many more examples of early price-cuts there would be, and see if the time between launch and price-cut, as well as the amount of said price drops, would be compared to the 3DS. Would it really seem to bad in comparison? I suspect that a mix of entitlement and historical amnesia are what is making some people cry foul over the 3DSs own price drop. These people may simply not remember the other times it's happened to other systems.
  16. Analysts are saying Sony should lower the price of the Vita, citing Nintendo dropping their price so quickly. The worst thing about this is some the people that happily paid upwards of $800 for their iPad or iPhone think Vita's $250 price tag is too high.
  17. New Mario game. Mario Kart. New Icarus game. New Pokemon game (but not likely out for some time, maybe announced around 2013 and out for late 2013/early 2014). Smash Bros game. A new Metroid would be cool, but after Other M...
  18. There should be a much larger library of games by the end of the year. Even early into next year, we should be seeing more games that people actually want.
  19. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=300861 Wal-Mart is selling the 3DS for $170 early, so this might be your best bet, instead of trying to get a price match after the fact.
  20. Nope, not October. Unless you're in Japan, then you might get one before the end of the year.
  21. That's the thing though. Aside from a bigger battery (not necessarily a longer-lasting battery, mind you), what can they really do to make a better 3DS? Battery technology is pretty much at its limit right now. Lithium batteries are the smallest we can get while still keeping a decent amount of electrical charge. There are longer lasting batteries out there, but they are either much bigger, or really expensive. If you think the $250 price of the 3DS was bad, wait until they have to recoup the cost of a $300 to $600 custom made battery. Even then, it might have other disadvantages. As for size, the 3DS is almost identical to the DS Lite, and that was a very compact system, even with its GBA slot. The DSi was also a very close size, with being only a few millimeters thinner. They might be able to get a more energy efficient 3DS display, but if it's too different from the current system it may not be feasible to upgrade or replace it. I don't doubt that Nintendo will find a way to market another model of the 3DS in the future; I'm just doubting they will be able to do anything that remarkably improves upon what it is already. There are just some technical limitations that aren't easy to overcome. There are some stores that will price-match after you buy it, just make sure about which places will actually do it. Best Buy is supposed to be honoring it, depending upon their membership status, I think.
  22. A tribute album would be cool. It's like a regular album, but a bit more so. Third'd.
  23. That would be either really shitty or INCREDIBLY AWESOME. There is no middle ground, only utter failure or utter success.
  24. Barely even a quarter of an inch. It's slightly thicker than a DS Lite. If you think that's big, I'd like to remind you that it's still thinner than a DS Phat or most other portables. Unless someone comes up with a brand new battery technology that is beyond our current technology level, and they can make it cheap enough to not only produce on a large scale and make it affordable to the market... Nope, that isn't happening. We're pretty much at the limit of what current batteries can do, and the only thing that can improve overall performance is making them bigger. So I don't think you have to worry about a new hardware version with a better battery for a while. Even the PSPs longer-lasting batteries didn't add that much. Sony actually owns various companies that deal in battery research, and if they can't make one that lasts longer, I highly doubt that Nintendo (who doesn't do anything related to battery development) can do any better.
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