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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Not gonna happen. If the reason why has to be explained to you, then you obviously don't know enough about publishing and licensing. I look forward to the ensuing "discussions" that will arise from this point on.
  2. No, no, no, Neko. I'm sure they're fully authorized writers, hired by Capcom, to create and publish canonical stories that will appear in the official Mega Man/Rock Man series. Otherwise, they would be ripe for mockery, not to mention possible legal action from Capcom. Therefore, they must be legitimate in every way.
  3. I'm seeing a HUGE potential for artwork for remix albums. We don't have nearly enough artists here, and the ones we do have are busy with their own stuff while also trying to work on whatever they have for albums. It would be a great resource, and would also spotlight both sites to each other. I APPROVE.
  4. New/old pokemon designs are ugly as hell. The original/newer ones are better. What's this about datamined info from Black and White that mentioned Hoenn stuff? I don't recall hearing about that. EDIT: Depending upon the site, there are two or more ways to read the twitter post. One is that he responded by saying that the original games were important to him and thanked the user for his input, not that he'll "consider" remaking them. The second is, of course, that he TOTALLY CONFUCKINGFIRMED REMAKES OHMGODOHMYGOD. I can't find an actual translation of the image anywhere at the moment. I suspect that once there is one, the twitter post will end up being very disappointing. EDIT the 2nd: The current translation is "Thank you! Your thoughts have been received. R/S are a very important work for me too. I want to create something good. Thank you!!" No statement that he said they were working on a remake, just saying he liked RSE and wanted to make more good games.
  5. Hey, there's your expert source. Hands on experience, knows people involved in the business, can probably set you up with some contacts that can consult on the game.
  6. Those are joke statements, young lady. I did read your name before I put it in. As for Bonk game, I did give it a listen to, I see (or in this case, hear) no problem with it.
  7. It's that a Turbo Graphix 16 game? Andnot a Game Boy game? BANNED. I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're mocking the rules. I really can't. Level99 get's an auto-yes in my book. I'd love to have you involved. Again. In my pants.
  8. Well, there are lots of spots left open, and there's nothing stopping anyone from teaming up on a remix.
  9. I have to agree with Toad a bit. I get that some people like being able to do ono-gaming things on consoles, but me, I'd rather have something that plays games. Not to mention there's the appeal of a lower price tag because it doesn't have to support Netflix or Facebook or eBay or whatever else they want you to use. And now we're getting really off-topic. Might want to split this up into a new thread or something.
  10. Consoles are terrible. Portables are the real true gaming front... And not by much. Vita is all about Facebooking during your game, and then pausing it to look up stuff on your browser. For all the shit people give about the 3DS, at least it's still primarily a gaming system. It doesn't make updating your friends on your current favorite pizza place as high a priority as actually playing the game you bought for it.
  11. Like I've been saying, there are so many games that it's easy to overlook even what some would consider the obvious ones.
  12. Oh snap. I forgot about GQ, and it was just released onteh 3DS virtual console.
  13. I was thinking about that whole two month period when you couldn't play on PSN because it was hacked, but yours is also good.
  14. You know, having a big name like that on the album would be pretty cool. Almost as cool as having a certain pretzel on the album as well (maybe if Alberto can't do a remix, someone else could in his stead?). (hint hint)
  15. Yep, those are on the (currently informal) list of games. It's totally open for now, seeing how the project is just starting. WillRock was all "I'm doing this one, you can't stop me" when we were going over the games we'd like to see remixed. He's already claimed it. Yep, Wario Land and Zelda were obvious ones as well. I demanded Link's Awakening and WillRock was all "But what about Kirby?" and I said "Kirby was in Link's Awakening as an enemy in one of the dungeons, that counts". Then he slapped me and I remembered that Kirby started out on the Game Boy, so it's only fitting. That's kind of a gray area. The trademark theme isn't original music for the game, it's traditional Russian folk music. OCR debated this one a few times with their own Tetris remixes. In fact, Tetris uses a lot of music from other sources. I want to say yes, but at the same time, there's some concern over it. But it's also the iconic Gameboy game. I sure hope so. WillRock asked last night as we got the go-ahead for it right away. Folds in half: GBA SP. Horizontal instead of tall: GBA Tall and brick-like: Game Boy Tall and skinny with monochrome screen: Game Boy Pocket Tall and Skinny with color screen: Game Boy Color Tall and skinny with built-in light: Game Boy Light (Japan only) Does that help?
  16. The Game Boy 25th Anniversary Remix Album April 21st, 2014 is the 25th anniversary of the classic portable gaming system, the Game Boy! 25 years! Wow, that's a long time. The Game Boy was noted for being an unstoppable powerhouse of success. It consistently put down every challenger that appeared before it, despite being technologically inferior to everything else. There were other systems that had color screens, better graphics and sound, more buttons, bigger displays... and none of that mattered. The Game Boy sold on its strong library of games and it's long battery life, making it perfect for taking it with you on the road, to school or even just under the blankets in your bed at night. It boasted a library of over six hundred games, sold more than 118 million units in it's lifespan, and was only finally laid to rest by not a competitor, but it's successor, the Game Boy Advance. So, what's all this nostalgic waxing and Wikipedia quoting getting to? We want to make a remix album. Not about any one game or series, but about the system itself. Console albums exist already, but I can't think of one for the Game Boy. What This Album Is About We're going to have 25 tracks, one for each year we're celebrating. Each track will be selected from one of the many, many series that appeared on the Game Boy over its life. This way, we get to remix lots of good music, and celebrate what is perhaps the most iconic video game system to ever exist. What? That sounds a bit far-fetched? Well, the Game Boy has not only appeared in various movies and TV shows, but it has also been mentioned in non-video-game music, appears as a popular culture icon in many works, and is known by both gamers and non-gamers alike. Can you say that about any other system? If so, good for you, but shut up, this is about the Game Boy. The Requirements 1. Only one remix per series. That's right, one per series. Whether it's one song from one game out of a series, or a medley of the series' most memorable tunes, both are acceptable. But once that series is remixed, that's it. No more remixes for it. We're doing this for a few reasons. First, there are hundreds of games in hundreds of series and stand alone titles. That means there are thousands of songs to choose from. Limiting it to one series helps narrow the list down by a massive amount. Second, this gives more obscure games a shot at getting remixed. As much as we all love the various Mario and Zelda tunes, there are other songs that are equally deserving of remixes. Why not give them a try? 2. Only 8-bit titles need apply. No Game Boy Advance or DS titles. Yes, we're including Game Boy Color games, because while it was a successor to the original Game Boy, it still ran the same resolution, sound and controls as the Game Boy. Color may have been a great upgrade, but the games were still Game Boy games. 3. Spin-offs are fine. Wario Land started out as part of the Super Mario Land series, but became its own series. Same thing for Pokemon: main series and the Trading Card Game are separate. Timeline of Project The nice thing about this project is we have a solid, undeniable date to release the album. April 21st, 2014. That's the day. Deadlines for WIPs and final versions will be based upon that day, as we need to have everything ready to go at least two months before that. I'd like three months just in case of any problems that arise. So we have a set release date, deadlines and a schedule to follow closely. It may only be just over two years, but a lot can happen in that time, so I don't believe there will be any problem meeting this release date. Talent Pool We Need Remixers: Can't have a remix album without remixers. Any applicants will have to submit sample of their work for quality and talent control. Even known remixers will still have to submit something to show that they are able to work on this album. Artists: for the cover, CD art, webpage and announcement video. Any artists will need to submit a portfolio (online, of course) of their work, and be able to complete an as-of-yet unknown number of pieces, in multiple styles. We'll select the best artist for the style of art we'll use for the album. Website designers: The website for the album is important, because it's the first thing people will see when they go to get the album. It has to work smoothly and without fault. Video editors: Those awesome videos that tease and announce the albums are really good to have. Youtube generates lots of attention, and that's exactly what the album will need when it's getting close to release. Again, you'll need to show us your past work to join. Who Else Is Involved? "But Mister Damned, sir," you're thinking, "who would join in on such a project? Everyone is already on one or more." You want to know who's already signed up for this project? I'll tell you who. The Damned. Myself, of course. WillRock. Will-motherfucking-Rock. ProtoDome. Because he sexies up everything. Also offering his art skills as well as his remixing skills. Halc. You may have heard of him. Brandon Strader. Yeah, I've never heard of him either. But he swears he's good for it. Rexy. I actually don't know who he is. Others are welcome to join, but any applicants must submit samples of their remixing skills. The Remix List Games/Series already claimed: Batman - WillRock Alleyway - Protodome Pokemon Pinball - Halc Dragonball Z - Legendary Super Warriors - Brandon Strader Donkey Kong Land - Rexy TMNT2 - Level 99 Metal Gear: Ghost Babel - DJ Mokram Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad - Drakken Pokemon - Dusk Final FantasY Legend - Moomba The Legend Of Zelda - TheGuitahHeroe We have a Google Docs page that will be updated more often than this post, so if you want to see what's been picked and by how, click here. Thanks for reading!
  17. You can't get any Apple laptop for under $1000. The cheapest Macbook Air starts at $1000 and they rapidly go up from there. That solves that problem. I've had a Toshiba and Samsung laptop, and I can't say I was happy with the Toshiba. They can make good TVs but I don't think they can make a laptop that works. I had to take mine back to the store about five times before the extended warranty expired, and they just ended up giving me a replacement (the Samsung). The Samsung, so far, is one and a half years old and hasn't given me any trouble. It runs just about everything decently but not super-awesomely. Without knowing exactly what kind of things you need for your audio software (and maybe hardware), I can't really recommend any specific model. But I would make sure that whatever you do get, do get the extended in-store warranty. People say it's a giant scam, but that doesn't apply to expensive, fragile things like laptops. It's saved my ass on that Toshiba multiple times and netted me a (mostly) free replacement.
  18. Dude, you posted that already. Stop reposting things from long ago, dude. Dude.
  19. I watched it and it came off as terribly cheesy. Like something a budding film student would come up with. Nice gesture but the execution was a bit off. It became obvious what they were going for after the first minute.
  20. Holy shit, been a long time since this thread was updated.
  21. Shut your whore mouth. It was a quick and dirty mock-up.
  22. Some slightly more obscure stuff from slightly obscure games. Come on, someone else must have put in Zelda as the name in Link's Awakening besides me, right?
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