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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I love how this rumor is given more credibility than the rumors everyone said were never going to happen but did any way. To suddenly do a redesign this soon after launching a new console (portable or otherwise) is unheard of. I can only think of one example, and that's Sega in the late 90s. RUMOR IS RUMOR UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. Armchair speculation isn't helping anything, and most likely just stirring up people that are easily inclined to believe anything they read or hear about the matter. How about everyone just wait until something reliable and official comes out?
  2. Link? I can't find it on there. As for the video, I love how some of the comments were "having real-life girl ruined it, next time use only puppets or people, NOT BOTH!", to which I would say that's stupid. Having Rattman as a puppet shows that he's not exactly human anymore. I don't mean he's a zombie or a mutant, of course. I mean, he's been in the tunnels and vents of Aperture for how long? Months? Maybe even a year? All by himself, with turrets and GLaDOS around every corner. His mind is worn and weary. He's barely functioning as the man he used to be. Chell being played by a living person helps to exemplify that. She hasn't had to deal with the constant threat of GLaDOS like he has. She's still relatively perfect and untouched. He's a broken toy that GLaDOS can't even be bothered with to get rid of. So fuck the people bitching about the puppet thing. They obviously didn't get the point.
  3. The name alone is worth giving these guys a quick listen. But I must admit I was disappointed when the image I had of you guys being a 1940s big band wasn't true Why do you hate me so much, imagination?
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pepa_quin/6031252882/in/photostream/#/
  5. It would be really cool if they had their own current, so you could get a boat and just let the flow take you wherever.
  6. Oh, you mean like the GBA E-Reader? Or R.O.B.? How about the Voice Recognition Unit? I was going to mention the GameBoy Printer, but it turns out there was a fuckton of games that used it. Mind you, Nintendo isn't the only one to do this stuff. Sega, Atari, even Sony and MS are guilty of it.
  7. Screw you, DS. Not all of us make moderator cash. (what do you mean, "voluntary position"?)
  8. Hmmm... $20 or so for an add-on for a system I haven't touched in months, to play a game I'm probably only going to go through once or twice. You know what sucks? Years ago, when there were tons of games on all kinds of systems, I had no money to get any of them. I had to get new games for birthday and christmas presents, and had to decide what was best choice out of the few I could get. Now I can easily afford all the systems and get just about as many games as I want, but I have a hard time justifying the purchase as I find I have less time and interest in any of them (and that's not an age thing, we're talking about when I was 25, not a teenager). Fuck you, progression of time.
  9. I guess I should get one of the MotionPlus things if I want to play Skyward Sword. Or can you get away without one?
  10. Hey, news update! North American release date of... November 20th, with a slightly earlier release for Europe. That's before christmas, which makes it a good christmas present (hint, hint, hint).
  11. Some Wii news... because I can't find the actual Wii thread after ten pages, so fuck it. A new Wii model (but not the Wii U). It has built-in MotionPlus, but loses GameCube game support. It's also smaller, just wide enough for a game disc and not much else. The best part? Europe-only exclusive, or at least Nintendo says.
  12. They're almost certainly on the list, it's a matter of "when can we release this game to get the most sales?"
  13. YES! I said this a long time ago, and no one did anything with it. Seconded!
  14. So... long time no news. According to Sony, every Vita game will be available as a digital copy. You have the option of buying every game as either a card or a download. That would be great for anyone that likes to have lots of games with them, but not carry all the physical media they're on with them. But I wonder how they will deal with stolen Vitas and the original owners getting all their games back? More account shenanigans? Still, it's pretty cool.
  15. No, it's page 150. Stop using the stupid settings.
  16. Oh, hey, just remembered you can download from Sound Cloud. Had to add some tags in the file, but it's in the MP3 folder now.
  17. Well, yes, of course, who doesn't?

  18. That's assuming that it's a bit-rate issue. It could be another less obvious problem. But yeah, try to find out which files have which bit-rates, and then test them to see if it is a bit-rate issue. If it is, then evktalo's advice should work.
  19. On my third listen. Nice job JT. EDIT: My favorite part is the loop at 1:43. "Arrr ceeee. Weeemix. 9000. THE HEDGEHOG!" It's hard to tell what he's saying, but it's oddly hypnotic.
  20. That's not true. And that's old. Why do you post old, untrue things on my member page? I should have you escorted off of these premises, good sir!

    If anything, you should have mentioned the Butterfree/Venomoth thing. That one actually has some plausibility to it.

  21. Make that Cliffy B. and we got a deal.
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